Tide Detergent Allergies: Symptoms & Experiences

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Several people have written in to share their Tide detergent allergies stories with me.

This is a popular brand so it's really no surprise there are quite a few people who've had allergic reactions, such as itching, hives and rash, from it.

What follows are some of their stories, as well as the symptoms they experienced when using this brand. This includes allergic reactions to various scents and formulations.

Paul says:

I've broken out into hives everywhere my clothes came into contact with my skin.

We switched to a front load HE machine and I kept using the same amount of detergent.

The new machines use far less water and I noticed that the rinse wasn't set to use fresh water. Who wouldn't use fresh water to rinse?

I also noticed that the clothes still smelled of detergent and the clincher was a shirt I wore gave me hives around my neck after the end of the day I wore it.

The hives were extensive and are very hard to handle. I had to have my dermatologist give me a prescription for the itching.

Taylor says:

Sorry to hear that happened Paul.

Using an HE machine when you switch from a top loader can be an adjustment. You might want to check out my guide to using HE laundry detergent since excessive detergent residue in your clothes may be causing your problem.

However, if you are allergic in large quantities to something within this detergent you most likely are allergic to it in less intense quantities as well, you may just not have noticed the issue as much.

You might want to check out my comprehensive list of available hypoallergenic detergents because this might really help you as well.

Ultimate guide to hypoallergenic laundry detergent

Hope you feel better soon.

Has anyone else had problem when using this popular brand? If so, you can share your experience here. There are many more stories below.

Have you experienced allergies caused by Tide detergent? If you think so, or you know it, check out these experiences and stories from other readers who've also had issues {on Stain Removal 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

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I Have NEVER Had A Skin Allergy Until I Used Tide Free & Gentle!

by Nikole
(Dallas, Texas)

Nikole says:

At the time of this writing I am writhing on the couch trying to resist scratching myself to death!

I became a first time mom 3 weeks ago - and after realizing the sheer amount of laundry that comes with a tiny 8lb boy I decided to switch from using expensive Dreft to Tide Free and Gentle for use on all the laundry.

It started on my belly, where my stretch marks are fresh, and I was convinced it was PUPPPS (a skin condition some women get during pregnancy). Doc said no, and my stretch marks actually got a lot worse from the scratching.

Fast forward a week and a half and a new batch of clean laundry later and the rash is now on my ankles, thighs, arms, legs, feet.

I have never had an allergic reaction in my life!

I now have steroid cream, and deduced that this "hypoallergenic" detergent is the problem.

I live in the city where the majority of us use laundry mats, so rewashing everything several times with a newborn is quite a hassle.

I used regular Gain (liquid) until now, but I am afraid I will be allergic to that as well, so I will try the natural brands.

Thank goodness my son has not had a reaction! Also, as I am breastfeeding, I cannot take an antihistamine - ugh!

Taylor says:

Nikole, I am so sorry to hear about this allergic reaction. I hope you feel better soon. It's never fun, any time, but especially not when trying to take care of a baby.

You are definitely not the first person who has told me they had an allergic reaction to this hypoallergenic detergent. In fact, here's a page of reviews of this non-scented version of Tide, and as you'll see if you read the reviews while some people swear it is the only thing that doesn't make them break out others are definitely allergic to it.

I can personally use Tide Free & Gentle, but I too have had allergic reactions to some hypoallergenic detergents. (Something about Era Free that kills me.) So hypoallergenic is definitely not a promise of no allergies for anyone.

Good luck and I sure hope you feel better soon!

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Tide Simply Clean Caused Red Welts On My Skin

by Melodie

I recently decided to try the Tide Simply Clean. I just finished off my first bottle, I think it was a 32 oz bottle.

Today I noticed huge red welts under my arms and starting around my waist. It was from washing my bra in the new Tide I tried. This is the only Tide product I have ever had any issues with.

In fact it's the first detergent I have ever had a reaction too. Anyone else had any similar issues?

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Tide Clean Breeze Scent Liquid Caused Allergic Reaction

by SR101 Reader

My girlfriend recently bought Tide Clean Breeze liquid detergent, and almost immediately began experiencing an allergic reaction to it once she washed her clothes.

