Downy Unstoppables Review - Fresh Scent
by SR101 Reader
I recently provided information about Downy Unstoppables, including my thoughts about the product. Soon after, I received this review from a reader.
SR101 Reader says:
I got a free sample of this fabric softener and decided to try it.
I loved the fresh smell and it lasted all week. My husband even commented on the freshness.
detergent or fabric softener has ever smelled so good. I am looking forward to purchasing more to use on all my laundry!
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Taylor says:
Thanks so much for your review.
Interesting, however, that you would call it a fabric softener, because really it is not. All that this product does is provide a scent to the fabric in the wash, but it does not "soften" clothes.
I know that Downy has provided a large amount of samples of this product, trying to get people to try it and then buy it.
Therefore, I would love to hear from even more people who have tried it, to share their thoughts and experiences with it.
You can
share your review here, or read the information that I provided about it, and my listing of the pros and cons, as I saw them, of this new product.
In addition, I would love to hear your reviews of any other laundry products. You can
share your laundry supplies review here.
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Downy Unstopables Caused My Son To Have A Severe Allergic Reaction
by SR101 Reader
I received this review from an SR101 reader sharing some of the potential problems highly scented products can have for some people.
SR101 reader says:
My son had a severe allergic reaction to this product. His body was covered in hives and they began developing in his ears and throat. We had to go to the ER and he needed a shot from an epi pen.
He has never had this problem before with any product and he is now on Prednisone, Benadryl and still has hives on his face.
I realize this could be a specific response for my son but I still feel that I should share this information.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for sharing this information with me. I hope your son feels better soon, and this never happens again. How scary!
I understand what you mean about allergic reactions, since in my family we always need to use
hypoallergenic laundry detergent because my son has a
laundry detergent allergy, although not as severe as what you've described for your son. That means I haven't (nor will I) be able to even try this product. It's just not worth it to me to know he'll break out if I do.
However, this is a good chance for me to point out that even if people in your family don't have allergies to scented products, your loved ones or friends who come to your house may have these issues.
If you are having overnight guests, for example, and normally wash your sheets and towels in heavily scented products, like Downy Unstopables (which is not bad to do, per se) mention this to guests to give them the opportunity to bring some of their own bedding, or have some bedding and towels available without this scent to let them choose. It can keep people feeling comfortable in your home, which is what we all want to do as hosts anyway.
Just a thought from another Mom of a laundry product allergy sufferer.
I really do hope your son feels better soon!
Has anyone else experienced any adverse reactions to the strong scents of this product? If so, please
share your experiences with me here.
Update: I've received quite a few additional stories, sent in from readers, who've experienced an allergic reaction from this product. So many, in fact, that I had to create another page for them. You can
read additional experiences from readers who have had an allergic reaction to Downy Unstopables here.
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Scent Boost From Downy Unstopables Is Wonderful And Addicting
by Alanna
(Broadview Hts, Ohio)
Alanna has shared her review of this laundry scent booster.
Alanna says:
I LOVE this product! It made my laundry smell amazing. The scent really lasts a LONG time. I find the fragrance to be strong enough to enjoy without being overpowering.
I used this several times with
liquid fabric softener, several times with
dryer sheet fabric softener, and several times on its own. I found the scent level and softness of the clothes was comparable each time.
I notice no difference in the "Feel" of my laundry when using this but the scent boost it gives is wonderful and addicting!
I love the Fresh Scent best...its clean,fresh and sporty. The Lush Scent is a delicate lavender and vanilla scent and is wonderful for bedding as the lavender is relaxing.
I experience NO bad side effects of using this product...even with our family's sensitive skin. I also experienced NO staining of my garments. I WILL continue to purchase these!
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience Allana.
I have not used this product myself, but I've been concerned that using it, along with a scented detergent, fabric softener or dryer sheet, might cause a scent conflict. Since you mentioned you've used Downy Unstopables along with some of these products I'd love to hear if you felt like there was a conflict between the scents. I would assume no, since you said you were happy with the results in all circumstances. Is that correct?
I would also pose the same question to other readers who have used this product. Have you noticed any conflict when using a couple of different scents of products, instead of using coordinating scents? You can
share your review here.
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Shimmer Scent Review: Not Using Again
by SR101 Reader
For quite a while this product only came in two scents, Lush and Fresh. However, recently the company added a third fragrance, "Shimmer," which comes in pink bottle.
Here's the first review I've received of this new scent, from an SR101 Reader.
SR101 Reader says:
I recently bought this product and I had a major allergic reaction to it.
Not only that but the product claimed to have long lasting scent, but after few days the scent wasn't even strong anymore.
I don't know if it's just me or the product itself.
I also notice some white spots on my bed sheets after using it.
I'm never gonna buy this product again.
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear about your bad experience.
Has anyone else used the newest Shimmer scent, and want to share a review? If so,
tell me about it here.
In addition, please note that the reader above is not the first to experience staining with this product. I've collected more
experiences shared about Downy Unstopables causing stains here, if you're interested in learning more about this issue.
