Dr. Bronner's Soap Review: Unscented Baby Mild Organic Liquid Castile
by Taylor
I recently bought a bottle of Dr. Bronner's soap, and wanted to share my review of one of the most popular brands of organic castile soap that is currently available on the market.
I'm not sure how many people are aware of this brand, but I bought my bottle at a health food store, and I've also seen it available in the natural cleaners section of some grocery stores. You can also purchase it through the links below I've provided.
I chose the unscented baby mild variety, because I sometimes like to add my own essential oils to various
homemade cleaning products, and this way I have a "clean palette" to make whatever scented product I would like, or no scent if that is what I want as well.
(You can see some of my suggested
essential oil recipes for cleaning products you can see, if you're interested in doing something similar.)
However, there are lots of scents available as well, all using high quality essential oils, in lots of different scents, including tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus, almond, rose, citrus and lavender if you want to get it scented.
I chose the liquid version, since I find this easiest to use for making various cleaning products, but there are also bar soaps available.
As I mentioned, this is castile soap, which is an all natural soap product. This product is made not just with olive oil, as many castile soaps are, but also with coconut oil, hemp oil, jojoba oil, and some additional ingredients, all of which are organic and also fair trade.
everything you can do with regular dish soap
you can do with this liquid soap as well. Plus, really you can do more with it than even that can do. This stuff can be used to wash your body (and hair), create all kinds of cleaning products, and even to wash your laundry!
I personally have only used it as an ingredient in various cleaning product recipes, but was quite happy with it for that purpose.
I have learned that a little of this stuff goes a long way.
This soap is very concentrated, so the FAQs suggest to:
dilute from one part soap into 40 parts water for light cleaning, to cutting it in half or using it full strength for heavy-duty grease-cutting jobs.
Further, for laundry the FAQs have these instructions:
For the laundry, use 1/4 cup to 1/3 cup for one regular load; adjust as needed depending on hardness of water. I've been told that adding a dash of baking soda makes it even better.
I will note that this product is a real soap, not a detergent.
That means it will foam a lot, especially because of the coconut oil that is one of its main ingredients. Therefore,
it is NOT ideal for use in HE washing machines.
Dr Bronners Soap {Referral Links}
There are lots of uses for castile soap for those who wish to practice green cleaning in your home. I would love to hear how you use it, and also what brands or scents you choose to use, and why. You can
share your natural soap reviews here, or read others that have already been submitted.
Further, if you like to use eco-friendly cleaning products check out all these
reviews of green cleaning products!
Quick Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps Review: Peppermint Scent
by SR101 Readers
A couple of readers shared their reviews of the peppermint version of this product.
ReindeerTrout says:
I've used the Peppermint Castile soap for about 25 years. LOVE this stuff.
When you're not a morning person, it really wakes you right up!
Holly says:
I use the Peppermint version on my dogs. It kills fleas, but I do have to use conditioner after the shampoo otherwise their fur feels weird.
Also, I use the Peppermint in the summer as a body wash, very cooling!
Taylor says:
Thanks for this quick reviews!
There are lots of different scents, and types of this product so I would love to hear from even more people sharing which one they like, and why.
You can
share your review here and I'll add it to the page!
Dr Bronner Soap Bars {Referral Links}
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