She broke out around her underwear area and her lower legs, and that was just from washing underwear in them. Who knows what would have happened if she had put everything she had washed on all at once? She probably would have broken out all over.

She's never had this experience before, even with using lots of other scented detergents. Someone should put a warning on this stuff! Uggh.

Taylor says:

Sorry to hear about this bad experience with Tide laundry detergent. I hope she feels better soon!

allergic reactions to Tide Pods
If you continue to suffer from allergies from laundry products I would suggest checking out my article on the causes and cures for laundry detergent allergies.

Further, please note that I've also gotten lots of complaints of problems with Tide Pods. You can reader experiences with Tide Pods causing allergies here.

Surprisingly, I've also gotten many complaints of Tide's free and gentle version causing allergies as well, although many others rely on it as their hypoallergenic detergent of choice.

I'd love to hear from even more people who've used this detergent, sharing their experiences, good or bad, with it. You can share your detergent reviews here, or click the link to read additional reviews that have already been submitted.

Have you experienced allergies caused by Tide detergent? If you think so, or you know it, check out these experiences and stories from other readers who've also had issues {on Stain Removal 101}use this Pin it button to save to Pinterest

Bottom photos courtesy of Mike Mozart

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Comments for Tide Clean Breeze Scent Liquid Caused Allergic Reaction

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Tide causes allergies for a lot of people
by: Jenni

I itched for years from living at home until I saw a dermatologist when I was in my early 40s. His first instruction was to quit using Tide. (This was liquid Tide in the bottle.) The doctor told me that Tide doesn't rinse completely from clothing. Tide advertises that their detergent helps to keep clothing from staining. This is because the detergent stays in the clothes. The doctor suggested All Free & Clear or Purex Free & Clear if you have sensitive skin.

HE version of Tide with bleach alternative may have caused hives
by: Tara

I have always used Tide reg. with bleach alternative with no problems. Today my little girl started breaking out with hives. The only thing different I had been using was this Tide HE version that I had bought in a hurry. I have been sneezing like crazy. Not sure if it could be connected or not. I decided to rewash everything in Dreft. Still hives, just not as bad.

Tide- no no
by: Gretta

We cannot use Tide in our home. The males in our family all broke out in a very bad rash in the genital area. I had always used Sunlight but hubby brought home Tide one day because it was on sale. Needless to say we are back to Sunlight, sorry Tide.

The Old Tide Free Was Not A Problem
by: Jan

We never had a problem with the old Tide Free version but when they changed it a few years ago we also had some mild itching issues. I like the Wisk Free if you can find it. You can order it online from Walmart, but they do not have it in the store.

makes me break out
by: Anonymous

Break out every time in areas of the body where I sweat. Armpits and private areas.

My eye is all puffed up and swollen
by: Anonymous

Yesterday in the afternoon I poured the liquid Tide in the washer. Well my hands touched the bottle. I came inside the house and rubbed my eye. It started itching. So the Tide soap got in my eye. Over the evening my eye started to water a lot. By the time I got to bed my eye was swollen, and I can feel the skin around my eye wrinkle up. Now it's morning and my left side of my face is swollen. Under my eye it looks like I haven't slept in days or got punched in the eye and face. What is in that Tide I wonder, or any soap detergent for that matter. I even sneeze a lot just when I smell it. And yes when I go to the stores and pass by the aisle where the detergent for the clothes I sneeze like crazy. Oh Lordy.

Bad tide reaction.
by: Anonymous

I've had the same reaction to Tide liquid laundry detergent. The red itchy rashes started small but spread everywhere and grew in size and moved about a lot. I had swelling of the lips, eyes, hands, feet. Worst itching one could ever imagine. Lasted two weeks. First week was the worst, as things just got worse every day. Second week was better, swelling slowly going away by then.

Went to hospital several times. I would call the hospital and mention something else swelling and they would say all we can do is give you another shot.

Eventually washed everything in hot water many times as that seemed to get most of it out of the clothes. All I can say is I feel sorry for those that have been there and even more so for those who will eventually experience such.

