Ajax Dish Detergent Reviews
Below I've gathered quite a few reviews of Ajax dish detergent, which is a low cost brand available in most grocery stores and big box stores.
As you'll be able to see, there are mixed opinions about this dish soap, with some people really loving it, while others being less impressed.
I'll start the reviews with my own, and hint, I personally think this dishwashing liquid works pretty well, especially for the price!
Taylor says:
I recently finished a bottle of Ajax dish detergent, in the lemon scent, so I thought I would share my review with you.
I actually bought this dish soap because I saw a Consumer Reports report which had tested dishwashing liquids, to decide which was the best, and this one was rated one of the best values for the money.
It was considerably less expensive than
Dawn dish soap, for example, which is a kind I often use. Plus, you can often find coupons for Ajax which makes it even cheaper.
I have to confess, one of my favorite scents is green apple for dish soap, so at first I was rather disappointed to see that this brand only came in citrus scents.
Ajax Dish Detergent {Referral Links}
There were several kinds to choose from though, including lemon (which I eventually chose), lime, orange and grapefruit. I was pleasantly surprised by the nice lemon scent though when I
started washing dishes with it, and liked the way it smelled.
Overall I was quite pleased with the way this brand worked to clean my dishes, pots and pans.
It was a little thinner than the Ultra Dawn I often use, and I was concerned that would mean I would need to use more to get the job done, but that did not really seem to be the case.
I did go through the bottle much more quickly than I normally do though, but I was teaching my daughter how to wash dishes and when I set her to the task a couple of times without my close supervision I noticed she way over-soaped everything. She'll eventually learn you don't need that much (or at least I hope so!)
Overall, I was quite pleased with this dishwashing liquid, and I would definitely buy it again in the future. I'm not sure when I will though, since I've got a long list of different dish soaps to try out for providing reviews for this site, but once I've tried all the major brands I will probably use this one again for everyday use.
It is not so much that it worked better, but just comparable to other brands, but cost less. In today's economy that is a necessity!
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Photo courtesy of Mike Mozart
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Ajax Cheaper & Cuts Baked On Grease Better Than Dawn
by Martin Mcgovern
I have a stand up meat smoker which gets really filthy. I always have to soak the meat holding grates and smoker drip shield. Items get super baked and greasy.
I tried Ajax and was quite surprised that it worked better than Dawn. Baked on grime wiped right off.
For the price I like Ajax. I bought a 90 oz bottle and it has lasted over 6 months and still have 1/3 of a jug left.
Dawn seems to have more bubbles but also doesn't rinse off as easily as Ajax. For the money I like the max.
Taylor says:
Has anyone else used Ajax dish detergent in any of the scents, and want to share your own review? I would love to hear more opinions about this product or any other dish soap you like (or don't).
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share your dishwashing soap review here, or read even more reviews that have already been submitted.
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Something Off With Latest Bottle Of Ajax Dishwashing Liquid
by Heidi
Heidi says:
Ajax dish washing liquid is my go to dish soap. Or it was. It's economical and used to clean really, really well.
However, two days ago, I opened a new bottle after using up the previous one to find something was off.
(I used the version with the Oxegenated Action sticker on it.)
My sink filled with lots of suds. Normal.
The delightful smell of lemons met my nose. Normal.
Went to wash the tub of my electric fryer, and the grease wouldn't come off. Not normal.
Still had tons of suds in the water, but I watched as every time I wiped, the grease only ended up pushed around to surface of my fryer. It didn't come off, I only managed to push it around.
Weirdest thing ever!!!
Not sure if they reformulated it, my kitchen is now defying physics and all known science, or if I got a bad bottle. Never had this happen before.
All I can say is I was not pleased I had to run out to buy a different brand (
Joy Non-Ultra at Family Dollar) just to clean my fryer.

The Ajax worked just fine on the average dishes, which means I can still use it up for those, but not on my heavy cooking.
Anyone else have this problem recently?
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear that Heidi. I have been so busy testing lots of different brands and varieties of liquid dish soap that I haven't used this brand in quite a while.
What about other readers? Have you experienced this lately?
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Didn't Like Scent Of Ajax Super Degreaser With Lemon Scent
Product seems to work fine, and was the best price of the products available in my store.
But when I started to use it, I found out the "lemon scent" with "100% real citrus extracts" smelled exactly like that green-apple fragrance that manufacturers are all using these days.
I guess the green-apple chemical must be cheap, and someone must like it, but to me it really doesn't smell good.
Photo courtesy of Mike Mozart
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Ajax Grapefruit Dish Soap Made Hands Extremely Dry & Stained Counter
by Ruth
(Kapaa, HI)
Ruth says:
I purchased this brand because of its price. It was very reasonable.
I used the dish soap for approximately 3 weeks.
As far as cleaning dishes and pots it did a very good job.
I have used Ajax before and have always been happy with the results and the price.
This particular scent is a very vibrant red color.
I did not buy it because of its color or scent, I just needed dish soap and I thought the "grapefruit" scent sounded different.
My problems started about a week after I opened the bottle.
My hands became very dry, then my skin started to crack, leaving painful crevasses.
By the second week I had large chunks of skin peeling off my hands after doing the dishes.
It was then that I realized that I was allergic to it.
I never had any problem with this brand before, however, I did have a similar reaction to the
Palmolive dish soap which was dark green, and Dawn, which is dark blue.
I can only assume that the dye to make this bottle red was causing the problem.
It took another two weeks for my hands to heal.
On top of the major problem I experienced with my hands, when I finally resolved not to use the rest of the bottle and went to put it in the garage for car washing....I noticed it has stained my formica countertop.
Why do these companies insist on using so many useless dyes and chemicals???
I did write to the manufacturer to make them aware of this serious problem.
It appears I cannot use any dish soap with dye in it now.
They replied that they were sorry for my bad experience and sent me coupons...for the same item!
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear about this bad experience Ruth.
I am not aware of many dishwashing liquids that don't have dyes in them, but there are some. For example, many (but not all) of the
natural and eco-friendly varieties don't contain dyes, and many of them perform really well.

In addition, I recently tried
Dawn Pure Essentials, which is a dye free dish soap.
Unfortunately, all those alternatives are not as inexpensive as Ajax. I haven't personally found a lower-cost brand though that is dye free.
I sure hope your hands feel better soon!
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Lemon Ajax Dish Soap Too Watery
by Janel
Janel shared this review on the site's Facebook page, after reading my review of Great Value brand dish soap, which I didn't like too much.
Janel says:
I just finished a bottle of Ajax lemon scent...I just couldn't wait to finish it!
The way you felt about the Great Value Green Apple scent, that's how I felt about the Ajax -- it was just too watery.
I have used it in the past and was okay with it, but now it is just like using water...thin, thin, thin! :(
I guess it's back to
Dawn for me...I hate paying so much for it though!
Ajax Dish Detergent {Referral Links}
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your opinion with me Janel about this lower-cost brand of dish soap.
It is interesting that we both tried it (you can read my review above) and we came to exactly the opposite conclusion -- I though this brand was thick enough, but not you.
Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinions. I would love to hear from others who've also used this brand, sharing what you think about it, including whether you found it too thin, or not.
You can
share your dishwashing soap review here for this or any other brand, telling me what you thought about it and why. You can also read other reviews that have already been submitted.
Further, read more
cleaning supplies and product reviews here.

In addition, check out
Ajax laundry detergent reviews here.

Photo courtesy of Mike MozartRelated Pages You May Enjoy
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