Easy Off Oven Cleaner Review - Fume Free Lemon Scented Version
by Lila
(Rutland, VT)
Lila has provided her Easy Off Oven Cleaner review.
Lila says:
I use Easy-Off Fume Free, with lemon scent (the blue can), to clean my oven.
I bought it because I hoped it would work as well as the original (the yellow can) without the toxic fumes.
Who doesn’t like to spray, wait, and wipe? If the directions are followed, Easy-Off Fume Free works great for the bottom and sides of the oven for every type of spill and burned on mess I have encountered.
Once it has done its job, it takes lots of wiping to get all the cleaner out of the oven though. I use a couple of sponges which I rinse as I clean. I tried paper towels but it can easily use a whole roll.
I have not found a good way to get the oven window clean, it seems like it takes a couple of coats and some scrubbing, which can lead to scratches on the window.
I am not very patient, so rather than waiting through another round of Easy Off, I end up using a combination of
baking soda,
vinegar, and
lemon to get the window sparkly.
Easy-Off Fume Free oven cleaner seems far less toxic then the older version, but it is still very strong.
I use gloves or it irritates my skin. Also, I wear old clothes because the combo of greasy oven gunk and oven cleaning can stain my clothes.
Finally, while I hoped fume free would mean no toxic smell, I was disappointed. The smell is not as eye watering as the old version (I don’t feel the need to dawn a mask). But, I would not recommend using it in a closed room. Turning on the oven vent or having windows open while cleaning and after is a must.
This product continues to be in my
cleaning supplies. It does a great job cleaning stuff that might not come off otherwise.
It has some other uses too.
1) It works great on the
grill (now they have a version just for the grill).
2) When used carefully, it can turn the scariest
grungy shower sparkly clean. I am not sure if I would recommend it for
cleaning the bathroom since that is clearly not its intended
use and it can certainly discolor metal and plastic, but while I was in college I learned this little trick.
Easy-Off Fume Free is a great cleaner that for the most part does what it says it should do.
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Taylor says:
Thanks so much Lila for your Easy Off Oven Cleaner review.
Easy Off comes in two varieties, as you mentioned, a blue can and a yellow can. The blue one is the fume free version, and they actually also came out with a spray bottle version of the fume free, so you can use spray instead of aerosol. I like that, because it means even less fumes I would think.
I have gotten lots of reviews on the blue can (see below for more), so based on this unscientific analysis I believe that the fume free version is more popular.
One very positive thing about the blue can version is that you can (at least according to the label) use it on both regular and self-cleaning ovens. I also called the company and checked, and according to them you can use the blue can on gas ovens too.
The yellow can is Easy Off oven cleaner's heavy duty version. It is not for use on self-cleaning ovens, but can be used in either gas or electric regular (not self-cleaning) ovens. It is much stronger, and has heavier fumes associated with it, so I would definitely use the blue can if you can.
***Update: I've gotten quite a few very
alarming reports about both the yellow and blue cans, sharing how they harmed various stainless steel surfaces, despite the can's label saying clearly the product was safe for this surface. You should definitely read these before using this product! ***End Update
With both versions you don't need a preheated oven, which is also a nice feature.
I like that you've shared additional uses for the Easy Off oven cleaner Lila, but I do want to caution people that they always use products at their own risk if they use them in a way contrary to the instructions on the label. So, just be careful!
So, does anyone else use this oven cleaner and want to share a review? You can
share your own oven cleaner review here, of this brand or any other brand, or read other reviews already submitted.
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Easy Off Fume Free Oven Cleaner Review - Used By Professional Cleaner
by Great Cedars Cleaning
(Seattle, Washington)
Here is a review of Easy Off Fume Free oven cleaner I received from a professional cleaning company.
Great Cedars Cleaning says:
As a professional cleaner time literally is money. Thanks to Easy Off Fume Free we've been able to maximize our time, while still providing stellar service.
Originally, we purchased it due to the fact that it didn't have all of the noxious fumes and respiratory irritants. We continue to use it, because it saves a ton of time and has a fresh scent, rather than reeking of chemicals.
