Fels Naptha Laundry Soap Is Awesome For Removing Laundry Stains

Fels Naptha soap is one of the best and most versatile laundry stain remover products you can use in your home, and as I've learned it can do a lot more than just remove stains!
Below I've gathered up quite a few uses for this product for stain removal, cleaning, and more!
It started with this comment from a reader, Lindsay, that got me thinking I should collect all these uses together, so here's what she said:
Lindsay says:
I love Fels Naptha laundry soap to get out many of my laundry stains.
My Mom used it, and so do I.
All I do is keep one of the bars of the soap on a shelf in my laundry room and whenever I come across a stain from one of the kids' laundry I just wet the bar a little and rub it on the stain.
It seems to work on just about everything I've tried it on, even
ballpoint ink!
I love that the bar lasts a long time, and is very inexpensive too.
There is no reason, in my opinion, to buy more expensive products when this one works so well.
Fels Naptha {Referral Links}
Taylor says:
Thanks Lindsay for sharing your laundry stain remover review.
I have heard about Fels Naptha because it is the soap the Duggars (you know, 19 Kids And Counting) use in making their own
homemade laundry detergent.
I would love to hear from others to share what stains they've gotten out with Fels Naptha soap, and what
homemade cleaners you make with it. You can
share your reviews and uses of it here, and the best ones will be added to the page or site!
Further, while Fels Naptha is one type of laundry bar soap, did you know that a regular bar soap can also be used as a pretreater. You can find out more
bar soap uses for laundry stain removal here.

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Fels Naptha Is A Simple Tool For Removing Tough Stains
Jenny shared this quick tip on Stain Removal 101's Facebook page, and I just had to share it here too.
Plus, I've added several other reader comments as well.Jenny says:
For tough stains or if I don't have time to soak, scrub with Fels Naptha soap. I LOVE that bar of laundry soap!!! Great for getting
grass &
mud stains out of sports uniforms!
Denise says:
It works really well on stains that have been washed as well…..put it through a rinse cycle so it is wet, put Fels on it and then use an
old toothbrush.
Only stain I haven't been able to get out is a REALLY old
coffee stain that a certain someone at my house didn't tell me about and had been wearing under a sweater!
Yolanda says:
f you asked me to give my opinion regarding Fels I would sum it up in three words, simple, effective, and inexpensive.
I have used it for several years to pretreat shirt collars and cuffs, blood, formula, grass stains, etc.
It lasts a long time and does a great job in removing stains.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing how you get out these tough stains.
I'm curious, what other stains do people remove with this laundry soap? It seems the list may be endless! :) Please
share your uses here.
Photo courtesy of S. Wilson on Amazon.com
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Great For Shirt Collars, Cuffs, And Baby Formula Stains
Myra says:
Fels Naptha is great for pre-treating shirt collars and cuffs.
It is much cheaper than and other pre-treaters and is just as effective, especially when you have to wash a lot of white shirts.
It also works well on
baby formula stains.
Taylor says:
Thanks for these tips Myra.
You're actually not the first person to suggest this laundry soap bar for formula spots. In fact, another lady suggested
taking a bar with you when you travel to keep from having to presoak everything later.
***Update: It seems just about unanimous, readers keep recommended this soap bar for formula stains. Here's what some more ladies said:
Virginia said: I have saved clothes that were stored with formula stains for several years (sentimental to me) and then I found this amazing and cheap soap that really works.
Lorrie says: Love it. My mother-in-law told me about this when my kids were babies. Works great on formula stains and lasts a long time.
***End Update
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Fels Works Wonders On Softball & Baseball Uniforms
I am sensing a theme with these comments I've received about how these readers use this product!
Megan says: My mom used it on baseball pants as it even helped whiten her counters!
Carol says: Great product! It works on ground in baseball dirt stains like a charm making those pants white again.
Ramey says: It works wonders on white softball uniforms!
I've even had a reader, Krystal, send in these amazing photos showing the before and after from cleaning these stains using this little bar of soap. How awesome is that?

Top photo courtesy of rhastings
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Using It For Making Homemade Laundry Detergent
This is a very common ingredient in many
homemade laundry soap recipes. You can click the link to see quite a few of them here on the site.
For instance, Angela says: I use this grated to make homemade laundry detergent. It has a nice lemoney smell:)
There are some concerns that homemade products shouldn't be used in front loaders, or HE machines. However, another reader addressed this issue.
Kaloa says: It works great in my front loader...I use it both as an ingredient in homemade laundry soap and use a bar to wet and soap up a stain before I toss it in the machine...love this stuff.
Photo courtesy of moonlightbulb
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Fels Should Be A Staple In Every Laundry Room
by Debbie
NO laundry room should be without this simple, effective, and inexpensive pre-treater.
Fels is the first product I reach for when it comes to pretreating stains.
