Gain Detergent Review - I've Used The Powder For Years
by Kathleen Clohessy
(Crystal Lake, IL)
Kathleen has provided her review of Gain powdered detergent, in the original scent
Kathleen says:
When Gain was first on the market I noticed that my brother's clothes were smelling delightful and asked him what detergent he was using. He told me it was "Gain" and I have been hooked ever since.
Not only does it smell phenomenal, but it also cleans my clothes better than any other detergent. It gets my whites white without my having to use chlorine bleach, and my dark and vivid colored clothing comes out of the dryer looking good as new every time.
Gain Powder Detergent {Referral Links}
I don't even know if Gain comes in in a separate formula that includes a bleach alternative for colorfast clothes, because stains have never been a problem when I've used it. **Taylor's note: It actually does have such a bleach alternative formula.**
Unfortunately for me, Gain has enjoyed tremendous popularity since it was first introduced, and that popularity is reflected in its high price. Although not always THE most expensive detergent on the store shelf, it is always right up there in the top three, meaning that all too often it is just too pricey for my budget.
I have found an interesting solution to this problem, however. I only use Gain detergent for the things that really matter to me, like my clothes and sheets and sometimes towels. For everything else I use a much cheaper brand that I like, but just not as much as Gain. This way I get all of my laundry basically clean plus I get to smell the way I want- "Gain detergent clean" without breaking the bank.
Taylor says:
Kathleen, thanks for your Gain detergent review.
It is interesting that you bring up the price issues with Gain, because several people have actually mentioned that. It seems like Gain is just too expensive for some, especially in these tough economic times.
I like your solution, and think it makes a lot of sense. Does anyone else do anything similar? If so, I would love to hear from you in the comments.
In addition, you can
share your own Gain laundry detergent review here, or read other reviews already submitted.
In addition, you can
share your laundry detergent reviews here for any other brand, telling me why you do (or do not) like it. I'm especially interested in hearing about lower cost detergents that you really like, since lots of people have told me how expensive detergents just aren't in their budgets anymore.
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Gain Powder Detergent Review - I Buy It When I Can
by Jacquelyn Portee
Jacquelyn has provided her review of Gain powder detergent.
Jacquelyn says:
I usually buy Gain powder detergent because it leaves my clothes smelling fresh and clean.
I say usually because when I am unable to afford Gain powder I will buy the generic and more affordable brand of detergent, which helps me and my family save a few more pennies out of a dollar. However, whenever we can afford it we buy Gain because I find it works so well.
I also, sometimes purchase the Gain liquid dish detergent to do dishes and other household cleaning chores. I love the smell of it, and find it works well.
I find that Gain is generally more expensive than some other brands, and definitely generics. However, depending on which store I go to when I purchase my Gain products, the prices can vary dramatically.
I try to shop with coupons, and I try to stock up when there is a sale to make the cost even less, that way I can more often afford it.
Taylor says:
Thanks Jacquelyn for your Gain powder detergent review.
Does anyone use Gain? If so, you can
share your Gain laundry detergent review here, or read other reviews already submitted.
You can also
share your laundry detergent review here of any brand telling what you like (or don't like) about it.
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Powdered Version Doesn't Dissolve Well In Cold Water
by Ellie
I use liquid Gain and love it.
For normal towel wash I always use half the amount recommended.
The problem I have is the powder does not seem to dissolve real well in cold water and I am too lazy usually to first dissolve it in hot water then switch to cold.
It is expensive but I never have a problem getting it on sale and most often have a coupon to help!
Gain is my go to detergent!
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Gain Original Powder Is The Only One My Family Can Use
by SR101 Reader
This is the only detergent that my family can use, especially me!
I love the convenience of liquid detergents and have tried them all...Tide, Era, and Cheer (just to name a few).
However, the liquid detergent version made me itch terribly.
A good friend of mine whose husband has skin allergies told me to try Gain Powder.
I switched and never looked back.
It cleans well and has that "old school" scent that I liked about Gain way back when. My family loves it!
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Gain With Bleach Powdered Detergent Works Great But Hard To Find Now
by Kathy
Gain Powdered Detergent With Bleach Is Being Rebranded
Kathy shared her review of Gain with bleach powdered detergent, sharing why she thinks its the best.
Kathy says:
This detergent gets the hot water load really clean!! Towels, underwear, sheets, kitchen towels, cleaning rags etc.
Lately though, I've been having trouble finding this product. I hope it will not be discontinued!
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your review Kathy.
I did some research for you, to try to figure out why you are having trouble finding this problem now, and I learned that it is being discontinued, at least in its current packaging and name.
However, Gain has introduced a new version called Gain Dazzle & Shine (I can't find a picture yet - so if anyone has bought this please send me a pic!) in both the powder and liquid formulas which has bleach alternative in it, just like the original Gain with bleach.
I am kind of guessing that Gain has just rebranded this detergent with a new name, but I'm not completely sure since I can't tell if the scent will be the same or not. If you do try the new version I'd love it if you shared how it worked for you, and whether it works as well as the original type.
Gain Powder Detergent {Referral Links}
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