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What Exactly Does Unstopables Do?
by SR101 Reader
I got this question from an SR101 reader trying to figure out what all this product does.
SR101 Reader Question:
I just don't know if I should add detergent to wash things with the Downy Unstopables or not.
I don't see where they say it washes or not.
I guess it washes clothes because you put softener in also??? Confused!
Taylor's Answer:
Thanks for your laundry question!
I can see where you're confused, in this day and age of everything performing multiple functions to make it "new and improved." However, in this case all these Unstopables does is add scent -- nothing else. It does not contain either detergent, nor any softeners.
Therefore, when using this product you need to add both detergent and fabric softener (if you want softness). You'll need to be careful though, since if each of these items also have scent you can really overpower your clothes, especially with clashing scents.
Hope that helps clear up your confusion!
I've answered this question as part of the
laundry help section of my site. Click the link to check it out, and see what else I've already answered, or ask a question of your own!
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Lush Scent Didn't Last As Promised And Way Too Expensive
by Melissa Grannon
Melissa has shared her opinion and review of this product.
Melissa says:
I love fresh smelling laundry, but it seems in my washer and dryer it just doesn't smell as good as everyone else's. So I decided when I saw the Unstopables on TV I would give them a try.
Purex had put something out a few months earlier but it softened and scented your laundry, the Unstopables only scented your laundry.
I used them according to the directions and they smelled good coming out of the container. Remember that, because it's the last time you will smell them.
At almost eight dollars for a very small amount of this product I would expect the scent to at least make it out of the dryer, but sadly it did not. I was using the Lush Scent.
Purex Crystals which aren't quite as expensive (they run about 5-6 dollars) do leave a scent that you can smell if you add them during the rinse cycle (not the entire wash as it calls for) so maybe I will try that with the Unstopables.
I won't buy them again unless I can get a super deal with a coupon or something. I would think they shouldn't be charging more than about three dollars for this product.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience with me Melissa. I agree, they do seem quite expensive for something that only adds a scent, and does nothing else, for your laundry.
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Absolutely Loved The Fresh Scent Version
by Rah420
Rah420 says:
I recently tried a sample of the fresh scent (about maybe a quarter of the cap size) and I absolutely loved it.
Although my thoughts go out to
those who have suffered allergic reactions, I don't think making the product illegal is practical since many detergents cause the same problems, or at least have the potential to do so.
Perhaps a better suggestion would be for Downy to formulate a version of Unstopables for sensitive skin?
I also agree that it's slightly over priced, but ladies, that's what sales are for!
I just picked up 2 bottles for the price of one and for the first time in a while, I'm kind of excited to do my laundry, lol.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your opinion of the product.
I agree, making the product illegal (which was a suggestion an exasperated reader who had suffered an allergic reaction suggested) wouldn't work well.
However, I would admonish everyone to be careful not to go overboard with the scent for this product based on all the allergies people have suffered!
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Lush Scent Of Unstopables Seems Weaker Month After Month
by Rachel
(North Carolina)
Rachel shared her experience with the lush scent of this product.
Rachel says:
I spent $6.00 plus in May 2012 to try this product. That was our big splurge for the family at the grocery store.
The first bottle was amazing. The scent lasted as promised. As a consumer I finally felt like a product delivered what I paid for.
Funny thing was I did not have to use a lot of little crystals in my fully loaded washer. That saved me money. WOW some bang for my buck, I thought.
Next month, I bought another bottle. I noticed that I needed more of the product to have the same scent on my clothing as my first bottle. (That's weird, maybe I am losing my sniffer sense).
Now, in the month of July 2012 I am not happy at all. In my opinion Downy filled a bottle of little purple balls that have only a slight scent.
It's a rip off. I will not buy this again. Buyer beware.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience with this product Rachel.
I have not personally purchased it myself, but I do know that I've gotten quite a lot of complaints from people who've had severe allergic reactions to this product.
This is completely conjecture, but based on such strong allergic reactions I wonder if Proctor & Gamble has reduced the amount of scent to try to keep the public from breaking out, en masse, in rashes and hives? Don't know for sure, just a guess.
I would love to hear from others who've used this product for several months in a row like Rachel, to say whether it seems to have as an intense of a scent as it did in the beginning or not. You can
share your review and experience here.
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I Love How Good It Makes My Laundry Smell
by Lauren
I used my free sample today.
I'm pregnant and have fallen in love with how good my laundry smells.
I can understand why people wouldn't want to pay for a second or third item for their laundry, but to me it's worth paying extra for it, just because I enjoy the scent so much.
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Made Me Itch And Didn't Make My Laundry Soft
by SR101 Reader
An SR101 reader had this to say about the product:
SR101 Reader says:
I bought this product and I loved how it smells.
But after the first time I used it my body started to itch, and now I have some sort of dry patches all over my chest, stomach and a little on my face.
I also found out that this product doesn't make my laundry soft.
The only thing it does is the long lasting smell.
I wish the company would really research about this product and do something about it because it's an amazing product and I would love to be able to use it again sometime in the future. Thank You!!