Back in the day my mother would let all our old soap bits stay in a bucket of water and it turned to goo and was used as washing liquid for clothes. Maybe that was not a bad idea after all as I never got a reaction from such.

How to get it out of clothes?
by: Susie

I switched to Tide, and my arms, neck and face can't take it. I read all the posts, omg, i thought i was alone. I threw out the Tide, but at least seven big loads of laundry, and all the money invested in that clothing, are unwearable. I switched to Dreft and have re-washed and re-washed, it's not working. Is there any rescue for all my nice clothes that are ruined?? This is several years worth of clothing investment and I just can't believe are gone. Shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, towels. If no rescue, do I just have to go shopping and spend more than I can afford to clothe myself again?

Why isn't there a warning label or the stuff just banned??

Used it for many years
by: Anonymous

Used Tide for many years but switched for money reasons to cheaper items. Was given a bottle of TIDE and started using it about 3 weeks ago. Just about the same time I was working in the garden and had started a prescribed supplement. Got a rash and swollen eyes. Eyes getting better, but still getting more body rash. Now I realize it is the Tide. Makes me mad. So uncomfortable for weeks. So much for new and improved! And I've used all kinds of cheap stuff with no problem. At least I figured out the culprit and can move on.

Am I allergic to Tide Liquid?
by: Lisa Gurney

I have had what I thought were fall allergies since October. When they continued into the end of January I started to look for a different cause. My symptoms are extremely weeping, puffy, dark circles under my eyes. Exhausted beyond reason even after a long nights sleep. This morning, after showering I put on a shirt that hadn't been washed in the regular Tide and my symptoms are minimal to not at all. The only difference is this shirt. I am going to change my detergent and pray that is what it is. Thank you for this site.

Allergic reaction to Tide soap
by: Judy

I too am suffering with an allergic reaction to Tide soap. The doctor told me to get some allergy pills and cream. I did that and nothing has helped. I am desperate to make the itch go away. It is mostly on my buttocks and upper legs.

First world problems - taking own sheets to a hotel
by: Anonymous

I first discovered my allergy when I used Tide. I only use ALL clear. Free of perfumes and dyes, I've been using for years now.

However I just got a bad flare up from sleeping at a hotel for 2 nights. I'm thinking I'll have to bring sheets with me in future. What a pain.

What do I do to get rid of this in the meantime? It's slowly spreading up the arm since this morning. I just took a Benadryl so we'll see what happens.

Broke me out
by: Ella T

I used to use Tide a few years ago but decided to switch to a more natural brand because I noticed rash like breakouts on my back and shoulders. I think it was also due to an old washing machine that didn't clean clothes well. Now we have a new washer and my breakouts were gone until my family that I live with started using it. Of course they use Tide which my skin really reacts to. I have eczema on my arms plus rash like breakouts on my back, arms, chest and butt area. I do not used Tide myself but it doesn't matter since it looks like it doesn't completely rinse away. I'm trying my best to get them to stop using it since it's very uncomfortable for me plus embarrassing. I'm also very sure that my condition skin condition is worsened since they also use bounce dryer sheets which I don't. Getting the smell of it out of the dryer is just impossible. I can't go any where without covering my arms and making sure my back doesn't show. Hopefully I can get it under control soon since now I've started itching.

Thought I had mites!
by: Kathy

My body started itching in spots so I investigated everything I could think of but concentrated on certain bugs. The mite treatment did not work, I was washing my clothes and sheets daily to get rid of any lurking bugs. The itching got worse and my body was full of welts and red bumps. I was so miserable and was using up tubes of cortisone and bottles of calamine. I took a Zrytec and I got relief! It then dawned on me that I had just gotten Tide for the first time ever. I went online and saw all the blogs about Tide allergies and the pictures that were posted looked exactly like my skin. I was so relieved to have an answer, three days later I am 90% itch free. This experience stopped my life for about 5 days. Work was hard because I could not concentrate, meetings were almost impossible and unbearable. Thank goodness for these posts, Google and Internet!

