Bounce Dryer Bar Review - Doesn't Seem To Last As Long As Promised
by Jessica
(Wilmington, Delaware)
Jessica has shared her Bounce dryer bar review, in the Outdoor Fresh scent.
Jessica says:
I recently purchased the new Bounce dryer bar because like the people in the commercials sometimes I'm so busy I forget to use a
dryer sheet.
It's super easy to put in, just a quick one step installation and it says on the box that it's suppose to last four months, but I don't really think that is the case.
I've been using the same one for about 2 months now and at first it was great! It worked just like a dryer sheet, and had a great fresh scent and left my clothes nice and static free.
However, lately I'm thinking it might be too good to be true. I'm only 2 months in and already the "fresh scent" isn't there like it used to be so I've had to resort to using the regular
Bounce dryer sheets that I love along with the bar which completely defeats the purpose of the bar.
I think from now on I'm going to stick to the sheets. The dryer bar was a nice idea but not a perfect execution.
Taylor says:
Thanks Jessica for your review of the dryer bar.
You didn't mention how many loads of wash you do each week. It strikes me that Bounce's estimate of how long the bar should last is probably based on some average amount of loads they think people do in a certain time period, and actual results would vary wildly because not everyone is average.
I would love to hear from others to say how many loads of laundry you dry each week, and approximately how long your Bound dryer bar has lasted, so we can get a better idea of how long it might last for someone else.
You can
share your reviews here of the Bounce dryer bar, telling me what you love (or don't) about it.
Just a helpful hint Bounce, if you're listening, tell people on the packaging how many loads the bar will last, not the time period it will last, since I bet a lot of people have been disappointed with this issue!
***UPDATE*** I actually asked some of my
Household Management 101 Facebook fans about their experiences with the dryer bar, and got 30 comments. Click the link
to find out what they said, which was really interesting.
Some of the highlights included that many people with large families, who do lots of laundry in a week, find the bar does not last as long as advertised. One woman actually called Bounce's customer service and was told the month estimates were based on 5-6 loads per week of laundry, so if you do more than that know the bar won't last as long for you as advertised.
In addition, there were some people who did not like that the bar collected hair, lint and fuzz from the clothing on and around its holder.
***Update: I actually found a picture of this problem from Blossom Bay, posted on, which you can see below. Yuck is right!***

Another con of the bar which I found alarming was that several people complained that the whole bar broke or crumbled for them. Apparently the Bounce dryer bar is quite fragile, and if it gets hit by something hard and heavy while drying, or even jostled around before it is even installed, it can break.
There were also complaints that the bar holder was very difficult to remove if you decided not to use it anymore. Several suggested products for removing the adhesive residue, including
orange essential oil and Windex multi-surface grease cutter.
On the pro side, many complimented the convenience of the bar, for those who forget to put the dryer sheets in when drying the clothes.
Further, the flaw I had identified in the Bounce dryer bar, which included not being able to pick and choose what items you want to use it on had a solution presented. It was suggested to pop the bar out for particular loads (not the whole holder, just the bar itself), which I was told was not too difficult to do.
***Another update: I've gotten another comment from a reader, also sharing that she didn't think the bar lasted as long as promised, because it fell off. She says:
I have not had a lot of success with the dryer bar.
It does not last 2 months in my dryer before it falls off. I have never used the entire bar, due to this problem. I like the idea but needs to be improved to stay on for 2 months.
You can read even more reviews from other readers below.
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I Love This Dryer Bar And Haven't Had Problems
by SR101 Reader
I really like this product and have used it for quite awhile now.
I have found that it lasts longer than expected, but I probably only do 3 loads of wash a week.
It has never fallen off or left streaks on my wash.
The wash smells clean and fresh every time.
I also don't have problems with lint or hair sticking to it.
I think that may be from putting too many clothes in the dryer but not sure.
I recommended it to my mother and she is using it now.
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Bounce Bar Won't Stick!! - Help Me!
by Niyla
Niyla asked me this question about her Bounce bar, sharing her problem with it sticking in her dryer.
