Homemade Washing Soda Recipe: Turn Baking Soda To Washing Soda
by Alyse
(Watertown, NY)
Alyse shared this homemade washing soda recipe, for turning baking soda to washing soda. I've actually seen this recipe floating around the Internet for a while now, but I think it's legit from the research I've done.
Alyse says:
The difference between baking soda and washing soda is water and carbon dioxide. Seriously.
Baking soda's chemical makeup is NaHCO3 (1 sodium, 1 hydrogen, one carbon, and 3 oxygen molecules). Washing soda's chemical makeup is Na2CO3 (2 sodium, 1 carbon, and 3 oxygen molecules).
When baking soda is heated up to high temperatures, it breaks down to become washing soda, water (in the form of steam), and carbon dioxide.
So to convert baking soda to this different form you pre heat your oven to 400 degrees.
Then, take a baking sheet and put a layer of baking soda evenly on it and bake for between 1-2 hours.
You will be able to tell it's ready because it will feel like sand and not clump like the baking soda does and that's it.
Let it cool and store in an airtight container. I use old coffee containers, they work great.
I buy baking soda in bulk 10lb bags at Sam's Club for under $5 and some places can sell washing soda for up to $5 a lb!!!
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for this recipe Alyse!
Like I said above, I've seen this recipe a couple of times around the web (and
Pinterest) and at first I was a bit skeptical of it, just because I don't personally understand the chemistry involved very well, but to the best of my research ability I think this might actually work.
If you've ever wondered about the uses for this common ingredient in homemade cleaning recipes, I've got an article I've written on the subject --
washing soda uses around your home.
I'd love to hear from others who've actually used this recipe to share how it worked for them, and how this homemade variety worked compared with the stuff you buy in the box at the store.
I could see how this could be really handy not only for those who want to save money, but also for people that can't seem to find the Arm & Hammer washing soda in stores in their area.
If you've got more cleaning recipes please
share them here. I'd love to hear them!
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