Resolve Stain Stick No Good: I Want Spray N Wash Version Back
by Patsy
Patsy provided her Resolve stain stick review, and compared it to the previous version of this product, known as the Spray N Wash stain stick.
Patsy says:
I have been using the Spray N Wash version of this stain remover for about 15 years and now I cannot find it anywhere, which makes me very angry.
It is the only stain remover I have ever found that really works.
The new one with Resolve is comparable to using nothing.
All of a sudden I have a pile of clothes that I can't get stains out of.
Help, I need an original Spray n Wash Stain stick!
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear how frustrated you are Patsy.
I know what you mean -- why do they "improve" products when they don't need improvement, especially when it seems to make them worse, not better.
I had lots of readers raving about the
Spray N Wash stain sticks (click the link for the reviews) so I know they worked well on a large variety of spots and spills.
Has anyone else used this newer version and want to share your experience? I know Patsy didn't like it, but perhaps there are some differing viewpoints out there.
You can
share your review here of this or any other laundry pretreater, or read other reviews of a large variety of brands that have already been submitted.
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It's Amazing! It Got Out 5th Wheel Grease
by Julie
I drive truck and when I got 5th wheel grease (tacky lube), a black thick gooey grease, on a favorite shirt and my wranglers I thought they were ruined.
I tried the Resolve stain stick and it washed out...EVERY last bit of it! I'll never live without it!
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This Was Not An Improvement As Compared To The Old Stain Stick
by Carole
The Resolve version was definitely not an improvement, in fact it was a detriment.
I now use the Shout Gel with the brush to pretreat stains that will not be washed for several days.
I also like the Whink Wash Away pretreater but many times I can't find it in the store.
Both of these pretreaters can be left on for several days prior to washing, and what could be more accommodating for a busy mom with lots of laundry stains!
They work well on fruit juice, grass, blood, tomato sauce, really dirty shirt collars and cuffs, and for the coffee that lands on at least one of my shirts each week.
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I Found A Secret Cache Of Spray 'N Wash Stain Sticks!
by Sharon
The New Resolve Version Of The Stain Stick
Sharon has shared what she has done now that this product has gotten a new formula, with the addition of Resolve. She doesn't like the new formula, so she came up with this alternative.
Sharon says:
Thank God for the Internet to help you find long lost, secret caches of discontinued products.
After several corporate buys and sells, the infamous Spray 'n Wash Stain Stick now contains Resolve and by many reviews, apparently doesn't work as well as the old original.
Well, I found a place in New York, called Bargain Side, and they actually have it in stock without Resolve in the ingredients.
It is still by the same manufacturer in the USA, but imported from Canada. (Don't ask me why it is made here, shipped to Canada and then imported back to the USA!)
The label is in English and in French, but everything else is exactly the same. At $3.79 each I stocked up. Shipping on four was $9, for a total of $24.15, making them cost $6.00 each.
I know how well the original formula stain stick works, so it was worth it to me, and it may be to you as well.
And no, I don't have stock in Bargain Side, but I hope I will have the last remaining Spray 'n Wash Stain Stick on this planet when the world ends!
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for sharing your solution to this problem Sharon.
I get frustrated when a product changes formulations, and actually becomes worse than it was before. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
***Update: I got an email from a reader saying that now even these stashes of the product have been sold, and now it is near to impossible to find the original version of the product.
Now that it appears only the new version is available for sale, I'd love to hear from even more people who've used it, sharing how it's worked for you, positive or negative.
You can
share your experience here and I'll add it to the page.
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{N-Z} Spot Remover ReviewsI Gave Up On Resolve Stain Remover For My LaundryGo From Resolve Stain Stick Reviews To Home Page
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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.