Same Symptoms - original formula
by: Nancy

I got a half bottle of Tide from my MIL when we moved her to long term care. I had always used Purex because of price, but also because I liked how it cleaned. I didn't realize until several loads later that my outbreak of hives was due to Tide. A neighbor told me she was allergic to it, and when I back-tracked my lifestyle, I confirmed it was Tide. This was the Original formula. OMG the pain I suffered from not only hives, but swelling of lips and eyes, and the itching. I ended up in the ER it was so bad. Even the nurse at the ER asked about laundry detergent as a possibility of my hives. I feel for all the above posters who have gone through this allergy. I wish P&G would put a better/stronger warning on the label other than it may irritate eyes. It's WAY more than that. The public should be warned about not only Tide, but other detergents containing ingredients that cause this severe of an irritation to skin. It's a shame that going forward when I visit someone's home, I have to ask if they use Tide, or bring my own bedsheets.

Hives on my hands
by: Ryan

Thought I'd get some good detergent and I bought Tide. Been breaking out on my hands only. Not sure if the detergent is the cause but I'm not going to rule it out after reading these posts. It's been for a few weeks which perfectly relates to when I bought it. I started eating the same things every day to rule food out of the equation. Drinking only water. Thought it could be the black rubber on my steering wheel and shifter but I covered it all. Was told by a doc that it had to be a contact related allergen. Hopefully I found the cause and I am terribly sorry for those breaking out in those terrible regions. I hope you all have found relief.

by: Anonymous

Beware! I used this for a couple months and could not pin point where my reactions were coming from - just assumed it was seasonal allergies. Rashes and itching throughout my body with skin intact; areas where I have piercings were weeping clear fluids. Extremely itchy everywhere! Could not pin point the source until a friend suggested I try a different detergent. Free and clear Target brand seems to be helping.

thought it was my Tide powder, but it was worse
by: Barbara

Ladies, I broke out in a rash and a terrible itch back in June 2015. Of course, like the rest of us, around 1 a.m. or so. Changed detergent, using less, cleaned out the washer etc. BUT till about a month ago, my husband found a BEDBUG on me. So ladies, just as a precaution, use a bright spotlight and have a 91% alcohol in a spray bottle. No other lights on, just the spot light and check where you were sleeping. I'm sorry that I thought it was detergent rash but it was BEDBUGS!! Lots of luck!

can't use this brand in any form
by: Vanessa Walters

I had recently been using Tide pods, Tide Sport, regular Tide liquid. Used these for 3 containers' worth, and now Im 'prickly' all over, dry, very sore scratchy skin. So NO MORE TIDE products. I can use other brands with little or NO trouble. I can't even use TIDE FREE which is supposed to be safe for people like me. There IS an ingredient that builds up as I use more than one jug of Tide or a package of Tide pods, and then BOOM, an attack of skin upset. This happened a year ago. I just can't use TIDE in any form.

The worst of the bad
by: Sherry

I have never, ever been able to use any TIDE products. Not even their free and clear. My mother, when I visited, had to change products just for me. My grown children change products just for me.

When I snuggle my grandbabies whose blankets or clothes have been washed in TIDE products I have allergic reactions, sneezing, coughing, itching, watery eyes.

Just the other day one of my 4 year old grand children spent the night. His mommy brought him in his pj's all ready for bed. He slept with me and I had my arm around him most of the night. I noticed as I was reading to him earlier I had started with a little cough. Gave it no thought because allergy season is upon us and I have been suffering. When I joined him in bed later I started coughing more, but got up and used my inhaler and went back to bed.

When we woke up in the morning, my eyes were swollen shut, I was so congested I couldn't breathe and I had welts on my arms, neck, shoulder area. That is when I got smart and texted his mother and asked her what kind of detergent she used. You guess it, Tide Free. I told her what happened and she felt very bad, not knowing about my problem.

I had to travel that day and it took all day before my head cleared and the itching stopped. I'm also allergic to the medications that make you not allergic. I took two long showers, used my Flonase, my allergy eye drops and my inhaler before hitting the road.