I have used it on baby formula,
baby food, grass, blood, and just about any other kind of crud you can think of.
I first discovered Fels when a nurse at my son's doctor's office told me that she uses it for the stains she gets on her uniforms, and that it was terrific in pretreating the collars on them as well as other shirts.
I also use it for my tops that require hand washing, and of course even though I try to avoid it, my son can really contribute a stain on them as well as my machine washables.
Needless to say, most of my clothing is now machine washable.
I am thankful for that, and for Fels!
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Use To Pretreat Perspiration & Deodorant Stains Plus More
by Xenia
Xenia first read about the suggestion to use this laundry bar on perspiration stains on another page of this site, where Sue discussed a tip for removing perspiration stains using this product on a page dedicated to sweat stains.
Then Xenia shared some tips of her own, which I've added to this page.
Xenia says:
I agree with Sue that Fels is a great pretreater for sweat stains, and in addition for
deodorant stains as well.
In fact, during the warmer seasons I generally rub a little Fels on the under arms of shirts even if there is no noticeable stain since deodorants can gradually build up on the material over time and cause stains to appear later.
This typically happens when you apply deodorant and don't let it dry before you finish dressing.
I also recommend washing with a detergent that contains baking soda, e.g.
Arm and Hammer, or adding baking soda to the wash if you are using another detergent. This really helps to eliminate any odors.
In any case be sure to use a
detergent that contains enzymes as they are the best defense when it comes to stains of any type.
P.S. I have also used Fels to take out ball point ink stains on my work shirts and my neighbor claims it is very effective in removing baby formula stains.
Photo courtesy of Tobyotter
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Fels Is A Good Pretreater Plus Love Idea To Bring Some When Traveling
by Barb
Barb originally shared this tip on the baby formula and spit up page (see link below) where lots of mothers of babies have been raving about how well this laundry bar cleans stains from these pesky stains.
One young mother suggested taking a bar with you when you travel, for pretreating stains on the go.
I'm glad to be able to introduce this good idea onto this page as well, with what Barb has shared.
Barb says:
I never knew that this product existed until I read through your
tips on removing spit ups.
I really like Fels for pre treating spit up stains.
While I always try to tackle these stains right away I never thought about taking a bar along when traveling. That is a great idea!
One time I was pretreating a spit up on one of my work shirts (my son likes to share) and I rubbed some of the Fels on the collar and noticed that it was much cleaner when I took it out of the wash.
I also use
BIZ for
My laundry room looks like one big soak fest as I always have something soaking in the washer, the laundry tub, and a soak bucket!
I do wish that Biz came in a larger size than the 30 oz box.
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Unusual Use For Fels Naptha: Treat Poison Oak & Poison Ivy For Both Skin & Clothes
Quite a few people have shared with me a similar tip about this soap -- that it works for poison ivy and poison oak.
Frederick says:
I bathe in it after out hunting all day to kill any of the poison ivy I picked up along the way. Works wonders -- just don't get it in your eyes!
Amby says:
Love this stuff, but we found a new use for it this past summer. My daughter and I had a horrible case of poison oak.
The doctor told us after working outside and possibly coming in contact with the poison to take a shower and wash with this and to grate it up and use it in the wash it kills the oils.
He said when he was a kid and went to boyscout camp it was on the list of items you had to bring, and none of them ever got poison at camp.
I have used it on stains for years, but never for poison. FYI we get poison a lot (working outside in the woods) and we haven't had it since. I always have it on hand -- great stuff!
Carol says:
It is good to use when you get into poison ivy. It helps wash off the oils on your skin that cause the itchy rash.
Shannon says:
Poison ivy! Its crazy but works. Lather up and let it dry then rinse it off. It helps break up the urushol oils that cause the rash and itching:)
Theresa says:
I remember Mom having me wash up with this after playing in the woods or weeding. In my teens I sat on the counter and washed my legs from my knees down in the laundry tub with Fels Naptha. Two days later I broke out from poison ivy from my KNEES UP, where I had NOT used it. It WORKS!!!
I also use it now to make my own laundry detergent as well. Works great, and SOOOO much cheaper than ever buying it.
Photo courtesy of cygnus921
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More Uses For Fels Naptha Shared By Facebook Readers
When I shared this page of the site on the Stain Removal 101 Facebook page I got a couple of comments from fans giving me some more ideas for how to use this product. I liked them so much, I am sharing them with you here.Crystal says:
As a stain stick and a toilet bowl cleaner. I put a couple tbsp of "homemade" laundry soap and some
vinegar in at night and then scrub in the morning.
Margaret says:
We used this when we lived in the tipi on Black Mountain with its volcanic dirt lol! We grated it and used it for laundry after pretreating collars and stains with it.
Geni says:
A bar or two under the seats/in the trunk in the car also will
repel mice if you live in the sticks.
