Love The Purex Complete Crystals But They Cause An Allergic Reaction
by SR101 Reader
An SR101 Reader shared her experience with Purex crystals, which included an allergic reaction to the scents within the product. Unfortunately, this seems to be a growing trend, and all of the reviews below share similar stories of allergies exacerbated by this product.
SR101 Reader says:
I loved these, but unfortunately they are breaking my husband out in very large hives.
I had to quit using and rewash EVERYTHING in the house, including all the towels, sheets and blankets, all undergarments etc. Quite an ordeal.
I would love to know what is in them that could be causing this.
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience with this product.
Unfortunately, even though these crystals are 92% natural they have added fragrances, and other ingredients that may be causing your husband's allergy problems. Plus, even because things are natural doesn't mean they won't cause allergic reactions in people.
You can learn more about
laundry detergent allergies here. Although I refer in the article mainly to detergents, any other laundry additives, such as
fabric softener, bleaches,
dryer sheets, or anything else can also cause allergic reactions.
You are doing the right thing to rewash everything, and hopefully that will clear up the problem for him. Unfortunately, it seems, you won't be able to use the Purex crystals in your home because of this allergy. You may also want to look into
hypoallergenic laundry detergent for the whole family if your husband's allergy problems continue.
Has anyone else had allergy problems when using this product, or with any fabric softener? You can
share your opinions about fabric softener here, or read other reviews for other brands and types which have already been submitted.
In addition, you can learn more about these crystals in my article about
Purex softener crystals.
In addition, please note that I am a Purex Insider. What this means is that I was chosen as an ambassador for the company, to learn information about their laundry products so that I can share them with you. However, what I share with you is based on my own experience, or that of my readers, and is not influenced by Purex.
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Response To Reader Sharing The Purex Crystals Caused An Allergic Reaction
by Heidi
Heidi responded to the review above where an SR101 reader shared that the Purex crystals caused her husband to have an allergic reaction.
Heidi says:
My guess would be the perfume. It could be the dye, but I am betting on the perfume.
The Purex Crystals are specifically made to leave behind a very strong fragrance that can last a very long time.
I have actually used this brand with good results. There are some
fabric softeners we can not use because of the kind of fragrance used or other chemicals added, so I understand your frustrations.
We usually have problems with
dryer sheets. I think we break out because of the combination of wax holding in the scent and it being against our skin. It's weird but that is how it works in my home.
Taylor says:
Thanks Heidi for your thoughts on the allergic reaction issue.
Has anyone else had allergic reactions to any laundry supplies? Please
share your laundry supplies review here, telling me your story of what happened, and what you did to try to fix the problem when you experienced the allergies.
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I Also Had An Allergic Reaction Which Is A Shame Since I Liked Them
by SR101 Reader
I also had an allergic reaction to the Purex Crystals, which is a shame because I really did like them.
I broke out in hives so bad that they caused me to have to go to the ER 3 times for IV meds and they even wanted to admit me to the hospital but due to lack of childcare I had to refuse!
Even after rewashing everything in the house and all the mess it still took 2 weeks for the horrible hives to clear up! It is odd because I have never been allergic to anything before!
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Purex Crystals Fresh Spring Water Fabric Softener Review: Love It But My Body Is Rebelling
by Nancy
Nancy shared this review of Purex crystals, adding her problems with allergic reactions to it.
Nancy says:
I love the feel and the aroma of this product. I have people stopping me and asking what perfume I am wearing! So I started giving them a small bottle of this one. It was fun to share.
But now I need some help. I would love to continue using the Purex Fabric Softener...but my body is rebelling. Does Purex make a perfume free version? I prefer how this keeps the dryer from clogging.
Taylor says:
Hi Nancy, at this point in time Purex does not make a unscented version of this fabric softener.
I think that's too bad, since it is a unique way to soften clothes that does not rely on
traditional oil-based fabric softeners, or
dryer sheets.
As you can see from this page lots of people have an allergic reaction to this product, similar to what I am assuming you are experiencing because of the heavy fragrance.
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Love the Purex Crystals . . . BUT Not The Rash
by SR101 Reader
They made my clothes smell wonderful, but a few days after using them I started to develop an itchy, sunburn looking type rash.
So I'm gonna have to re-wash all my clothes and get rid of it :/
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My Advice: Use It Cautiously Until You Know If You Have A Reaction
by D.C.C.
