All Free And Clear Detergent Review - Great for Allergy Sufferers!
by Melissa
(Richmond, KY)
Melissa has provided her All Free and Clear detergent review.
Melissa says:
I've always suffered from allergies and constantly struggle to find cleaning products that are non-scented and dye-free.
I've tried many others brands in the non-scented but was often disappointed that they weren't really as scent free as they claimed.
I've been using All Free and Clear for years now and I'm never switching to anything else. It has no scents or dye yet it still cleans great and has always taken care of all of our laundry needs.
I prefer to use the 96 load size because it has a press and pour spout. I just place it on the shelf over our washer and when I need detergent instead of lifting a bottle and bothering with messy caps of liquid I simply pull the container to the edge of the shelf, press the button, and it pours directly into my washer with no mess and no fuss.
For any allergy sufferers out there you can't beat All Free and Clear!!
All Detergent {Referral Links}
Taylor says:
Thanks Melissa for your review.
I know what you mean about looking for a good
hypoallergenic laundry detergent. Once you find something that works well with your allergies (or in this case my son's) you stick with it.
So, does anyone else use All detergent? If so, you can
share your review here, or read other reviews already submitted.
In addition, you can
share other laundry detergent reviews here, telling me which one you like, and why.
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All Small And Mighty Free & Clear A Good Value But The Bottle Drips Which Is Annoying
by Taylor
After my friend Melissa (see above) wrote a review for me, telling me how she likes All Free and Clear detergent I decided to put it on my list of detergents to try and review for the site.
That's why, when I saw a sale at Walmart
for a 96 load jug of this detergent for just $11 (approximately), I jumped at the chance to try it out. Not only had I been told good things about it already, but it is significantly cheaper than many other free and clear detergents I've tried, such as Tide Free and Gentle and Cheer Free and Gentle, to name a few. I'm always up for finding a product that works just as well, but costs less.
I have now used the entire bottle of this detergent, and I will say I plan to buy it again sometime (I've got a long line of additional detergents I'm trying for the site first though). I found that it cleaned the clothes well, no one in the family had an allergic reaction to this hypoallergenic laundry detergent, and I loved the price per load.
Does All Detergent Cause Fading In Your Clothes?
One thing I was concerned about when using All is that I had heard, from several sources, that this detergent faded clothes.
First, I had seen a
video from Consumer Reports about fading colors in the wash (click the link to watch the video on this site) which compared several detergents, and the one that faded the most from the test group was All Small and Mighty.
Second, I got a comment on
Stain Removal 101's Facebook page once saying All had faded her clothes too. These two pieces of information made me a bit concerned, but by that time I had already purchased the detergent so I was bound and determined to use it.
So, after using this detergent for approximately 96 loads I can say I personally have not noticed any excessive fading in my family's clothes. I know that is just anecdotal evidence, but it is my observation. Therefore, this would not deter me from purchasing All Free and Clear again.
My Big Complaint With This Detergent: The Bottle Leaks And Drips
The thing I dislike about this detergent, and bugged me the entire time I used it was that the bottle leaks.
As you can see from the picture of the 96 load jug it is designed to lie down, and then you take the cap off the spout and push a button to let out some detergent into the cap, fill the cap up to the line (I always chose line 1 -- the smallest amount), and then pour this detergent into the washing machine.
There are things I liked about this design, such as not having to lift the heavy jug of detergent each time I used it. However, it dripped, dripped, dripped just a little right after I used it, and I was constantly having to wipe the drips off the washing machine lid since it sat on a wire shelf about the machine.
Although that was annoying it wasn't a deal breaker for me, because it was such a good value. Therefore, I would use it again, but if I could find a smaller jug with the same cheap price per load I would probably choose it instead since it wouldn't lay down like this design.
***Update - I recently tried the
All Mighty Pacs, in the free and clear scent, and they are the same formula as the All Free & Clear small and mighty that I reviewed above, but it is packaged differently. If the dripping problem annoys you, this may be a good solution, but read my review for the caveats!.***
Of course, maybe I wasn't using the jug correctly, and that caused the dripping, since I had never used this type of design before. I would love to hear from others who have used this type of detergent jug, either while using All Free and Clear or any other detergent that has a bottle with a similar design, and give me your tips for how to keep it from dripping, or how you deal with the dripping. You can
share your All detergent review or experiences here, or read others already submitted.
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Did They Start Adding Scent To All Free & Clear?
by Barbara
(Davis, CA)
Barbara asked a question about this scent free laundry detergent.
Barbara says:
My new bottle of All Free & Clear is lightly scented.
All of my previous bottles had a faint chemical odor but nothing perfumy like this one.
Has anyone else noticed this and, if so, have they had any skin reactions to using this apparently new formulation?
Taylor says:
Thanks for writing in with this problem Barbara. My quick answer is no - not that I'm aware of.
In fact, it seems strange that this scent is there since the detergent is advertised as being scent free, and you're right all the bottles of it I've gotten have not had a perfume smell to them.
I have been in the process of testing a bunch of additional detergents recently, so I haven't bought a new bottle in a while. Therefore, I'd love to hear from others sharing if they've noticed a change.
