Use Pumice Stick Or Stone To Clean Toilet Ring
by Allyson
Allyson shared how she uses a pumice stick or stone to clean porcelain surfaces in her home of hard water stains, such as mineral deposits.
Allyson says:
Porcelain is harder than pumice and so you can use a pumice stone or stick on any porcelain surface - but not on
fiberglass or other scratch able surfaces.
It works great for toilets.
Wet the stone and rub against the mineral deposit - usually a ring in your toilet.
I sometimes have to mold the stone to create a point like a large pencil to get into build-up in the trap area.
Taylor says:
Thanks Allyson for sharing your tips for using a pumice stick to clean your toilet.
You are right, you can also use a stone, but I think from a practical perspective using a stick is the way to go, especially one that has a handle on the end of it, so you don't have to reach down into toilet water with your hand when using this cleaning technique.
I like your suggestion about shaping the stone, by rubbing it down a bit, to have a good shape for getting into small spaces. That is another advantage, in my opinion, to the stick, since it is thinner than some of the other types of pumice stones, and therefore it can fit into tighter spaces.
The most popular type of stick made from pumice is the Pumie Scouring Stick, also known as the Pumie Toilet Bowl Ring Remover. (You can see pictures and links to purchase the product above).
Remember, you can use these sticks to also clean other porcelain items in your home, such as your sinks,
bathtubs and tiles, if they have mineral buildup or a ring. I will caution you, however, that many modern tubs, sinks, etc. are no longer made of porcelain but very hard durable plastics or fiberglass, and pumice should NOT be used on these surfaces since it will scratch and dull them.
Therefore, always be careful when choosing to use a pumice stone or stick on these surfaces, and test first in an inconspicuous area if you aren't sure if it will harm it or not.
Make sure to scroll down to see pics from readers who've removed toilet rings with a pumice stone or stick, plus even more reviews and tips!

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Before & After Pictures Of Toilet After Using Pumice Stick For Less Than 10 Minutes
by Suzy
Suzy shared these before and after pictures when she used the Pumie Stick to clean her stained toilet.
She said, "I am very impressed. This took less than ten minutes!"
Do you have tips for cleaning the toilet? If so, you can share your toilet cleaning tips here, or read others already submitted.
Photos courtesy of Suzy via
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I Tried Every Soak, Scrub & Treatment But The Pumice Stick Worked!
by Nina
I clean my toilet daily as I have three children. Our toilet had developed dark green/black deposits.
I tried my damnedest to remove them. Every kind of soak, scrub, and treatment.
I never thought of this pumice stick. It just removed 90% of the deposits that have been there for a year.
I need a little more diligence to remove the rest, but this toilet was covered from the narrowing all the way I side and now this is all that remains.
Taylor says:
Great to hear Nina!
Make sure you also check out these additional
toilet cleaner reviews here, if you need additional help cleaning this often used item in your home!
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Banish Toilet Rings With A Pumice Stone
by Melodie
Melodie has shared her tip for cleaning the toilet.
Melodie says:
Get the rings out of your toilet with a pumice stone.
The pumice is softer than the potty but stronger than the stain. It will rub the rings right out without scratching the toilet bowl.
I had stubborn stains in my toilet that were years old before I found this tip.
The rings were gone in less than five minutes of scrubbing with the stone!
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for sharing your tip Melodie. You're actually not the first person to share this tip with me, but that is because it really works!
I suggest using a pumice stick for cleaning the small spaces in your toilet where rings may have developed, but a larger stone will also work just as well. It just means you may have to stick your hand more into the toilet water, which some people might not want to do.
Photo by Ambuj Saxena
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I Love My Pumice Stick Too
by Tess
Tess shared her thoughts about her pumice stick on the site's Facebook page when we had a little discussion about Allyson's post above.
She let me share her comment here on this page, since it provided some great additional tips for using this cleaning product for your toilet.
Tess says:
Love mine. They wear down and I am on my third.
They really work but it does take lots of elbow grease. I turn off the water and empty the bowl to get good scrubbing angles without having my hands in the water. No one makes gloves small enough for my hands.
I just keep the pumice a little wet by dipping it into a small bucket of water.
Taylor says:
I'd love to hear from even more people who use a pumice stone or stick for cleaning their toilet, or for any other uses you've found for it around the house.
Further, several people on the Facebook page asked the same question -- does it scratch your toilet? The answer is, typically no. Pumice is hard enough to be a good abrasive for very hard surfaces, like porcelain, but not enough to scratch it if you've wet it when using it.
However, as I cautioned above, it can scratch softer surfaces, so don't use it on things like marble, laminate, plastics or fiberglass.
You may also want to wear gloves when using a pumice stick or stone, especially if you are holding the stone as opposed to a plastic handle, since you can also use pumice to exfoliate and get rid of dry skin cells (typically on your callused heels, for example). It may scratch up your skin without the gloves.

Product photos courtesy of a reader, KathyRelated Pages You May Enjoy
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