(Pittsburgh, PA)
My 13 year old and 9 year old both started having hives after prolonged exposure to clothing and bedding washed with these crystals, and neither of them had had an allergic reaction to anything before.
I find it interesting that the bottle says right on it that it's an "Irritant"!!!!! Sure is!!!
I have used every scented laundry soap and fabric softener out there, but this is first time anyone in my family had a reaction.
Disappointing because I do like the smell. Oh well.
My advice to anyone thinking about trying it-- have Benadryl and Aveeno oatmeal soap on hand and save yourself a lot of hassle and only wash a load or two and see if you have a reaction.
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Stayed Up Many Nights Scratching Because Of This
by Yvonne Wimberly
For the past 3 weeks I have broken out in hives rashes and cannot sleep because of the severe itching, even though I have not made any drastic changes in my diet.
I began the process of elimination in my diet. Still no resolution.
Then I began to think when the itching occurred and where.
I realized I had began using the Purex Crystals in my laundry quite a bit in the past month.
I had changed my bedding which was also washed in the product.
It got me thinking that this had to be it.
I spoke with my daughter who said she wished I had mentioned that I was using the Crystals, she would have been able to relate my hives to that information.
My daughter said she had to quit using it also because she had broken out in rashes on her body and that my granddaughter and one other daughter had to quit using it for the same reason.
I don't know what ingredient is in it, but there's definitely a chemical that causes hives and all the itching that goes along with it.
I stayed up many night scratching, using special lotions and taking Benadryl.
I have just about re-washed everything I could think of.
Hope this helps someone.
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I Got Hives From Tropical Splash Scent
by Bonnie
Bonnie says:
I broke out in hives 3 weeks ago and thought it was poison oak since I just went camping a week before.
I washed everything in Purex Crystals, the Tropical Splash scent, however my hives got worse and are all over my body.
When I finally realized it may be the crystals I looked at the bottle and on the front is a mango.
I am highly allergic to the oils on the skin of mangos.
Mango trees come from the same plant family as poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac.
My body is breaking out everywhere except my face and feet which is where clothes and towels don't touch.
I have been to the emergency room after an overdose of two anti itch medicines - Benadryl and Lidocaine.
I have rewashed everything, however these oils take time to go away.
I'm sure part of the "natural ingredients" of this product contain mango oil or something to that effect.
I'm curious to know if the other people allergic to this product are also allergic to poison oak, ivy and sumac.
Also I think we may need to wash out clothes more than once and in hot water which is bad for my dark clothes.
Benadryl is a life saver however. Taking it every four hours is the only thing keeping me from not itching my skin off.
Taylor says:
Sorry to hear this Bonnie.
I have no idea whether mango oil is in the ingredients of this product, nor if they are related to these itchy plants personally, so don't take that part as gospel.
But I can believe you're allergic to something in this product since obviously lots of other readers have had similar reactions.
I hope you feel better soon!
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Fresh Mountain Breeze Scent Caused A Reaction For Me
by Anonymous
First time I used Purex. I have used many other companies products with no reaction.
This new product caused an allergic reaction with hives all over my body. Clean sheets on my bed Friday night and full of hives Saturday morning.
Now I have to rewash all my sheets, blankets and clothes.
No thanks Purex, this product is not for me.
I have never had an allergic reaction to any other product in my life and I am over 50 years old.
Not sure what you added but Purex should remove it.
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Purex Crystals Gave Me An Allergic Reaction With The Fresh Spring Scent
by SR101 Reader
An SR101 reader wrote to share with me the allergic reaction she had to Purex Crystals fabric softener.
SR101 reader says:
After using the crystals my laundry smelled terrific and the scent did last a long time.
However, I experienced an allergic reaction on my face and behind my knees and inside elbows (where clothes rub against skin). The burn on my face was so bad (most likely from bath towels & washcloths) that It peeled a couple of layers of skin off around my lip and nose area.
I'm still healing/re-peeling a week later.
Taylor says:
I'm sorry to hear how this product effected your allergies. I hope you feel better soon.
I guess you'll have to lay off the scented
laundry supplies no matter how good they smell, it's definitely not worth that!
I would note, too, that it is not just Purex crystals which are causing allergic reactions for people. Other highly scented crystals and beads which are now all the rage in laundry supplies, such as
Downy Unstopables and
Gain Fireworks have also caused some of my readers to have allergic reactions.
On the other hand, not everyone has had such a reaction to this fabric softener. In fact, here are
additional reviews on this site of these crystals, where people have loved them, and not experienced any health problems related to them.
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