Removing Skunk Odor: Recipes & Home Remedies
by Taylor
I get asked questions about removing skunk odor all the time, because unfortunately this is a common occurrence.
If these little critters are common in your area you may have yourself (both skin and clothes), your pet, your car or parts of your home sprayed by them. When this happens you want the odor gone, as soon as possible.
There are many different recipes and home remedies floating around out there for removing the stink left behind from these animals, and all of them work, at least to one extent or another.
To understand how to really deal with this spray you've got to understand that it comes out as a greasy oil, so there is not only smell but an oily film you've got to remove. To a certain extent, acidic products like tomato juice,
lemon juice, and vinegar can cut this grease. (Such recipes using these ideas are shared below.)
In addition the recipes that also
use dish soap within them work well, because we all know it is designed to cut grease from your dishes, pots and pans, and can do the same in this situation as well.
Feel free to use any of the recipes and home remedies I've shared below, and also I'd love to hear your experience, good or bad, with any of the ideas shared so we can all gain some collective wisdom about what works, and what doesn't. You can
share your own home remedies and recipes here, or share how the one you tried work for you.
Here's the first one, from my friend Crystal, who writes at
Crystal says:
Skunks are out in force in my neighborhood and I'm hoping I won't have to use this "recipe" on my dog, but thought I would pass on my vet's recipe for how to treat a pet that gets skunked.
Mix together these ingredients:
Directions: Wet your pet with warm water then put this solution on for 20 minutes and then rinse.
I've got even more home remedies and homemade recipes below, along with videos and more tips from readers, so check out the rest of them by scrolling down!
Photo by NDomer73
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Getting Rid Of Skunk Odor From Your Skin & Laundry
The video below gives a homemade skunk odor removal recipe, which it states is both useful for both washing your own body if you've been sprayed, and for your laundry.
Here's the recipe ingredients:
I will note that video says that you could either use dish soap or
lemon juice, but I don't think lemon juice will work as well for removing the oily part of the skunk's spray, and so I would choose dish soap for washing yourself.
On the other hand, you always have to be careful when using dish soap when washing clothes, especially in HE machines because of the suds. Therefore, I would suggest using the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda mixture, along with laundry detergent, when washing clothes, to make sure you don't get too much suds.
Here's the video for full details:
There are lots of ways you can use hydrogen peroxide for cleaning and home remedies. You can learn even more
uses for hydrogen peroxide here, or share your own uses.
Photo courtesy of gamppart
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How To Remove Skunk Smell From Your Dog Or Other Pet
The picture above is of a dog named Moose, who got sprayed by a skunk. He's just been washed in both tomato juice and dishwashing soap in an attempt to get the stink off of him.
It can be tough when your dog or other pet finds a skunk outside and is sprayed. You've got to clean up an animal who's already upset, most likely, and the cleaning method isn't going to typically make them feel much better.
The video below gives basically every suggestion under the sun for all the possible ways to remove skunk smell from your dog or other pet.
The methods include the following, and obviously if one works you don't have to go on to the next:
Tomato Juice Method
The first method is to pour undiluted tomato juice on your pet.
This is a very old fashioned remedy that some people swear by, while others feel it doesn't work very well.
For example, one reader, Cheryl, was none too impressed with this method. She said:
Tomato juice does nothing but smell like skunk and tomato juice, a very nauseating combination. Dawn did the best job.
Vinegar Method
A similar method is to use one part water and one part
vinegar for removing the smell.
I say the method is similar to the tomato juice, because in both methods you're relying on the acidity of the solution to help remove the odor.
Again, some people swear by this method, while others have been less than impressed by how it worked for them.
Homemade Recipe For Skunk Odor Removal
The recipe provided in the video below is as follows:
- 1/2 cup white vinegar
- 1 teaspoon dish soap
- 1/4 cup baking soda
- 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide (3% solution)
Although the ratios and ingredients have varied slightly, some type of recipe containing both the peroxide and the baking soda are quite common, including with some veterinarians, when suggesting methods for removing skunk odors.
Skunk Shampoo
Finally, the video suggests buying a commercial skunk shampoo to remove the stink.
Here are examples of such shampoos:
Here's the video for full details:
I would love to hear from you too, to tell me how you've gotten rid of these odors from your family, home, possessions, and/or pets. You can
share your own tip here, including reviewing any brand or type of skunk shampoo you've tried to tell me whether it worked well for its purpose, or not.
Photo by OakleyOriginals
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Vinegar And Water To Neutralize Skunk Odor
by Deb
(New Haven )
Deb shared a quick tip for odor caused by these animals spray with me.
Deb says:
In a spray bottle mix vinegar according to size of bottle so that it is a half and half mixture.
Shake when done and spray whatever area needs it -- the vinegar neutralizes the odor. Good Luck.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for your tip Deb.
This is actually a very common suggestion, which I've also seen in a video I've embedded here in the site as well, discussing how to deal with a skunked pet.
I'd love to hear from others who've tried this vinegar method, to share how it has worked for you, good or bad. You can
share your experience here for removing this smell.
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I've Use Plain Peroxide On My Pets For Years When This Happens
by Lee
Plain peroxide everything first for 10 minutes, then wash with soap, for white/light pets.
For dark haired pets just apply 5 minutes, then rinse and wash.
You may need second rinse of peroxide for 3 minutes.
I've used this for years out at the lake, where we've got tons of skunks.
Hydrogen Peroxide {Referral Links}
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Women's Douche Helps Instantly With The Odor
SR101 Reader says:
You can buy any kind of women's douche and it helps instantly.
We live in the country and this is definitely the way to go. From my experience dish soaps help clean but do not take away the odor.
Lisa says:
The absolute best thing to remove skunk odor is 3-4 Summer's Eve douches. It works like a charm.
Much better than tomato juice or dawn detergent and h2o2.
Douche {Referral Links}
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Remove Skunk Odor With Cola
There are several home remedies that people suggest if you've been skunked, to remove the odor.
One of these methods, as suggested in this quick video below, is to use a cola for the process.
Presumably, this is supposed to work because of the acidic nature of products such as Coca-Cola, which have phosphoric acid.
Here's the video:
Did you know there's a lot of uses for cola for cleaning and stain removal throughout your home. You can
see more uses for Coca Cola here or share your own!
This also concludes all the home remedies and recipes I've collected for removing skunk odor, but I would still love to hear from you.
If you've used another recipe, or used one of the recipes I've shared, I would love to know what it is, and how it has worked for you, good or bad.
You can
share your tips for removing these smells here.
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