Dawn Power Dissolver Review - Great For Cleaning My Oven And Stove Top
by Melissa
(Lancaster, Ohio)
Melissa says:
I have to say I could never live without Dawn Power Dissolver.
I bought it initially to clean pots and pans with but have found it to be an excellent
oven and
stove cleaner.
I like this product for multiple reasons. I guess first of all because it works.
I also like the fact that it is a multi-tasker. That way I don't have to buy so many different products.
Like I said, it is especially good for dirty ovens and stove tops.
I have a self-cleaning oven, but I prefer to use a non-heat cleaner for it instead of using that feature.
I used to buy
oven cleaner and wait forever for it to work, and the smell was horrible.
When I was pregnant with my second child I had an incident with a well-known brand of oven cleaner. I nearly passed out breathing the fumes while using it.
This is not a problem with Dawn Power Dissolver. Yes, there is a “smell” but it isn’t overwhelming.
Plus, it is not an aerosol product so it doesn’t carry as far into the area you are cleaning, which is what cause fumes and lung irritation, at least for me.
This product works wonders cleaning the oven and stove top. My method is that I clean up all the “big stuff” that just wipes away with a damp cloth first. I then spray on the power dissolver and let it “set/soak” for a half hour or so and return and clean it up. Rarely do I have to use a second application.
I also like that it is safe to use on the top of the stove (unlike oven cleaners),
and you can clean your burners and accessories with it too.
One word of caution, however. I used it on an older stove at my daughter’s first apartment and it literally wiped off all the numbers on the knobs and the name that was painted on the top of the stove. That is how strong it is!
So, if you are unsure test it first. She didn’t care this happened, nor did the landlord. They both just wanted a clean stove and oven.
In addition, here is another word of caution for this product. Do use gloves if you are going to be touching this product much when you are using it. It will take all the oil out of your skin and the first few layers of skin will peel off. The instructions tell you to use gloves and they aren’t kidding.
Dawn Power Dissolver {Referral Links}
Taylor says:
Thanks Melissa for your review of this product.
After you sent in this review I started researching this product further, and you are right -- it can be really strong.
That can be a great thing when you have to clean something really messy, like a cooktop or oven, but I always advise caution when using products like this.
Obviously, follow all safety precautions on the label and use it in a well ventilated area, and open windows to let in fresh air!
There are lots of uses for this product around your home, and I would like to hear from others sharing their experiences with it.
You can
share your reviews and uses here of this product (or any other cleaning supply you want).
In addition, you can
share your oven cleaner review here, or your
cooktop cleaner review here.
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Stuck On Food Is No Match For Dawn Power Dissolver
by SR101 Reader
SR101 Reader says:
I'll tell you the best solution I've ever seen for stuck on food...either pots/pans or on appliances is Dawn Power Dissolver!
That stuff is a freaking MIRACLE!
Doesn't matter how burned on it is. Just spray and let sit. Then it wipes off similar to oven cleaner, only not at all harsh or foul smelling.
Works wonders on boiled over food on the stove or toaster oven.
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It Didn't Do Anything To Clean Toaster Tray
Al shared before and after pictures of his toaster tray, which he tried to clean with this product.
As you can see, it had lots of baked on grease and grime on it.
In the before picture you can see that he sprayed the right side of the tray with the Dawn Power Dissolver, then he waited a half hour and then wiped off the cleaner.
The after picture shows not much improvement.
I wonder if you need to put a little elbow grease into it as well?
Further, this is a common problem -- gunky metal trays and pans in your kitchen. How do you successfully clean them? I'd love to hear your tips for cleaning bakeware and cookware here, or you can read other tips already submitted.
Before and after photos courtesy of Amazon.com
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Where Can I Buy Dawn Power Dissolver? Can't Find It In Stores
by SR101 Reader
An SR101 reader wrote in, asking me this cleaning question about Dawn Power Dissolver.
SR101 Reader's question:
I like this produce very much and used to buy it in my local supermarket. Then, it disappeared not only from my usual supermarket, but from all of the others in the neighborhood.
I think that it's still available in Home Depot, but there isn't one near where I live, so I order it online. But does anyone know why it isn't sold in supermarkets anymore? I noted that someone else mentioned this earlier.
Taylor's answer:
Thanks for your question about this product. I did a bit of research for you, and as far as I can tell Procter & Gamble, the makers of the Dawn brand of products, have not discontinued this product or anything like that.
Further, I did some research and found it is available at Walmart. Since it is sold online at Walmart I'm guessing it is at least available in most of their physical stores as well.
In addition, as you mentioned it is available for purchase additional places online as well (see additional links below). Therefore, I guess not enough people in your area were buying it to justify shelf space on your local store's shelves. However, like you said, that's a shame since Dawn Power Dissolver has so many cleaning uses.
I would love to hear from even more people sharing how you use this cleaning product, both for cleaning pots and pans, and also for other uses around your home. You can
share your uses and reviews here.
I've answered this question as part of the
cleaning help section of the site. You can ask me your own questions there, or see what other questions I've already answered!
Dawn Power Dissolver {Referral Links}
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