From lightly baked on soil to two years of greasy, charred buildup, this product can handle everything we spray it on.
Occasionally, if the soil is really caked on we'll need to use a razor blade, but generally it cuts through most of it and the oven wipes clean.
We spray it, clean the rest of the kitchen and the oven is ready to be wiped out and shined.
It's also very gentle on our lungs and skin. As someone with extremely sensitive skin I've had no problems at all while using it.
It's a dream come true for us and our customers are thrilled with the results!
Taylor says:
Thanks for your review of this oven cleaner.
I bet you clean more ovens in a year than I've cleaned in my whole life, so it is great to hear from a professional.
So, do you have a favorite oven cleaner? If so, you can
share your oven cleaner review here, or read other reviews already submitted.
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Easy Off Oven Cleaner With Spray Bottle Works Well On My Self Cleaning Oven
by Leah
(Gresham, OR)
Leah has shared her Easy Off oven cleaner review, of the blue spray bottle variety, which is fume free.
Leah says:
I used the Easy-Off which is safe for self-cleaning ovens. It is easy to use and was the first spray oven-cleaner I found for self-cleaning ovens. I prefer a spray bottle to an aerosol can.
It is advertised as fume free. While the fumes were slightly detectable, neither that nor the scent were overwhelming.
Just spray it in your cold oven and either leave it two hours or overnight. Leaving it on two hours works pretty well, often in a shorter period than the two hours.
It gets most spills up but a really big baked on area may need to be resprayed. After letting it set, you simply wipe the residue with a wet cloth, sponge or paper towel.
Normally I start with a paper towel so I can throw it away then follow up with a wet cloth so I can do several additional rinses then finish up with a final clean rinse.
This oven cleaner also works well on the burner covers. I usually spray them and let them set overnight with an additional spray the next morning.
Taylor says:
Thanks Leah for your review of Easy Off's spray bottle oven cleaner.
The big advantage I see to the spray bottle version, as compared to the aerosol version, is the amount of cleaner that gets in the air. There is just less with a spray bottle than with aerosol generally. Plus, it would be easier to use it for spot cleaning your oven, I would think, if you just wanted to clean a small area instead of the whole thing.
In addition, the spray bottle is advertised to be safe for porcelain enamel, ceramic, and glass cooktops too, which means you can use it on more areas of your home, which is always a good thing so you don't have to have so many different cleaners in your home at once.
Has anyone else used the Easy Off spray bottle version of their oven cleaner? I would love to hear your reviews of this item too. You can
share your oven cleaner review here, of this or another brand or version of the product, or read other reviews that have already been submitted.
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Heavy Duty Yellow Can Oven Cleaner Truly Is Great
by SR101 Reader
Ok, so my life does not revolve around cleaning my oven. In fact, I have never cleaned my oven. It is more than several years old.
Not sure what prompted me to do it today, but bought EO Heavy Duty, sprayed on warm oven, waited 20 min and literally wiped years of gunk off with paper towels.
Now let's get real...this was a DIRTY oven, so the floor took a re-spray and some elbow grease and only a straight razor lifted the worst of the burned-on bits from the glass, but they are gleaming like the walls and door. Racks too. Truly looks like a new appliance.
Word of Caution: This is a toxic cleaner. Use heavy duty gloves, good ventilation and protect your kitchen floor. But, in the end, Easy Off Heavy Duty Oven Cleaner really does the job. I am SO happy with my clean oven!
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Gas Self Cleaning Oven Discolored By Yellow Can Of Easy Off
by Jenny
Jenny says:
Hello, I found your site while I was looking for how to fix my discolored oven interior after I used Easy Off yellow.
I have been used Easy Off blue, but I was not that satisfied so I decided to try the yellow can.
I followed every direction for my heavy duty dirts, and after I cleaned up my oven I noticed my oven interior is totally discolored.
Yes, my oven is 6 months old. Brand new gas oven (it is self clean, but I am still confused because it says gas oven ok, but no self clean oven? And is this possible to find 'not self clean' oven in 2014?) and I did not catch that tiny warning sentence.
I feel terrible and disappointed.