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Great For Cleaning Oil Paint Off Paintbrush Bristles
by Judith
Judith says:
I always clean my bristle oil painting brushes with Fels Naptha. It leaves them soft and pliable!!
Taylor says:
Great tip Judith, thanks!
You can check out even more
paint stain removal and cleaning tips here, or share your own.
Photo courtesy of sadaton, from Flickr CC
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Strawberry Soda Vomit No Match For Fels Naptha On Car Carpeting
by Kim
(El Paso, TX)
I babysit and while in my van going somewhere one of the kids I was watching vomited strawberry Fanta all over the back of my car, hitting the leather chairs, and the carpet.
I used Fels Naptha to clean the removable carpet from my van. Although it took some soaking, scrubbing and a couple of hours, I finally got the stain out of my carpet. It's awesome stuff!
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Where Can I Buy Fels Naptha?
Question From SR101 Reader:
I can't find Fels Naptha at my grocery store. Where can you buy it?
Pam's question:
I have looked for this product for years. Can never find it. Have inquired at all stores in my area, and no one sells it. I may have to order online.
Taylor's Answer:
Thanks for your question.
I looked around my local store for it recently too, and couldn't find it either.
You can ask your local store to order it for you, and they might do so.
The other possibility is to get it online.
Additional Answers From Readers
Reader #1 says: I found it today at Publix, if you are lucky enough to have one in your area. If not, check e-bay or Ace Hardware. Good Luck!
Reader #2 says: Wal Mart carries it for $0.97 per bar.
Myra says: Sometimes you will find it in the section of the grocery store where they have the bath soap even though it is only for laundry. This is because it is very unusual to find laundry soap in bar form.
Peggy says: I found it today at Krogers. $1.19. it was in the laundry section, not where the soap is.
Twila says: I use this all the time. Buy it at Rural King
Tori says: My Walmart has it. . . I use it to make my own laundry detergent. Haven't purchased detergent in a couple of years now.
Denise says: I LOVE this product! Oddly enough though I didn't find it in the laundry aisle, it was next to Dial bar soap in the "cleanser" aisle!
Taylor's Answer, Updated:
When I first answered this question it was difficult to find this laundry soap bar in stores, but
making your own laundry detergent has become much more popular recently.
Because of this many more stores now carry it than they used to, since it is a common ingredient in many recipes.
I have recently seen it in the laundry aisle of Walmart myself, just as other readers said above.
Just look in the high or low aisles of the laundry section of your favorite store, since it doesn't cost much so it isn't given premium eye level shelf space!
I've answered this question as part of my
laundry questions section of the site. You can come on over and see what else I've answered, or ask me your own question as well.
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Fels Naptha Soap - Lots Of Uses For Cleaning And Stain Removal
by Abby M.
(Gainesville, FL)
Abby has shared how she uses Fels Naptha soap throughout her home.
Abby says:
Fels Naptha Laundry Soap and stain remover is a product I use regularly. It is one of the best, and least expensive, products on the market that actually works. It's no wonder it's been on the market for over 100 years!
It has a clean, fresh scent and it's handy to use. It can either be used as a bar soap, or you can "flake" it with a food processor or a knife and keep it in a waterproof container.
I have used this product as a regular laundry soap, in a pinch, and a
stain remover or laundry additive.
I have also made homemade, eco-friendly laundry soap with Fels Naptha,
Borax and
Arm & Hammer Washing Soda.
Not only that, but it can be used to remove
blood stains and poison ivy resin from clothes.
In addition, I've gotten
ball point ink on my favorite silk/linen blend blouse and I was sure I would never get it out. I tried alcohol but it was drying on the fabric and only lightened it. Sure enough, I got out my Fels Naptha soap bar, wet down the spot I wanted to treat, rubbed a little soap on it and left it to sit for about 40 minutes. I came back and put it in the washer, with normal soap and a few extra Fels Naptha soap flakes and voila! Out came the
ink stain! It was fantastic!
It can also be placed in a light water mixture to remove aphids from your garden plants.
Finally, one of the best things about it is a bar of it at my local store costs me about $.99.
I would highly recommend this product to anyone as a cheap and effective stain remover for your laundry!
Taylor says:
Thanks Abby for sharing your uses for Fels Naptha soap.
Thanks for sharing your
homemade laundry detergent recipe. It is actually very similar to the
Duggar laundry soap recipe, because they use Fels Naptha soap in it too. If anyone else has a recipe using this soap, you can
share your homemade laundry soap recipe here, or read other recipes that have already been submitted.
As you can see from the other review above, there are many people that really like this soap for stain removal, and I really am amazed by all the uses people have for it.
Have any other readers ever used this product? If so, I would love for you to
share your uses and review here.
Fels Naptha {Referral Links}

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Hi, I'm Taylor, a busy mom with 3 kids, so I have lots of hands on experience with house cleaning, laundry and my fair share of spots, spills and other messy catastrophes. Thanks for visiting my site.
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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.