Niyla asks:
I followed the simple directions of cleaning/wiping the drum with alcohol, removed the adhesive, and applied the holder to the drum. After about 4-6 loads of clothes, I noticed the holder and bar were mixed in my clothes. I repeated the steps, and they fell off again.
Is there anything else I can use to make it stick????
Taylor's answer:
Once you've used the adhesive on the back of the Bounce bar's base once, it cannot be reused. That is why, unfortunately, the holder fell off the second time you reinstalled it, it just didn't have enough sticky left.
However, when it comes to the first time you tried to install it, who knows what happened.
Here is the official video from Bounce sharing how to install the bar the first time, which should in theory be the most complete and accurate instructions.
***Update: Non-helpfully the company removed the video from You Tube, so I've taken out the link. Stinks though, because it was helpful. ***End Update
Since you cannot use the same adhesive again for your dryer, you will need to purchase a new holder. I would not suggest trying a do it yourself adhesive to attach the bar, because you don't want to ruin your dryer with it, and you also don't want the adhesive you choose to do something adverse to your clothes, or to react negatively to heat and be potentially dangerous.
Instead of buying a new holder though, since that is an expensive option, I would suggest calling the company's customer service. Bounce is owned by Procter & Gamble, and they generally have pretty good customer service. If I were you I'd ask for a coupon for a free product, so you could try again to install the holder into your dryer.
At the same time I'd quiz the customer service rep about installation while you have them on the phone, so the next time you try it you have some additional tricks up your sleeve so the bar doesn't detach again.
I've answered Niyla's question as part of my series of
laundry questions on this site. You can ask your own questions, or read other questions and answers already published too.

***Update: I got this comment from a reader, Daniel, expressing frustration with installation of this product as well. He said:
I did everything by the directions and had no luck keeping it in place. I am a single father of two on a fixed income and thought it was a great way to spread an already tight budget but I wasn't pleased with the results at all. So in the future I will be wiser when it comes to something that sounds like a great idea.
Photo by _rockinfree, from Flickr CC
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Bounce Bar Was Hard To Remove! I Won't Be Using It Again
by Suzanne
(Hawthorne, FL)
Suzanne has written in with her experiences with this product, in particular with what happened when she decided not to use it anymore.
Suzanne says:
The Bounce dryer bar was just "Okay".
Now I'm removing it from the dryer and as expected, it wasn't easy. It took some of the paint off of the inside of my brand new dryer.
I ran the dryer for 5 minutes as suggested but it wouldn't come off. Another 3 minutes and then it came off with a lot of effort with the plastic spatula.
Never again. I'm going back to my
dryer sheets. Much easier and not as expensive to use.
Taylor says:
Thanks Suzanne for sharing your experience when taking off the Bounce bar.
I was afraid that this would be a problem, and I see it to be a major disadvantage to the bar versus sheets.
Here is the official video from Bounce sharing how "easy" it is to remove the bar, with instructions for removal. ***Update: The company also removed this video, which is completely unhelpful, but because of that I've removed the video link. ***End Update
I would love to hear from other people to say whether Suzanne's experience is typical or not. Have you had trouble removing the bar, or has it been easier for you?
Jenny B says:
I found a video online and it said to use a spatula to help remove it.
After that it's suppose to be an easy clean with a warm cloth but it wasn't for me. Good luck.
Rebecca says:
The sticky part of the bar (that sticks to the drum) peeled the paint off the dryer drum. So I stick to sheets.
Therefore, that is another case of the bar peeling the paint off the dryer drum that I've heard of. If you have had a similar experience, please tell me about it.
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Bounce Dryer Bar Left Sticky Adhesive Behind When Tried To Remove It
by Jacelyn
Jacelyn has shared her experiences with the fresh linen scented version of this product.
Jacelyn says:
The product worked 'ok' but I preferred the
liquid softener.
When I attempted to remove the dryer bar holder I found it is impossible to get the sticky residue off the wall of my dryer. I followed the directions but the residue still remains, rendering my $600 dryer useless!!!
I'm now on my way to Home Depot to find '
Goo Gone' in the hopes I will be able to remove the sticky adhesive left behind. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT!
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience Jacelyn, but I am sorry it didn't remove easily for you.
