Purex With Crystals Detergent Plus Fabric Softener Review
by Taylor
I received a free bottle of Purex with Crystals detergent plus fabric softener, in the fresh spring waters scent, from the company as part of my role as a Purex Insider.
This detergent is following the trend of many other brands currently on the market which are trying to make it easier for you to add
fabric softener to your wash by adding it directly to the detergent itself.
Because of the way traditional oil-based softeners work this is often difficult to do, because technically such softeners should be added during the rinse cycle, not at the same time you add the detergent.
However, as explained in more detail in my
article about Purex Crystals softener this type of softener that is in the crystals is different and it can and should be added at the same time as your laundry soap, meaning that adding the crystals directly to the detergent can be a perfect match.
Most of you know, if you've followed many of my reviews, that I normally only use
hypoallergenic and scent free detergents, but I thought I would make an exception in this case, hoping I would be able to use it. Unfortunately, my allergies (and those of a family member) made it impossible for me to test this product as thoroughly as I would have liked.
I just can't do strong scents in my wash, I've now re-confirmed.
However, if you do like a bright scent, and often forget to add fabric softener to your load this detergent may be one you want to look into since it is an all-in-one type product.
Since I couldn't really use this product I am hoping to get some reviews of it from other readers. If you've used this, or any other Purex product you can
share your review here, and I'll add it to the site.
The Purex brand provided me with a sample of this detergent in exchange for a product review. However, all the opinions expressed here are my own.
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Powdered Version Caused Itchy Rashes
by SR101 Reader
My wife started using Purex Crystal detergent in the powder form and I have had the worst itchy rashes ever.
I finally decided to go online and see if there was any info available on the issue. Voila! What do you know?
I feel better in a way, because I know for certain what is going on.
My groin area was driving me nuts (literally).
I even tried spraying athletes foot spray on myself to stop the uncontrollable itching going on through out the night.
Now, throw that stuff out, and rewash everything!
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Allergic Reaction From Purex With Crystals: I'll Never Use It Again
by SR101 Reader
SR101 Reader says:
I have never had any reaction from any laundry soaps before, but I guess there's always a first time.
I loved the smell of this detergent so I decided to try it. I washed my beding and clothing with it.. BIG MISTAKE!
I've been breaking out with random itchy rashes on my arms and legs and the eczema on my hands has had a massive flare up since using this product.
I've been living on Benadryl all week!
I don't know what's in this stuff but from seeing how many people are allergic to it, I would love to see it taken off shelves!
I've been in agony all week because of this!
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear you had an allergic reaction to this product.
I'm not really that surprised though, when I just opened the bottle (see my review above) I noticed the very strong scent right away. I know some people like that strong smell, but it just makes me itch.
Lots of people have
allergic reactions to Purex Crystals as well. (Click the link to read other reader's experiences and horror stories.)
If most scents don't bother you, you could just switch back to your old laundry soap, but perhaps you might also want to check out a hypoallergenic version.
You might also get some helpful hints from my article about
laundry detergent allergy causes and the cure.
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