How To Remove Self Tanner Stains From Clothes

I've collected several tips for how to remove self-tanner stains from clothes, which can happen quite frequently when you put clothes on too soon after applying, or if some drips or sprays onto fabric while applying it.
The first tip is from a reader, who shared how she got out these stains.Mary says:
I used a skin tanning lotion on all my extremities thinking it would not bleed onto my clothing.
Hmmm, I wore a lemon colored silk pant suit that was costly and brown spots showed up all over the suit.
I took it to the cleaners, they couldn't restore the suit, so I said, "Oh well, I can't wear it, nothing to lose", so I soaked in Oxiclean overnight and all the stains were gone.
I took it back to the cleaners and had them press it, and low and behold, it was like a brand new silk pant suit.
Also, I have soaked closet yellow clothes in Oxiclean with great results.
Thank you Oxiclean! Great, great product. I can't live without it.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for your tip Mary.
I wouldn't normally recommend Oxiclean for silk, but since it was ruined anyway that is the kind of situation where you can go ahead and try something without fear.
There are lots of
uses for Oxiclean around the home, and I've gathered quite a few if you're interested in seeing else what this stain remover can do.

For Small Fresh Smudges Try Baby Wipes
I got this quick tip from a SR101 reader, who said:"If you've just recently gotten a spray on tan you know they sometimes smear.
If you throw on some clothes and almost immediately notice you've gotten a smudge try baby wipes."
Taylor says:
Thanks for the baby wipes tip! Here is more explanation from another reader, Amber, who has had success
using baby wipes to wipe away these spots as well.
You can see
even more uses for baby wipes here, for cleaning, stain removal and more.

Scroll down to see some pictures of some of these spray tanner stains on clothes, sent in by a reader, as well as more tips for removing them below.
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Question: How Can I Remove This Self-Tanning Spray Stain?
by Rosie
Rosie sent in this question, and photo of the self-tanning spray stain.

Rosie's question:
"Self-tanning spray...? My 4 yr old daughter covered her white leggings and top with this and it wasn't apparent until I washed it and the stains looked like blood!
Soaked it in Vanish stain remover and rewashed it. Came out brown this time!
The heat seems to activate the tanning product."
Taylor says:
Rosie, I hope some of the suggestions on this page will help you remove these stains!
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Hi, I'm Taylor, a busy mom with 3 kids, so I have lots of hands on experience with house cleaning, laundry and my fair share of spots, spills and other messy catastrophes. Thanks for visiting my site.
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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.