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear you had an allergic reaction to this laundry scent booster, but unfortunately you're not alone since I've gotten lots of
reviews from others sharing similar problems.
In regard to the complaint that the product didn't soften your clothes, I'm not surprised. Although it is made by Downy, known as making
Downy fabric softener, this product isn't a softener at all, but merely a scent booster. So, it isn't even designed to make your fabrics feel softer against your skin, and you'd need to continue using a softener for that effect.
I can see why you'd think it should soften your clothes though, and I don't think the product packaging or the company go out of their way to explain to consumers that it doesn't. I'd be curious to hear how many others were confused and thought it was a softener as well?
Make sure to
share your experiences with me here.
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I Don't Use Full Recommended Amount But Love It
by SR101 Reader
I've used this on my family, ages 2 to 77 with no problem.
I love the smell, but I don't use the full amount that is recommended, which may be the problem for those who are complaining about allergic reactions.
But still using less than recommended it has a great smell.
I've even used it on a window sill by a fan for a room deodorizer, and then still used it in the washer.
No reaction what-so-ever, so try using less if you're having trouble with a reaction to it.
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Makes The Laundry Fragrant For Weeks!
by Joycekk
I only use 2-3 teaspoons of the discs in my front loader and it makes the load fragrant for weeks!
I have never had a problem with "spots" on any of my laundry.
I have had that with liquid softener when I've used it.
I use dryer sheets most of the time.
I have a preference for the lavender color but have used and enjoyed the other colors as well.
I have tried the Purex "sand" crystals but prefer Downy.
I think they are priced too high but try to purchase with coupons or on sale.
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Purple Version May Have Clogged My Washing Machine
by Elaine
(Calgary, Alberta)
Elaine says:
I did not find that the scent was any better than regular Downy fabric softener.
However, I do wonder what it does to the washing machine innards because my Bosch front loader won't drain and needs repair now.
Maybe this product is not the cause but I do wonder?
Taylor says:
Thanks for contacting me Elaine.
I would not conclude this product caused your drainage issues until a repair person tells you that, because unfortunately a lot of things could cause that problem.
Have any other readers had any problems with this product clogging up your washer? If so, please share your experiences with us!
***Update: Another reader wrote in saying:
I have used this product for six months and am now having issues with my Maytag Commercial top loading machine. It doesn't want to fully drain, just thought maybe there might be a build up of a residue. I have stopped using it and hopefully my washer will perform like it used to.
Taylor says: Please keep me updated about this. Again, right now, without a repairperson finding the crystals clogging the drain I'm just not sure that this is the problem, but I'm not ruling it out either. Just would want more definitive proof! ***End Update
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The Scent Beads Didn't Dissolve & Clogged My Washing Machine
by Nikki
(Sarasota, Fl.)
Taylor's note: Above, in the previous submission, I said I wanted more definitive proof of these beads clogging the washer. I think this experience shared by Nikki might just be it.
Nikki says:
I am a huge "smell" person, so when I heard about the Downy scent boosters I was in love before I even came in contact with them!!
I absolutely love the smell of them although it stinks that they aren't all equally as powerful smelling.
For instance, the purple isn't nearly as strong as the blue (fresh) scent.
Before I used them I read the directions. I placed a cap full in my front load Bosch Nexxt premium high efficiency washer and smiled as the house filed with that great smell....until one day my washer stopped mid-wash.
When I checked my washer it said drainage blocked.
We attempted to clear the blockage and were temporarily successful. This happened about 3-4 times.
Finally after the last time we vacuumed out the blockage and a big blob of undissolved and melted beads were sucked out of the drain. This was the cause for my blockage.
I am now too afraid to use this product any more.
Is this a normal occurrence? Am I the only person that had had this happen?
I will say that I usually wash my clothes in cold water, but occasionally I will run a hot this the reason they didn't dissolve??
Taylor says:
I'm so sorry to hear about this Nikki, but thanks for sharing your experience with us.
The answer to your question is I doubt you're the only one this has happened to with a clogged drain. I had a couple of reviewers mention something above, but they weren't sure. It sounds like you confirmed the problem.
I would love to hear from others to know whether this is a common experience or not. Please comment to share your own stories and also any tips you've found for dissolving them so this doesn't happen.
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The Lush Scent Of Downy Unstopables Makes Me Feel Like I'm In A Luxury Hotel
by Amanda
(Niceville, FL)
Amanda sent her review of Downy Unstopables.
Amanda says:
I LOVE this product but it is pretty expensive. So, I have decided to only use it on bedding and towels.
It feels like I'm in a luxury hotel when I wash my bedding with this and I noticed that my children and husband and I all get a great nights sleep on "bedding day."
I just wish the scent would last longer, it seems to wear off after only a few days.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for sharing your review Amanda.
That is interesting that you say the scent doesn't last that long, because the name implies that the scent lasts and lasts, and is "unstoppable."
I also agree that it seems very expensive to me since its only function is to add more scent! However, if it makes you feel good when you smell it that might make it worth it. :)
If anyone else has used this product and wants to share a review I would love to hear it! You can
share your review here.
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