Arm & Hammer Plus Oxiclean Power Gel Detergent Review
by Dorien Fairbanks
Dorien provided this Arm & Hammer Plus Oxiclean Power Gel detergent review.
Dorien says:
I recently tried a new version of my regular laundry detergent, Arm & Hammer. It's A&H Plus OxiClean Stain Fighters Power Gel.
Arm And Hammer Detergent {Referral Links}
I absolutely LOVE THIS PRODUCT!!! After washing some of my children's clothes I was astonished at how bright they were. It was as if I was seeing them again for the first time.
Laundry is not my favorite chore, but with this new detergent I may learn to like it.
Taylor says:
Thanks Dorien for your Arm & Hammer Plus Oxiclean Power Gel review.
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Arm And Hammer Power Gel With Oxiclean Review
by Renaye
(Kent, Ohio )
Renaye has provided this Arm and Hammer Power Gel with Oxiclean review.
Renaye says:
I am a loyal user of
Gain detergent. I typically will not buy anything else.
However, I was at my mother's and she gave me some coupons she had printed off the Internet. One of them was for the Arm and Hammer Power Gel Detergent with Oxiclean.
I had no intention of using the coupon though, when she handed it to me. You see, I had tried Arm and Hammer detergent a long time ago and it wasn't very good. I took the coupon as not to hurt her feelings.
The next day I went shopping at Meijer's and they had a double coupon day up to a dollar. They also had this detergent on sale for two dollars and fifty cents. The coupon was for $1.00 so with it doubled it would make the detergent $0.50 cents. I said to myself for $0.50 cents I would try it again.
I was kind of excited to try the detergent when I returned home. Later, when I started a load of laundry I poured a capful to put it in the wash, and I noticed how thick and nice it was, it truly was a gel detergent.
I recall Arm and Hammer being pretty watery in the past and this had a nice citrus like fragrance too.
When my wash was finished it was nice and clean and smelled very fresh. I have to say I was impressed.
The fragrance didn't last through the drying cycle but that is okay. My husband sometimes complains of the perfume like fragrance Gain leaves behind (I personally like that).
At the end of the day I would say this is a very good detergent. And yes I will buy this one again especially if I can get it as cheap as this one. It is a good quality product and I hope they don't change it.
I like that it's thick and can be used as a pretreater product and it stays put on the stain. Very good indeed I say.
Taylor says:
Thanks Renaye for your Arm and Hammer Power Gel with Oxiclean review.
Has anyone else tried this detergent, or any of the Arm & Hammer detergents, and want to share a review? If so,
share your Arm and Hammer detergent reviews here, or read others already submitted.
In addition, you can
share other laundry detergent reviews here, telling me which one you think is the best, and why.
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Arm And Hammer Plus Oxiclean Laundry Detergent Review
by Rachael
(Brighton, CO USA)
Rachael has provided an Arm and Hammer Plus Oxiclean detergent review.
Rachael says:
I absolutely love this detergent. It has the detergent plus Oxi-Clean, and it gets my clothes cleaner than just about anything else on the market.
I am a married mom of three kids--two boys and a baby girl. Needless to say, I do a LOT of wash.
Over the years I have tried dozens of detergents. While I have found some work moderately well and are reasonably priced, I love the Arm and Hammer plus Oxiclean liquid detergent.
It has a wonderful fresh scent, and it is extremely reasonably priced. One bottle of detergent will cost around $6.00 and get me close to 100 loads of laundry.
It has removed some of the toughest stains from my daughters clothes from
spit-ups to
exploding diapers.
It is gentle enough that it doesn't irritate her sensitive skin, but gets all the stains out of her clothes without having to treat them with any type of pre-wash solutions.
My oldest son has severe eczema on his legs and thighs, and I am able to use the detergent on all of his clothing as well without having to worry about
skin irritations or eczema flare-ups from the detergent.
My husband is a hard-working laborer who gets
stains and odors in the underarms of all of his shirts. I am able to use the detergent on all of his work clothes and not have to worry about lingering odors or stains.
