Oxi Laundry Detergents Cause Me Allergic Reactions: Meijer EcoWise Detergent To The Rescue
by SR101 Reader
An SR101 reader shared her experience with Oxi laundry detergents, and how she ended up having to use Meijer EcoWise detergent instead.
SR101 Reader says:
I had been using
Dynamo 2x Ultra HE Sunrise Fresh for many years. When I stocked up a couple of months ago (store sells buy 1 get 2 free), I started itching on my back from my neck to shoulder blades. The itching became worse as the month went on.
I blamed the heat, the cold, the scratchy shirts that I wear to work, my hand cream, a prescription medication, toothpaste, and my deodorant. I changed all of these items but nothing helped.
Out of desperation, I got a bottle of
All Free and Clear. No change. Still itchy.
I started reading laundry detergent bottles...
Dynamo says "
Now with Oxi-Plus". The All free and clear says "
I went to Meijer and got their house brand, Meijer EcoWise Free and Sensitive Laundry Detergent HE.
The end of itching!
The only problem was that I had to wash every bit of clothing that I own.
That means besides the normal clothes I also had to wash every bath towel, kitchen towel, blanket, throw and coat that I own. Not a small undertaking.
Basically, if it could be washed, it had to get cleaned with the new detergent. I also did a pre rinse and and extra rinse
during the cycle to make sure all of the old detergent was gone.
Two bottles of Meijer detergent and a weekend totally shot cured me of my itchy back rash.
Moral of the story...be very careful about the detergents that you buy. Oxi action can irritate your skin.
I have never had any type of contact dermatitis before, so it's not that I have sensitive skin.
If in doubt, don't use Oxy. If you're itching, get rid of the detergent and rewash everything.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for sharing your issue with Oxi laundry detergents. They are becoming very popular, but you're right, they can cause some
allergic reactions for people, just like any other detergent.
The problem is especially bad though when they add Oxi products to
scent and dye free products which cause an allergic reaction.
Has anyone else had a problem with Oxi based laundry detergents causing allergic reactions? You can
share your experiences here.
In addition, I would love for more people to share their reviews of Meijer EcoWise house brand cleaning and laundry products, including their detergents. You can
share your reviews here for these eco-friendly products, so I can learn more about what you think of them, good or bad.
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