20 Mule Team Borax Review Plus Top 5 Laundry & Cleaning Uses For It

I was provided a box of 20 Mule Team Borax as part of my role as a Purex Insider (both products have the same parent company, Dial), and I've been using it for a while now.
There are lots of uses for this product, for both laundry and cleaning in your home.
In fact, many of the uses are listed on the back of the box, so I'm going to share my top 5 favorites with you:
1. Laundry booster: Add 1/2 cup to each load to help your laundry detergent work better.
Bathroom cleaner: Because this product, once wet, is slightly acidic it is great for
removing soap scum and
hard water deposits.
3. Deodorizer: While cleaning, this product can also freshen and eliminate odors in your home, and your laundry. It's great for sweat odors, especially in laundry!
Natural garbage disposal cleaner: Add a couple of tablespoons of borax to the garbage disposal and let it sit for 15 minutes, then flush with water and you'll have a freshened drain.
5. Natural
color safe bleach: At the same time you're using this product as a laundry booster it also acts as a natural bleaching agent, which is safe for both whites and colored fabrics.
Borax is actually a naturally occurring mineral, and there are many companies that sell it. The most famous of these is this particular brand, which has been in business since 1891.
It is sometimes hard to find in stores, but if you're looking for it make sure to head to the laundry aisle and look low on the shelves.
Borax Cleaning Powder {Referral Links}
I'd love to hear your reviews of this brand of borax, or any of the ways you use it in your home. You can
share your borax uses here, or read others that have already been submitted.
Plus, if you'd like to learn even more about this product, in general, check out my
borax powder article here.
I've got even more tips and ideas for using this versatile cleaning and laundry product below, so make sure scroll down for more.

The Dial Corporation provided me with a sample of this product in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.
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Borax Is A Good Natural Pre-Soak For Baby Clothes
by Amanda
Amanda says:
I use 20 Mule Team Borax to pre-soak baby clothes and also as a booster to the special
baby detergent I use in the wash.
It cuts down on odors and helps "loosen" stains.
I really like the fact that it is a natural product.
I also use it to pre-soak some of my own clothes, i.e. my robes and my tops, as it is good for tackling
formula spit up mishaps.
As you know, burp cloths are not the only thing that comes in contact with spit ups!
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your favorite uses for this product as well Amanda.
I really like that you've suggested
presoaking clothes with this product. This technique is one of my favorite (and easiest) ways to remove laundry stains.
Photo courtesy of Ewen & Donabel
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Uses For 20 Mule Team Borax Around Your Home

Below is a video that provides even more ideas for how you can use this product around your home.
Some of the included ideas include:
Killing mold. The recipe provided is 1 cup of borax combined with 1 gallon of hot water, and place in a spray bottle. Then spray on the moldy surface, let sit for several minutes or so, and then wipe it away.
(Get more
tips for removing mold and mildew from hard surfaces here.)
Remove soap scum and hard water deposits. Spread the powder onto the surface and scrub with a sponge.
Toilet cleaner. Pour a cup of the powder into the bowl and let it sit overnight for a
clean toilet naturally.
Laundry booster. Add 1/2 cup in with laundry load.
Dishwasher detergent booster. Add 1/4 cup added to dishwasher detergent will help
remove spots on glassware.
Here's the video for full details:
Photo courtesy of a reader, Amy
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Borax Is Good For Lots Of Laundry Stains And Odors
by Kathy
Kathy says:
I first started using this product for soaking baby clothes, but now that my kids are older I still use it for presoaking, only for different stains, such as general
grass stains.
I also use it as a booster to the wash.
It is also terrific when it comes to treating odors, such as the
perspiration that is generally associated with the same stains noted above, only we are talking about really dirty, stained, and sweaty socks!
I use this product every week and know that when my kids return from camp later this summer I could easily go through a whole box doing wash catch up, as I will be inundated with several weeks of really dirty laundry.
In addition to the Borax I also use any of the
detergents containing enzymes for washing their clothes, i.e.
Wisk, or
ERA, depending on which one I get the best deal on.
Generally I find the best sales on ERA and it works fine on just about any stains they bring home.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful ways to use 20 Mule Team Borax in your home Kathy.
It really is amazing all the things you can use borax for. You can see even more
borax uses here, or share your own.
Borax Cleaning Powder {Referral Links}

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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.