I also use the detergent on all of my delicate undergarments, and don't have to worry about it being too harsh for my underwear.
It gets my things clean, without compromising the integrity of the clothing.
I highly recommend this detergent to anybody who wants fresh-smelling, clean laundry! I have used it load after load, and my whites come out clean, and my colors don't fade quickly.
Taylor says:
Rachael, thanks for your review of Arm and Hammer plus Oxiclean laundry detergent. It is great to find something that is both inexpensive and works well for you.
Does anyone else use Arm & Hammer laundry detergent? If so, please
share your Arm and Hammer detergent reviews here, or read others already submitted.
In addition, you can
share other laundry detergent reviews here, telling me which detergent you think is best, and why.
You can also learn more about
hypoallergenic laundry detergent here.
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Arm & Hammer Power Gel Laundry Detergent Caused Allergic Reaction
by SR101 Reader
I received this comment from an SR101 reader about Arm & Hammer Power Gel laundry detergent.
SR101 Reader says:
While I wish I could give this detergent a 5-star rating due to its amazing cleaning power, I must give it a 1 due to the horrendous rash it gave me.
I have relatively sensitive skin, but nothing too out of the ordinary. I've used regular Arm and Hammer for over 10 years and have yet to have an issue with it. It MUST be the Oxiclean!!!
If you even have moderate skin sensitivity, DO NOT USE THIS DETERGENT!!
If you're one of the lucky ones who does not have any type of skin sensitivity, this detergent is perfect.
I broke out in a rash from my neck to my knees, and had to wash everything (because it worked so well, I washed everything in my house that could fit into my washing machine) in my house twice to get all remnants of the detergent off of my clothing.
I wish that I could continue using this detergent, but I am unable to.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience with the power gel detergent with me.
People, in general, have been happy with the cleaning power of this detergent, especially in relation to fighting stains, but you are right, it does not come in a hypoallergenic version.
If you've suffered from
laundry detergent allergies you may want to check out my
list of hypoallergenic laundry detergents to find one which will hopefully work for you.
Has anyone else had problems with this detergent causing allergy problems? If so, share your
laundry detergent review here.
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Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent With Oxiclean Gave Me A Rash
by SR101 Reader
An SR101 reader shared this experience with the Arm & Hammer with Oxiclean power gel.
SR101 Reader says:
I've never used anything but Arm & Hammer laundry detergent. I tried recently the "oxiclean" version and despite never exhibiting any allergies to anything, broke out with the most painful rash all over my body.
I re-washed all my clothing with my regular Arm & Hammer, and the rash is starting to improve and no new areas have appeared.
Do I have to assume it was the "new and improved oxiclean" version? It works great on stains, but not on every skin it comes in contact with.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience with me. From what you've described it does sound like a
laundry detergent allergy to me, especially given the fact that the rash is now dissipating since switching back to your older version of detergent.
That is one of the disadvantages of this particular laundry detergent, in my opinion, which is that it does not come in a
hypoallergenic variety. Fortunately, the other versions of Arm & Hammer detergent seem to be OK for your skin, and they haven't discontinued them in favor of the Oxiclean Power Gel.
I guess I would just steer clear of this variety in the future.
Good luck, and thanks for sharing what happened. Has anyone else used this or another version of Arm & Hammer laundry detergent? If so, you can
share your review here, or read other reviews which have already been submitted. I'd be especially interested to hear about any allergic reactions you've had, and/or your experiences with the hypoallergenic varieties of this detergent.
***Update: I got another quick comment from a reader who also had an allergic reaction. This SR101 reader stated:
I used Oxiclean Arm & Hammer on my bed sheets. It made me break out in a rash. I used it on my socks and they itched and my feet felt numb, so I washed every thing in regular Arm & Hammer and now it is better.