Does this mean I cannot use my oven's self cleaning function? (I have never tried).
The oven works fine but I am pretty sure now our house's re-sale value is decreased.
I will ask Easy Off company and Whirlpool, but I would appreciate it if I could find similar experiences as mine or how to fix this disaster without buying a new oven through your web site.
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear this happened Jenny.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, you're not alone. (At least you have someone to commiserate with, although I wish it hadn't happened to anyone.)
I have no idea if you can use your self-cleaning settings on your oven now. To be on the safe thing I would check with an appliance repair person before using it.
I've (tried) to answer this question as part of the
cleaning help section of the site. Check it out if you've got your own question, or see what else I've already answered.
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I Hate Cleaning The Oven And Easy Off Wasn't So Easy
by Stacey
(San Antonia, TX)
I hate cleaning the oven, every time I clean the thing I go to the store and try a new cleaner.
I should have know better when I tried Easy Off Fume Free. First, the stuff still kinda smells. Second, it cleaned no better than anything I’ve ever tried to clean my oven with.
Endless scrubbing, and having to repeat for dismal results in the end.
The only thing that Easy Off Fume Free is a sure fire thing to clean is stuff like markers. It makes a great solvent when I paint models, abut not great as an oven cleaner though.
Taylor says:
Thanks Stacey for your Easy Off oven cleaner review.
Has anyone else used this product and been disappointed with it? If so, I would love to hear from you. You can
share your oven cleaner review here, or read others that have already been submitted.
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Easy Off Fume Free Is My Favorite Oven Cleaner
by Crystal
(Wheeling, WV)
Crystal has shared her review of her favorite oven cleaner.
Crystal says:
Easy Off fume free oven cleaner is by far my favorite oven cleaner.
Fume free is exactly what it says, there are no fatal smelling fumes. I feel comfortable and safe using it as often as needed, especially for spot cleaning my oven.
It does the job it says it will do. I spray it on the oven stain and it removes the stain directly.
I have a self-cleaning oven, but I don't use the feature much. I like that I don't have to put the oven on the cleaning cycle with this product.
In addition, some other oven cleaners have cause my hands to have severe allergic reactions. The Fume Free version cause no damage to my sensitive skin whatsoever. I don't even wear gloves when using it, if I'm just cleaning a spot or two.
Taylor says:
Thanks Crystal for sharing your Easy Off oven cleaner review.
If you have a favorite oven cleaner, I would like to hear about it. You can
share your oven cleaner review here, or read other reviews already submitted.
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I've Used Easy Off Oven Cleaner For Years In 10 Different Apartment Ovens
by Jenna
Jenna says:
Easy Off brand oven cleaner has been my ultimate go to cleanser for years.
This product has purified some of the worst oven atrocities the good old state of Texas has had to offer. You see, I have been an avid resident of apartments for about twelve years due to constant career relocation.
You would be surprised how many apartment complexes can remember to shampoo a carpet for new customers while completely neglecting an oven in constant use for decades without a single wipe down. Ten apartments to be exact.
The thing is, for these kinds of caked on messes, you need a cleanser with industrial strength but that will not have you spending the night in a motel while the "stench" of industrial strength cleanser airs out of your new home.
That is what you get with Easy Off. An industrial strength clean without the harsh smells or scratchy irritants.
This product carries more of a lemon fresh scent to point a fact. The kind of scent that removes prior odor and lets you know the smell of grease and food splatter is nonexistent in this oven anymore.
The cleaning power is the main factor of why I've stuck with it through the years. For my eventual home and the many more apartments to come Easy Off is the brand I'll continue to trust, because it has worked for me.
Taylor says:
Thanks Jenna for sharing your Easy Off oven cleaner review.
Wow, lots of you have shared your opinions about this oven cleaner with me. Thanks to everyone! I hope this has been a great resource for those of you looking for a new oven cleaner, or trying to decide if you wanted to buy this one.
If you want to share what you think is the best oven cleaner, you can also
share your oven cleaner review, or read other reviews already submitted of other brands.
This page has also gotten pretty long, so I've started another page in regard to
more reviews of Easy Off here.
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