Clorox Green Works Laundry Detergent Free and Clear Review
by Kerri
(San Antonio, TX)
Kerri has provided her experiences with Clorox Green Works laundry detergent, in the free and clear scent.
Kerri says:
While I found this detergent to work well and smell good, something in it caused my son to have hives for over 24 hours.
Once I changed his sheets and clothes to things that had been washed in our old detergent,
All Free and Clear, the hives disappeared.
I am thinking one of the plants in the 95% natural product caused his allergy. Just be cautious whenever you are trying a new detergent - make sure to keep track of when you start using it and when those items are worn by your family.
Taylor says:
Kerri, thanks for sharing your experiences with Green Works laundry detergent.
Your advice is very good to remember for anyone switching to a new laundry detergent, especially when people in your family are known to have a
laundry detergent allergy. Of course, even if you don't think they have allergy problems they might. I've even heard of detergents being fine with someone for several years, and then all of a sudden developing an allergy to it.
Kerri also makes a great point about
hypoallergenic laundry detergent. Even those detergents specifically designed to keep people from experiencing an
allergic reaction to laundry detergent can bother certain people's allergies. That is why I suggest whenever you switch to a new detergent, even a scent and dye free one, buy a small
bottle the first time to make sure no one in your family reacts badly to it.
Kerri, I know that Clorox Greenworks detergent is a more natural and eco-friendly laundry detergent. If you are interested in switching to one that is not as harsh on the environment, but still want a free and clear version, don't give up searching yet.
I know I've received several positive reviews of eco-friendly detergents in the scent and dye free versions. In fact, I've created a comprehensive list of
available natural laundry detergent brands that you can check out, and I've tried to note on there which ones are scent free.
I hope this can help you find something eco-friendly that is also scent and dye free that will help both the environment and your family, all at the same time, if that is what you are searching for.
Has anyone else used Clorox Green Works Laundry Detergent, in either the free and clear scent, or another of the scents and want to share a review?
If so, you can
share your laundry detergent review here, for this or any other brand.
In addition, if you have reviews of other eco-friendly hypoallergenic laundry detergents that you would like to suggest to Kerri, you can do that too!
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