I do not know what is in TIDE, but I know my babies could not use it. The mom of this little one who spent the night claims that TIDE is the only thing she can use. But now as I think about it, she is always suffering with sneezing, sinus problems and so are her two youngest children, my grandchildren. I am going to share some of these reviews with her and see if she might think about trying something else.

Don't use if you have allergies or asthma, TIDE products will make it worse.

I cannot use Tide in any form
by: Vanessa

I grew up with my clothes being washed with Cheer, Tide, Fab, Oxydol,Trend soaps and not having issues with these. In the last few years though, I find when I do use Tide (liquid, pods, powdered, any and all scents, AND even Tide Free!) for very long, more than one container, pack or jug, I have rashes, dry hardened leathery skin, itchy scratchy all over, weird aches and pain, and I even wheeze. So I quit Tide, rewash my clothes in other soaps and NO issues when the clothes aren't washed in Tide anymore. I just went through this again. Now am using All Free and Clear, after several days of awful allergic symptoms, I am feeling much better. I can't use Tide in ANY form. I have to leave it on the store shelf! I use Gain, Purex, Arm and Hammer Essentials, All and no issues (except when I find a piece of clothing that was washed in Tide before).

Completely nasty stuff
by: Michael Scott

It felt as if I was being eaten alive by insects. It woke me up on a reliable basis until I quit using Tide.

Dogs allergy
by: Kelley

I think I have determined my dogs recent allergies -- constant scratching -- are caused by liquid original Tide. Anyone else have these issues?

by: Rachel

My 18 yr old son, noticed a few hives on the inside of his upper arms. By the next evening, he had hives that were all over his arms, legs and torso. They were very swollen. I thought we were going to have to take him to the doctor, he looked awful! We looked at the laundry detergent, and we had been using regular Tide, but had accidentally bought Tide Ultra Stain Release. This is the only thing that we had changed. I am hoping after washing all of his clothes, again, that the hives will not come back.

Hives for Weeks - What a way to spend a Vacation
by: Marina

Well, where do I start?! Currently I am laying on a bed in Thailand covered in hives and itching uncontrollably. What's worse is that the medication at the pharmacy is no where near what I can get back home and I can't see a doctor for anything to help. I wish I knew that the detergent was the cause of my hives before going on vacation- but this is how it started for me...

After moving back to my house with my boyfriend from being in college for 8 months, I had 1 1/2 weeks to unload, unpack, reorganize and re pack for our vacation coming up.
I packed all my clothes in bags and had them ready to be washed for when I got home. I washed ALLLLLLL of my clothes, and the first day I put them on- I broke out in hives after working out in my sports bra. At first I thought it was a heat rash, until it kept spreading. I had changed at this point into clean clothes and had showered but the rash continued to spread.

I have a latex allergy so I thought maybe it was the sports bra. Realizing there was no latex I decided I would wait a day and see if it went away. The next day it was still there. I bought Benadryl- took it for two days. Still there. I got a cold from my boyfriend, thought maybe it was my way of dealing with it. 5 days later i called my doctor. She ran a blood test for allergies but by the time I could have recieved my results I was already on a plane.

The hives started going away as I wore new clothes I had bought on my trip. Then, I decided I would wear The bikini I bought for the trip. I had washed it with the tide detergent. All of a sudden I started getting a rash on my legs, it it started spreading up my back and further down my legs.

And now it leads me to realize that the only thing that was similar and the only thing that had changed that would have caused this was the detergent used on the clothes causing the hives.

So again, here I lay- in Thailand, SUPPOSED to be enjoying my vacation, but instead, covered in burning itching hives- so spread that I look like I have some contagious disease with no health care system available for treatment. Peachy.

be careful if you have sensitive skin
by: Debbie R

Although I usually use a cheaper brand of detergent I decided to buy Tide to see if it would make my towels smell better. I started itching for about a week and then I broke out in a terrible rash all over my body. Be careful of the chemicals used in Tide if you have sensitive skin.

HE Detergent Allergy - Machines comes with apartment
by: Barbara Jackson

I'm about to go to sleep and it hits me, what in the world can I be allergic to because I haven't changed anything except the machine and the detergent I use and it dawns on me just before I was thinking about going to get a bomber to bomb any bugs or whatever is making me itch in the house that it must be the detergent I'm using. So I get on Google and come to this site and I find out that there are other people allergic as well.