The take away from all these comments and anecdotes is that this detergent, since it has a scent and
oxygen bleach in it, can cause allergies, so be careful! ***End update
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Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent Plus Oxiclean: Love This Stuff!
by Lindsay
Lindsay shared her favorite type of Arm & Hammer detergent with me, when I asked what kind fans on the Stain Removal 101 Facebook page liked the most.
Lindsay says:
This is the only detergent I use! I have been using it for about a year now.
I use the kind that has
OxyClean in it, as I have two small children, everything gets stained. It definitely saves clothes that I normally would have considered destroyed!
I recommend this detergent to anyone who is looking to find something that works.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much Lindsay for sharing your review with me! I'm always looking for cleaning and laundry supplies that us busy Moms can use to save time and money in keeping things clean around the house!
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Quick Arm & Hammer Plus Oxiclean Detergent Reviews From Readers
I have received several short reviews of this detergent from readers, so I have added them all to this one submission so you can read them all at once.
First SR101 reader says:
"I JUST LOVE this detergent. I just recently started using the Arm and Hammer Oxi Clean (Cool Breeze scent) and LOVE IT... The only problem is that I wish it came in larger bottles!"
Second SR101 reader says:
"I was thoroughly disappointed to find out that the Arm and Hammer Oxy Clean laundry detergent is loaded with chemical perfume. I am highly allergic to perfumes and have sensitive skin when it comes to detergents.
I was highly recommended to use this particular product because it is supposed to be gentle on skin. Quite the opposite!!!"
Third SR101 Reader says:
"This detergent makes your clothes feel and smell fresh. It eliminates all stains! Try it, and see for yourself. You will never go back to your regular detergent since it doesn't have the power gel's power!"
Taylor says:
That's quite a diverse set of opinions and reactions to this detergent.
I'd love to hear from you too, saying what you thought of it, and how it worked for you.
***Update: I got this quick question from a reader, Noodle, who asked:
I want to know if the Cool Breeze scent has been discontinued?
I checked into that Noodle, and at least as of this writing (in late 2012) it is still advertised as one of the scents on the Arm & Hammer website, which leads me to believe it has not been discontinued. Hope that helps! ***End Update
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Arm & Hammer Power Gel with Oxi Clean - Another Review
by Kimmie
(Fitchburg, MA - USA)
Kimmie has provided this Arm & Hammer Power Gel with Oxi Clean review.
Kimmie says:
Arm & Hammer is a trusted brand and has been for many years.
I have been using Arm & Hammer products for years, from the little orange box of
baking soda, laundry detergent and some of their health and beauty products.
After shopping around for a few years for a detergent strong enough to clean kids’ clothes but gentle enough not to irritate my daughter’s very sensitive skin, along with fitting into my household budget, I found what I was looking for in Arm & Hammer laundry detergent!
These days we use the Arm & Hammer Power Gel with Oxi Clean in the Fresh Scent. This is the best laundry detergent on the market and will not break the bank.
The baking soda washes away odors that can sometimes be left behind even after going through the wash, and the Oxi Clean is the “as seen on TV” multipurpose cleanser made famous by now deceased Billy Mays, works as a color safe brightener for colors and whites.
The gel formula is thick and doesn’t run when spot treating stains like
blood and food, and does a surprisingly good job of removing these stains.
It also rinses clean. There are never suds left over in the rinse cycle and it is safe for septic systems. This product is highly recommended!
Arm And Hammer Detergent {Referral Links}
Taylor says:
Thanks Kimmie for your Arm & Hammer Power Gel plus Oxiclean detergent review.
As you can see lots of people really love this detergent, based on both price and how well it cleans.
I've especially heard a lot of great things about the power gel version of the detergent, because people really like that it has such a thick formula and can be used to pre-treat stains, like it was a
laundry stain remover, not just a detergent.
So, do you also use Arm & Hammer plus Oxiclean detergent? If so, you can
share your Arm and Hammer detergent review here, or read other reviews already submitted, including review of other types of this detergent.
In addition, if you wish to review another laundry detergent you can
share your laundry detergent reviews here, about any brand, telling me what you like or dislike about the product.
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