Wine Away Red Wine Stain Remover Review
by Ronnie
Ronnie has shared her Wine Away review, and how she used it when she spilled red wine on her carpet.
Ronnie says:
I am a cleaning fanatic so I am always looking for new products that are supposed to work miracles. When I heard about this product I went ahead and bought it, because my husband and I like to entertain, and our friends and I drink red wine.
Not long after I bought it my husband and I had some friends over for dinner and drinks. A good friend of ours spilled some red wine on my tan carpet. I semi panicked. Then, I remembered that earlier in the month I purchased Wine Away, just for accidents like this.
I ran to my cleaning closet and grabbed the bottle. I glanced over the instructions quickly, took a dry rag and soaked up the excess wine, shook the bottle gently, and then sprayed it onto the stain on the carpet. Then, I let it sit for five minutes. Finally, I blotted at the stain with a new rag. I was amazed that this product completely removed the wine stain. Then, I got yet another damp rag and blotted at the area on the carpet, as instructed, to remove the residue from the Wine Away from the carpet.
My carpet was not damaged in the process and there was no smell left afterward. The best thing is that I only paid about $9.00 for this product and it says it also removes
blood, ink, fruit punch, sauces,
red medicine stains and
pet accidents. I haven't tried it on these stains yet, but I am quite impressed with it as a wine stain remover, if nothing else. I will always keep this stuff in stock in our home, for our parties.
I would definitely recommend Wine Away to anyone.
Taylor says:
Thanks Ronnie for sharing your review and experience with this product.
There are many wine stain removers on the market, but one of the most popular is probably this product. It is safe not only for carpets, but also clothing and upholstery, making it versatile. I would love to hear even more reviews of it from other people, sharing how it has worked for you. You can
share your wine stain remover review here, for this brand or any other, or read other reviews that have already been submitted.
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Wine Away A Necessity For Me
by Charity
Charity says:
I work in the wine industry, and I have a well deserved reputation for being clumsy.
Wine Away has saved my blouse too many times to count. I keep a bottle at work and a bottle at home. In addition to wine stains it has removed ink, sauces, and other stains from many different surfaces, including my dog's fur, my handwoven beige Iranian rug, and my tablecloths.
I love that it smells delicious. The only issue I have is that sometimes if I'm trying to focus on the aromas of a wine, and I've recently used it to clean up a splash, the citrusy aroma can be distracting.
Taylor says:
Thanks Charity for your review of this product.
I would love to hear more reviews of this product from other readers, not only for
removing wine stains, but also for some other stains it says it works well on.
You can
share your review here of various wine removers, telling me how this product, or another, has worked for you, and on what stains.
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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.