The good news is that I'm glad that I am not the only one and and I'm not losing my mind. I happened to remember the last time I had a bad allergy it was from "Gain" detergent so I stopped using that years ago. I have to say that the allergy hives are pretty bad unfortunately, but Benadryl knocked it out in about a couple of days.

I hate this new thing with the machine saving water, residue is always found on my clothes. I tried washing small loads with very little detergent and the opposite to no avail and these are new machines. Really sucks that I have no option.

Itchy rash
by: Michele Ledet

I have always used Tide but I switched to another brand for a while. I came back to Tide because I wasn't satisfied with the clean I was getting. Now that I am using Tide again I have an itchy red rash on my legs, neck and chest.

itchy bumps ugly allergic reaction
by: Anonymous

i use the tide yellow bottle for the first time ,and a couple of days i started having itchy bumps ,and it get worsen and it all my body from neck to legs ,its ugly itchy and bumpy..

by: Ruth

I grew up with my mom using Tide and Gain frequently. All of a sudden, at age 19, I developed an allergy to it, itchy hives all over. This was back in the early 80s when there weren't so many varieties of Tide and liquid detergents were just coming out on the market. I had switched to Era because of the easy to pack bottles. Staying with mom, and using bedding washed in Tide caused problems. Neither of my daughters can use it either.

Tide rashes
by: Stephanie

I am a kid and I make slime for a living. I use tide to make my slime and my hands every week become red and my fingers bleed. Someone please tell me why this I happening. Thanks

everyone in the house is itching
by: LJ

I've been using Tide for about 4 months now. For the last 2 months I've been breaking with huge hives usually one or two at a time. By the time they go away I break out with new ones in a different spot. Been to my primary care doctor and the dermatologist they have ran all kinds of tests on me and can't find the problem. I'm guessing its Tide because everyone in the house is itching

Tide Plus Bleach
by: Ray

Three years ago I developed and intense itch that I thought was jock itch; it was accompanied by the most awful smell that I had ever encountered. After trying every over the counter jock itch medication on the market, I reluctantly spoke to my primary care physician about it. Consequently he made an appointment for me with a dermatologist; I visited his office twice and was seen by his nurse practitioner with no relief. I became discouraged and stopped visiting his office. A year later I was contacted by the dermatologist office and decided to see them again out of desperation, this time I saw the dermatologist himself and his recommendation has made a world of difference. For the first time in three years things are back to normal a week after my visit. He instructed me to change my laundry detergent from Tide to All Free and Clear

"Most of my patience with these type of skin irritations use Tide." He said.

All Free and Clear has restored peace in my life.

by: Lisa

I might not get back to this site but felt for the hopeful benefit of others, I’d comment. I used Gain laundry detergent for a very long time until I thought I would treat myself to tide. Since then the itching has been maddening! I tried everything from running a humidifier, taking Benadryl, and even tried a liquid softener on laundry. Finally after talking to am few friends I realized Tide is the only thing that could be causing this allergy. I’m returning to Gain laundry detergent, and know it will take a while to get the residue out of my clothes/sheets/ etc. Take heart people.... you might not be alone in this!

My allergic reation got tide
by: Anonymous

I have a very bad rash from the product tide. Off I'm at my friends and they us tide I break out in a very bad rash.I am covered in a rash right now from this product.

Red welts all over!
by: Anonymous

I have broken out in welts on my arms, back, leg from what I suspect is use of this detergent. Every time I wear something washed in this product - bingo, more welts appear in no time.

I have stopped using it and hopefully things will clear up.

Tide Oxi
by: Anonymous

I’m a writer with a deadline but I wake up at 3:45 ready to tear my skin off after using Tide Oxi. I don’t have any other detergent and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get back to sleep anyhow.

Tide free and gentle
by: Sue

I started itching about 2 months ago and then sores appeared on my breasts. The itching was relentless. I had to see my primary physician, then a dermatologist. We tried multiple medications.

