Tide Powder Detergent Review - The Original Scent Is The Best
by Phil Gibson
(Alden, Mi. USA)
Phil has provided his Ultra Tide powder detergent review, of the original scent.
Phil says:
I began using Tide laundry detergent because it was what my mother used. I remember her using it with a washboard, then later in a wringer type washer when my father was a coal miner. It worked. Back then, Tide had one brand of detergent.
When I worked on an auto assembly line, I used Tide in a top loading automatic washer. It worked, my clothes came out clean.
When I worked as an auto mechanic, I still used Tide and my clothes still came out clean.
Between jobs I tried a “discount” brand of laundry detergent. Three days after using the “discount” brand, I noticed that I itched. Day by day, the itch got worse, and I was itching everyplace that my clothes touched.
Instead of going to a dermatologist to get treatment, I bought a box of Tide powder and washed all my clothes that had been washed in the other brand. Four days later my rash began to subside, and I have been sold on Tide since then.
Since I began using Tide, they have come out with Cold Water, High Efficiency, and a lot of other versions.
Tide also came out with a pre-wash stain remover, which I haven't tried because I haven't needed it. Tide does the job.
They have also come out with more scents than I care to consider. I like the original scent because it reminds me of the smell of clean laundry when I was a child.
I haven't noticed any difference between the Tide Powder and Tide Liquid, except that if it gets spilled, the powder is a lot easier to clean up, so I just stick with the powdered version.
Taylor says:
Thanks Phil for your review of Tide detergent.
It sounds like you correctly identified that you suffered from a
laundry detergent allergy when you used the discount brand, so I'm glad the Tide powder, original scent works well for you and doesn't cause you any skin irritation.
You can
share your own review of Tide detergent here, or read the other reviews already submitted.
In addition, you can
share other laundry detergent reviews here, telling me which brand is your favorite, and why.
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I'm Switching To Tide Ultra Powder
by Jeff
Jeff says:
My mother used to use Tide when I was a child, but I have used bargain detergents most of my adult life.
I recently got a good pair of jeans covered with
auto grease on the knees. I knew the bargain detergent I was using would not work.
So I found some original Tide Ultra Powder on sale. I was going to buy it anyway because I remember how well it worked for my mother.
I pre-treated the stains, and washed the jeans in the Tide.
Not all the stains came out, but most of it did, and what remains is very hard to see.
I am switching to this brand. It's worth saving the clothes from stains.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your review Jeff.
I am always on the look out for products or home remedies that will remove grease stains. You can
share your tips for removing grease stains here, or read others that have already been submitted.
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Ultra Tide Powder Detergent Has Gotten 25% Smaller
by Ray
Ray wrote me to complain about Ultra Tide powder detergent getting a smaller box.
Ray says:
40 load box has been replaced by a 30 load box for the same price as the 40 load box. Come on, 25% smaller in one fell swoop!
Taylor says:
Ray, I can understand that would make you mad, it would be too.
However, before you assume the worst make sure you check and see whether the box is just smaller, or whether there really are less loads in it.
The only reason I mention this is because you mention that it has reduced in size by 25%. Well, Proctor & Gamble, the makers of Tide detergent, compacted all of their powdered detergents in late 2011 by 25%.
Since those numbers are the same, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't that. Of course, companies have been known to try to sneak smaller sizes of products on you for the same price, hoping you won't notice, so it definitely is a concern.
There was actually quite a lively discussion on this site about this exact same topic, but as it related to
Gain powder detergent, debating about whether compaction or just a hidden price increase was to blame for the high prices. It is enlightening, so it might be worth checking out that page.
Has anyone else noticed a price increase with any Tide products?
Along with the answer to that question I would love to hear even more people's experiences and opinions of this brand of detergent. You can
share your reviews and experiences here for Tide, or read other reviews that have already been submitted from other readers.
Related Links At Stain Removal 101
What's The Best Laundry Detergent: Reviews & Ratings To Help You ChooseLaundry Tips & Tricks For Busy MomsGo From Ultra Tide Powder Detergent Reviews To Stain Removal 101 Home Page
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