I would definitely call the company and ask about this issue, and if you have time I'd be curious to hear what they say to you. Perhaps they've got an answer, or at least can send you a coupon for a new bottle that hopefully doesn't contain the scent.
***Update: Although the free and clear version is still scent free, ALL did just come out with a new version called
ALL Fresh & Sensitive (click the link for a review from Taylor) which is still dye free, but does have a scent. I personally didn't like it, because I don't like the scent! ***End Update
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Used It For Years But Lately Causing Allergy Problems
by Greg
Greg shared his recent experiences with this variety of the detergent.
Greg says:
Free & Clear has worked for a couple years, but now it seems to be causing problems.
We have begun using less and using the extra rinse cycle.
We also now use a front loading machine which I believe does not rinse as well as the top loading machines.
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear you are beginning to have some allergy problems from this detergent, whereas in the past that did not seem to be the case.
I am currently unaware of any changes to the formula, but I would be interested in hearing from other long time users of this variety, sharing if you've noticed any changes lately to it as well.
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Causes Red & Itchy Hives For Me
by Shannon
(Kutztown, Pa)
I started using All free and clear a couple of days ago and started breaking out in hives all over my body!
Started just on arms but by nighttime was everywhere!
Went away overnight after I took an allergy pill but returned again about 12 hours after the pill.
Now I even have it on my face.
I have never had a reaction to any laundry detergent, even stronger scented and dyed ones like Tide yet here is supposedly an allergy friendly laundry detergent and it is causing me fear, itchiness and worry!
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Caused Contact Dermatitis When Formula Changed
SR101 Reader 1 says:
I used this product for years and somehow it has changed.
My husband started with contact dermatitis and it blew up into something very serious.
I would not recommend All to anyone, even free and clear since that is what I was using.
My husband had to take steroids to calm things down.
I have switched to
7th generation and he is getting better. Beware!
SR101 Reader 2 says:
I've used this product for several years with no problem. But with my last two bottles I did notice a stronger scent.
Lo and behold, I am experiencing a very bad case of contact dermatitis - and the only thing we can point to is the All Free & Clear.
My dermatologist said to try using less of the product, and doing a double rinse cycle. But that did not work, so I'm now seeking a new laundry detergent.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing what happened to you.
I would be curious though, whether you were using plain old Free & Clear or were using the Free & Clear with Oxi Active.
I've gotten lots of complaints about the hypoallergenic version with oxi additives, but I myself have not noticed a change in the original formula of the regular, non-oxi variety.
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All Free & Clear Faded My Clothes
by Tae
(Symrna, Ga)
Tae shared this quick review with me of this detergent.
Tae says:
The product is great on stains and for people with sensitive skin.
However, after using this product twice my clothes looked very worn and began to look fuzzy. Brand new clothes (Arden B. ) looked like I had them for years!
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience with me Tae.
As I mentioned in my review above, others have shared they thought all had been rough on their clothing, as you mentioned. I did not notice it myself, but obviously your experience is not alone.
I'd love to hear from even more people telling me if they think this product fades their clothes quickly as well! You can
share your thoughts here.
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All Free & Clear Laundry Detergent Is All Around Wonderful!
by Anne
Anne says:
I have suffered from a variety of allergies since I was a small child: seasonal, food, scent, contact etc.
All Free and Clear has been a godsend. I was happy that it was dye and scent free, but its real value became clear when I was hospitalized a few years ago and developed a raging case of allergic dermatitis, particularly on my back.
It was caused primarily by the laundering process used to ensure germ-free bedding coupled with the fact that the waterproof covering on the hospital mattress caused a combination of heat and moisture. When the rubbing and scratching eventually caused broken skin, we decided that I needed hypo-allergenic sheets.
Taking no chances, my next hospitalization saw me trucking my own sheets with me and the hospital generously gave me a dozen new johnnies several weeks before my scheduled admission which I washed in All F&C.
I looked lake a homeless person while I waited to be admitted but I did not have a minute of discomfort in either the hospital or rehab facility.
I have found that ALL F&C cleans very well in cold water. I occasionally do a pre-soak to freshen whites in
Oxiclean and have had no adverse reaction. As an extra precaution one could use the rinse cycle before running the wash.
I suspect most people who cope with skin sensitivity do this as a matter of course, but ALWAYS wash any garments which will touch your skin before a first wearing. Many fabrics, especially cotton, contain sizing which can cause an allergic dermatitis.
All Free and Clear is my choice, and I'm sticking to it!
Taylor says:
Thanks Anne for sharing your review and experiences with this laundry detergent with me.
I am actually using this exact detergent right now with my whole family's wash, since I like to try out various detergents for review on this site.
I will post a full review later, but I have liked it very well so far, and my sensitive skin, and that of my children, has not been adversely affected.
Does anyone else use this, or another
hypoallergenic laundry detergent that is their favorite? I would love for more people to share their reviews, especially about scent and dye free products, since when you need one a scented variety just won't do. You can
share your laundry detergent review here.
***Update - I have now received several
reviews about the free and clear version of All Oxi Active, saying that it caused an allergic reaction.
There is obviously some difference in formula between the regular version of All Free & Clear, which comes in regular liquid, small and mighty and powder, and then the Oxi Active version. Just wanted people to know this because I am, based on these reviews, recommending the original formula only for those with sensitive skin.***
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