Cascade Dishwasher Cleaner Review: These Pacs Are Great!
by Taylor
I recently used a couple of Cascade dishwasher cleaner pacs, and I have to say I'm quite impressed.
I found a pack of two at my local Walmart, and I was very interested in trying them since they looked like they'd easily dissolve like they're supposed to, unlike some of these darn bottles of cleaner with the wax seals that just don't seem to work in my dishwasher.
I wasn't expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised.
You need to use this product when your dishwasher is empty, which is one of the biggest challenges for my family, since as soon as we run one load there is always stuff to be added when we unload the clean load.
When you've got an empty dishwasher all you do is take out one of the packs, place it in your detergent dispenser, and start the cleaning cycle. Easy peasy.
I did notice that while it was in use the product created quite a powerful (but not unpleasant) smell while the machine was running, throughout the whole kitchen and downstairs of my home, and this scent then lingered for several days inside the machine itself.
I am not as sensitive to smells that are in cleaning products as I am to those in laundry products, but if you don't like strong smells, it would be best to avoid this product.
Not only were the packs easy to use, they worked really well. I noticed visible improvement in the look
of my dishwasher after using the first pack, and I went ahead and used the second as well (running the machine a second time) to get even more benefit since my machine was getting pretty grimy.
What I like about this product is that it attacks both types of soil that often accumulate in your dishwasher -- limescale and grease.
As I explained in a previous review, I still think the
Lemishine Machine Cleaner (click the link for my review) is still the best for removing hard water build up, but the Cascade packs are probably my second favorite product for doing this. Several of the dishwasher cleaners don't even address this mineral build up, which is in my opinion, quite silly since it is a very common problem.
I also like that the Cascade version also attacks grease and soap build up in the machine, which can also be a problem over time. I think I might begin alternating the LemiShine and this product in my dishwasher for cleaning it, since the Cascade packs attack the grease better, in my opinion.
Overall, I was happy with the way this product worked, and would definitely use it again.
Cascade Dishwasher Cleaner {Referral Links}
Has anyone else used this product? If so, I'd love to hear your experiences with it as well, either positive or negative. You can either submit your own review or
check out even more reviews of these cleaners from various brands to find the perfect one for your home.
Definitely Cleans But Smell Is Very Strong
by Jeff
(Boston, MA)
Jeff says:
Definitely cleans the dishwasher, but the smell is very strong, both during the cleaning cycle and for many normal cycles afterwards.
I am concerned about the product's safety, since many dishwasher loads afterwards with "clean" dishes still smelled terrible.
I will never use this product again, and will find alternatives.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience with this product Jeff.
I agree, the smell is quite strong, and I really wish they'd cut back, significantly, on the perfume they use in the little packets.
Has anyone else used this product for cleaning their dishwasher? I'd love to hear from you too. You can
share your reviews here of this or any other dishwasher cleaner telling me how it worked for you.
Cascade Dishwasher Cleaner {Referral Links}
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