Shout Free Laundry Stain Remover Review: Dye & Fragrance Free
by Taylor
I recently saw a bottle of Shout Free laundry stain remover at the store and couldn't resist purchasing it.
I mean, how genius is that? A product for pretreating clothing stains that is both dye and fragrance free.
What a wonderful addition to the laundry supplies of a woman like me who's trying to keep everything hypoallergenic and scent free, because of the
laundry allergies my family experiences.
After all, if you are forced to use a scented pretreater it can bother allergies just as much as using a scented detergent, fabric softener or dryer sheets.
I also noticed that this version of Shout is 99% natural. I am not sure if that means it is a really
eco-friendly laundry product, but it sounds like it is at least going in the right direction, which is also a great thing.
I have now been using this product for a couple of months and spraying it on all the visible stains on my family's clothes before they get washed. Overall I am very happy with it.
It works very well for removing most stains, although I still need to do some additional work with a few of them, such as occasionally needing to do some
presoaking. However, I think it works as well as the traditional scented version of Shout, and as well as older pretreaters such as
Spray N Wash (now known as Resolve).
I would definitely buy this product again, and appreciate the fact that a company has recognized the allergy issues many of us face while doing our laundry.
***Update: I used this product to
remove purple popsicle stains (see picture on the right of the huge stain!) and it worked great! I wrote about my experience in more detail at the link. ***End Update
If you've used the Free version of this product I'd love to know what you thought of it too. You can
share your review here.
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Shout Free Is A Welcome Addition To My Laundry Room
by Patty
I don't like scented laundry products, whether it be detergents or pretreaters, so this is a very welcome addition to the laundry room.
I have used it on a variety of stains including coffee, dairy based, and a general pretreater for shirt collars and cuffs.
I especially like using it for small stains on baby clothes since I already must use a different detergent for his clothes that is free of perfumes and dyes.
For major stains on baby clothes (more often than not) I use the OXI Clean Baby Stain Soaker, both for soaking and as a booster to the wash.
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Wish They Made A Refill For This Version
by Gina
I use a lot of the scent free pretreater for baby clothes, etc. and I truly wish that a refill container was available similar to the regular version of Shout.
Most stores in my area do not carry the Free version at all.
I also like the Oxi Baby Stain Soaker for presoaking heavily stained baby clothes.
I actually heard about both of these products from the owner of the day care center, else I would not have known they even existed.
It is really great to have the "free" versions of these products that work so well on stains.
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This Is A Terrific Pretreater
by Blossom
I really like this laundry pretreater.
The kids are always getting some kind of stains on their school and play clothes.
I am a firm believer that pretreating these stains the same day makes a big difference in the results when wash day comes around.
Now that long sleeve shirts are becoming the order of the day I can only say that they come home from school with sleeves that look like they were used to wipe off the cafeteria table!
I spend a few minutes each day checking their clothes before they go into their hamper.
Nothing beats spraying down these stains and letting the Shout do its job while I am busy elsewhere.
For really difficult stains like grape juice I will not only pretreat them but will also try to presoak them the night before I plan on running the wash. For presoaks I use Oxi Clean (Free) powder.
I wear a lot of white shirts to work and also use the Shout Free to pretreat the collars and cuffs, and the occasional stains.
It is so nice to have a pretreater that is free of perfumes.
Before I found the Shout I used a small squeeze bottle that I filled with
All Free and Clear for pretreating. The Shout is much easier to deliver and I think it does a better job.
By the way I think it is awesome that you were able to remove popsicle stains that were days old with just one pretreatment with Shout and washing as normal.
I also wish they made a refill, as with daily use the 22 ounce bottle does not last long.
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I Use The Shout Free In Place of The Regular Shout
by Kathy
Kathy says:
I have used the Shout Free product for about 6 months in place of what I call the traditional Shout. It works just as well and is free of dye and perfume.
I always use this for pretreating shirt collars and cuffs, sometimes almost an entire shirt sleeve just before washing. Kids (and some adults) tend to pick up a lot of stains and dirt on their shirt sleeves.
I note that I have only found this version of Shout in the Walmart stores in my area, not in the grocery stores.
I also use other Shout products depending on the severity of the stain and how long it has been on the garment, i.e. the
gel form is much stronger than the Shout Free and I can leave it on the stain for several days before washing. The gel has even helped me get out stains that did not get pretreated and made it through the dryer, ugh, before they were noted.
Occasionally I find the
aerosol version handy for
grease and
oil stains, including certain greasy food stains like
The only draw back is that the aerosol cannot be left on the garment for more than about 5-10 minutes.
Taylor says:
Thanks so much for sharing your review of several of these products with me Kathy.
I'd love to hear from even more people who've used this hypoallergenic stain remover, or another of the versions as well. You can
share your review or experience here, or read the others for lots of other brands and varieties that have already been submitted.
Further, if all of your laundry products need to be scent free, for either preference or allergy reasons, come check out my pages about
hypoallergenic laundry detergent and other
scent free laundry products.
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{N-Z} Spot Remover ReviewsLaundry Detergent Allergy Symptoms & The CureGo From Shout Free Stain Remover Reviews To Home Page
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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.