Then I realized the last detergent purchased in error was this. My son had eczema as a baby and I've used All free & clear for over 10 years. I've never had a skin reaction before and I was starting to worry if I had breast cancer.

I do not believe they were unaware of this during R& D or else did a lazy study.

This is disgraceful that they advertise this product as they do especially with so many documented complaints.

Everything had to be rewashed with ALL brand. All our clothes, towels, blankets, bedspreads.

I will be boycotting all proctor and gamble products and telling everyone to avoid this product and why.

Shame on them.

by: Chrissy E

My mom used to tell me when I was a kid, that she didn't use Tide because it made her itch. I thought she was crazy, but then me, being a major couponer, got an almost free deal with Tide. I used it, and didn't realize that it was making me itch. When I would go to sleep at night, and would get under the blankets, I would itch all night, to the point where I couldn't sleep. I didn't know what was going on. Then I switched back to my regular detergent, and the itching stopped...GO FIGURE!

All Tide is BAD
by: Anonymous

Switched to Tide Pods and ended up with dermatitis - very itchy, red rash on various parts of my body. Two trips to the dermatologist and several hundred dollars later and I was still an itchy, sleepless mess. Switched to Tide Free and Clear - rash continued unabated - still itching, scratching and sleepless. Doctor put me on steroids - only partially helpful. Switched to another brand of free and clear laundry detergent and rewashed bedding. First non-itchy night in over a month. All Tide products are bad and highly allergenic.

no more Tide
by: Anonymous

I started using Tide (again) last summer, it cleans sweaty, smelly, 'stinky' clothes so well! Walmart discounted Tide in the large jugs; so I bought extra..used it all summer/fall, no problem. But, when cold, windy Nebraska winter hits; that's another matter. My skin gets dry, rough, scratchy, especially around waistlines, socks line on legs. I quit Tide (again) and resumed using Era or All Free. It seems to take a washing or 2 for Tide to come out of the clothes; but when it does, my skin feels so much better. Tide Free doesn't help; there's ingredients in Tide, that my skin doesn't LIKE or want, especially in the winter.

Attacked By Fire Ants
by: Anonymous

This only happens when I stay the night at someone else's house, or in hotels. I wake in the middle of the night, feeling like there are bugs crawling all over me. Intensely itchy! Even on my face, scalp, and in my ears. Added to that is my skin feeling like it is on fire. The only cure is to get away from the sheets, take a shower, change my pajamas, and figure out a different set-up for sleep. The first five or so times this happened, I found out which laundry detergent was being used. Tide, Tide, Tide...now I don't even check, I assume. I don't know what's in Tide that makes me have that reaction, but it is evil stuff.

Allergic to something in Tide Free and Clear
by: Anonymous

Thanks, all, for your input. I too am apparently allergic to something in both Tide and Tide Free and Clear, so I am going to try other hopefully simpler detergents.

mouth pain
by: David in DE

My daughter started to make slime with Tide. The smell has irritated my mouth. My teeth hurt whenever I am near an open bottle of Tide liquid laundry detergent. It’s been awful.

Oxi allergies
by: Taylor

Tried Tide oxi, needless to say bad allergic reaction. Bumps/lil lumps all over my back stomach and chest😰

Now developing allergies after a decade of use
by: Gail

After I hit 40, I began to scratch relentlessly when I used Tide scented laundry detergent. So I switched to Tide unscented.

I am now 53 and now scratch frequently. I thought it was mosquito bites until my primary care physician and my allergy doctor told me that I have contact dermatitis from Tide unscented.

My doctors told me that allergies develop as we get older and that I am to use less detergent or do two cycles: one using detergent; the other, just in clear water.

I hope it works!

Tide active sport, fresh floral
by: Susan Budnik

I have always used Tide, decided to try active sport, it was miserable, strongly scented which I broke out all over. Itching to the point of bruising my skin. Sleepless nights, used cortisone cream, calamine lotion, benadryl. Not too much relief. Then went and bought floral blast same issue, back to original one and still burn and itch, needless to say how much money spent on soap and rewashing all clean clothes again.

