I Used Goof Off Remover For Permanent Marker Removal From Walls

by Lorelai Morton
(Fort Meyers, FL)

Lorelai wrote in this quick tip for how she removed sharpie marks on her walls.

Lorelai says:

I used Goof Off stain remover and it worked amazingly to get a black sharpie drawing of a dog (courtesy of my daughter) off our wall.

It worked perfectly. It was like using an eraser. Definitely a good way to get permanent marker off walls.

Goof Off {Referral Links}

Taylor says:

Thanks Lorelai for your tip!

Has anyone else used a product, either homemade or store bought to get these dreaded marks off your wall? If so, I would love to hear from you too. You can share your tips for removing permanent marker stains here.

In addition, I'd love to hear more reviews and uses for this product. You can share your ink remover reviews here, or read others that have already been submitted.

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Removed Permanent Marker Stains On Upholstery With Goof Off

T. Townsend shared before and after pictures of her upholstery, specifically her dining room chairs, when her daughter wrote on it with permanent marker.

Not only is it amazing that that Goof Off remover even got rid of the permanent marker, which is notoriously difficult to remove, but in addition, that before they used the product the stains had been there for, get this, TWO YEARS!

Here are even more upholstery cleaners reviews you can check out, plus share your own.

Upholstery cleaner reviews

In addition, if you've got tips, home remedies, or products you've found work great for removing permanent marker marks and stains please share them with me at the link, or check out even more tips that have already been submitted.

Tips for removing permanent marker stains

Before and after photos courtesy of Amazon.com

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Goof Off Cleaner Removed Melted Crayon From Stone

Kim Mize shared before and after pictures of melted crayon on stone.

I have no idea how that happened at all, but we all know melted crayon is one of the most annoying things to try to remove, not only because it soaks and sticks to all kinds of surfaces, but also because it can leave a dye residue before.

In this case there was obviously a significant visual improvement using this product for cleaning up the mess, although Kim explained that "you have to look pretty close" but can still "see the crayon residue." Still, I think it is a vast improvement!

In addition, here are even more tips for crayon removal, so check them out or share your own!

Tips for how to remove crayon stains

***Update: I also got a review of this product from Rudy, who used this product to remove Rejuvenate floor restorer from his hardwood floors.***End Update

Goof Off {Referral Links}

I'd love to hear from others who've used this product, sharing how it has worked for them. You can share your stain remover review here, or read others that have already been submitted.

Stain remover reviews

Before and after pictures courtesy of Amazon.com

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Comments for Goof Off Cleaner Removed Melted Crayon From Stone

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things to know about Goof Off when it comes to painted walls
by: Saundra W

Goof Off ((marks, messes, and stain remover)) can definitely get any stain off a painted wall, but not too careful and it may remove the paint as well. It's important to dilute the spray. In a small cup spray 3 sprays of Goof Off and add triple that amount in water along with 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda. This way the stain remover is still effective but not more than what we want. Also, remove in very small spots, I personally used Q-tips or wrap a soft rag around the tip of my finger. Don't press into the stain too much either. Gently rub the stain away. That's all you need to know.

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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.