Walmart Great Value Free & Delicate Dryer Sheets Review
by Taylor
I have been using Walmart's Great Value Free & Delicate dryer sheets for a couple of months now, and I have to say I absolutely love them.
One of my big complaints about hypoallergenic laundry supplies is that even when they're made by a manufacturer, they are very difficult to find in stores.
That's why when I saw this store brand product, on the shelf at my local Walmart, with a price tag which was significantly less expensive than
Bounce Free dryer sheets, for example, I jumped at the chance to buy them and test them out. I was not disappointed.
The first thing I noticed about them is that they are thick. When I threw one in, I also noticed that it still felt like it had softener left on it after the load was finished drying.
Therefore, I have been using each sheet about two times before I throw it away, since it still softens and removes static cling the second time around.
That, and the fact that
you can cut them in half, using only one half a sheet in a load, make the savings from this product even more impressive, because for every box of them it's like being able to use 1 sheet for 4 loads of laundry.
Great Value Dryer Sheets {Referral Links
I will say that I've tried out several other store brand and generic versions of dryer sheets besides these, and all of them have been very good. These Great Value dryer sheets were not necessarily better than other store brands, but since I already typically shop at Walmart buying them there is very convenient for me.
Plus, I like the fact that they cost significantly less than the name brand versions, since I'm always looking for a good bargain.
If you are like me, and like to use scent free products to wash your family's clothes, you can read more
hypoallergenic laundry detergent reviews here.
In addition, you can
share your own hypoallergenic fabric softener and dryer sheets reviews here, or read others already submitted (including my reviews of several other scent free store brands of dryer sheets).
Finally, I love collecting reviews of all kinds of store brands products, including dryer sheets, including the scented varieties. You can
share your dryer sheets reviews here of any brand.
Related Links At Stain Removal 101
Laundry Supplies Reviews: Which Products Work Best?How To Use Dryer SheetsGo From Walmart Great Value Free & Delicate Dryer Sheets Reviews To Stain Removal 101 Home Page
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