I actually received a similar complaint above about this problem from another reader. I do think Goo Gone may work for you, or another
adhesive removal product like it to get rid of the sticky residue. If you try it and have a chance I would love for you to update me on how it worked, so I can know if I should keep recommending this remedy or not to other readers.
Goo Gone {Referral Links}
I would love to hear from even more readers who've used this product, sharing their reviews and experiences with it, good or bad. You can
share your review here, or tell me how you removed the sticky adhesive from your dryer.
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I Used WD-40 To Remove Sticky Residue Bounce Bar Left Behind
by SR101 Reader
This SR101 reader has expressed a common problem with the Bounce bar, since it must be stuck to the inside of your dryer drum, and therefore if you decide not to use it anymore you've got to take steps to remove it and deal with the consequences of doing so.
SR101 Reader says:
I found that the dryer bar did not work as well as the sheets.
When I tried to remove the holder it left a LOT of sticky residue.
I removed this by scraping off what I could with my fingernails and then
used WD-40 to removed the residue.
After using WD-40, I washed the area thoroughly and dried it before use.
Janie says:
I'd like to thank the person that suggested the WD40.
Of course I had to clean that product off my dryer drum when I used it, but it cleaned that gunk off my drum. Thank you.
Taylor says:
Thanks for your tip on how to remove the adhesives from this bar from your dryer drum.
I know lots of other people have had trouble with this, and although some methods have already been suggested, it is always great to hear even more ways that worked for people!
Has anyone else had to remove the adhesive from the dryer bar from your dryer drum? I'd love to hear how you did it too, so
share your tips here.
In addition, you can
read more adhesive removal product reviews here, or share your own.
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Holder Left Adhesive Residue On My Clothes
by Don
(Austin, TX)
Don says:
My previous experience with this product was OK, but I still prefer individual sheets.
I live in an apartment with a rented dryer in which the previous user had installed the "Bounce bar."
The holder has left adhesive residue on my clothes and I am now attempting to eradicate the darn thing - stay away in my opinion - once you use it, you're literally stuck!
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear you're getting sticky stuff on your clothes.
It can be a pain to get rid of all that stuff from your clothes. Here's how I
got rid of sticker residue from some clothing in my home.
In addition, you can find more suggestions of
adhesive removal products that might work at the link (or share some suggestions of your own!).
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I Have Trouble Finding The Refills In Stores
by Hchamberlain
Hchamberlain says:
I am unable to find the Bounce bar replacement, and therefore I often have to buy the one with the holder to get the bar.
In addition, after a few loads are dried my bar looks like I swept the floor with it.
I'm considering going back to liquid softener as I am able to buy it without going to several stores.
Taylor says:
That would be a problem if you can't find the refills, since there is no point in buying a whole new holder each time.
Do remember that another possibility is to buy the refills online, such as through the links at the top and bottom of the page.
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It Was A Pain To Remove Adhesive From The Bounce Dryer Bar From My Dryer
by SR101 Reader
A reader shared her experience with removing the adhesive from the dryer bar from her dryer.
SR101 Reader says:
I didn't like the bar. It didn't soften near as well as the sheets. So, I tried to remove the whole thing.
The adhesive just wouldn't come off. I tried
goo-b-gone and others. I finally got most of it.
I thought it was enough, but it left a nasty spot in the drum. I dried some clothes and they were ruined with bits of leftover adhesive stuck to them.
I tried heating up the dryer and using goo-b-gone again. This time I think it's really gone, but what a hassle! I'm swearing off all Bounce products now!
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience with me, but I'm sorry it was so bad.
I'm glad the Goo Gone worked finally. It is interesting that it also helped to heat up the dryer some for removing the adhesives.
Thanks so much for sharing what worked for you. I would also suggest using Goo Gone or another product to try to remove the adhesive that got on your clothing. You can read how I
removed sticker residue from my family's clothes here. Granted, once it goes through the dryer it is harder to remove adhesives, but I think it's worth a try for you if the clothes are ruined anyway. Perhaps you can salvage some of them.
Has anyone else needed to use a product to help remove the adhesives from your dryer when removing the Bounce bar? If so, please
share what adhesive removal products worked for you here.
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