Not safe on skin
by: Anonymous

This is the first time I get rashes because of a detergent powder
My hands right now were red and burning..
I used tide detergent powder with downy perfume earlier to wash our clothes
I usually soak the clothes first for a minute before washing it completely (our washing machine are broken so I wash clothes by hands this time and I regret it) so after a minute I start washing it and I notice after a while that my hands turning red and I feel like my hands were burning seriously it hurts. I can't even hold a pen right now because it's really freaking hurts.

Allergic Reaction to Tide "Clean Breeze"
by: Brad

This should be removed from the market and the chemist who developed this formula should be fired. Clean Breeze, indeed! Since when does a clean breeze cause a violent coughing fit?

If Tide insists on keeping this poison on the market, they should change the name to "Toxic Breeze".

this website gave me so much information
by: AJA

I used Tide liquid to wash my cloths and bed sheets. After two days I felt my body was itching. I did not have any idea why I felt that way, but then I thought it was going to go away if I wait few days. In fact it got worse and now it was the first time in my life I am suffering something which I did not have knowledge, nor did I notice where the source was coming from. So I went to the doctor and he simply told me it was an allergy, he also said get rid of your shampoo. The doctor told me to get some allergy pills and cream. I did that and nothing has helped. This website gave me so much information.

Tide free
by: Anonymous

I've always had sensitive skin and allergies. For years tide free was all I could use, but it seems like something has changed, because I just washed all of my sheets and blankets and after a few hours of sleep my hands broke out in a horrible, itchy, burning rash :(

Tide ultra Oxi
by: Anonymous

Unbelievable. We started itchy for the last 2 weeks. I have always used tide. I can't believe it is the tide.

Our skin is red, bloody hives and welts. I went through our whole house wondering what could it be. My husbands eyes were shut solid.

I don't know if the formula has changed but we are done with any tide products. I had read on this site a dermatologist suggested All Free and Clear. That's my nest step.

Lots of washing coming up.

Why does Tide make me itch?
by: Melba Steward

I stopped using Tide a while back because I thought it was making me and my daughter itch. I thought I would try it again and my bed sheets and pajamas have me itching like crazy.

Same here!
by: Anonymous

I bought Tide Simply Clean, hastily thinking it’s the same as All free and clear. Ugh. Red bumps under my arms and on my waist also! I’m still trying to get the Tide out of my clothes! Could not be more unimpressed with Tide for making us all lose sleep and time taking care of this problem. Huge fail, Tide.

hives and more hives
by: Anonymous

Read all the comments...same. Will it ever come out?? I'm about to throw out my whole closet. Already replaced sheets, towels, blankets.

Can’t smell it with out reaction
by: Anonymous

I don’t know if there are others like me. I cannot walk down the laundry aisle because of Tide. If I get close to it I start itching and break into hives. Tide Powder used to be worse than the liquid, however just the smell makes me break out. No idea what it is about Tide. I have to send my son to get All free and clear for me because most stores put Tide at both ends of the aisle.

One week of allergies
by: Anonymous

borrowed my mother-in-law's washer and laundry soap, Tide, she swore by it. I was washing clothes to get ready for Family Church Camp. First day of camp I started itching and breaking out in a rash. Couldn't do anything about it for a week until camp was over.

Wow so many!
by: Anonymous

So, it took me years to realize that its been Tide that has been causing me so much pain! We established many years ago that Tide caused me to have an allergic reaction. Now this wasn't itching... more a burning !!

Years forward, my partner used Tide 3 washes prior to my clothes and I still felt the effects.

What is in this stuff??? NAPALM

perfumes in the dark blue TIDE are far too strong
by: Anonymous

My mother uses TIDE and both my brother and myself have severe allergic reactions to it. Recently, while visiting my sister-in-law, she offered to wash a few clothing items of mine as I was traveling for several days. I did not know she was going to wash the items with TIDE. The socks, underwear, and shirt she washed were so fragrant that my entire suitcase of clothes retained the scent. I had headaches and itched while wearing the items. I tried to wash the clothes several times to remove the scent but it lingered through several washings. Chemical(s) and/or perfumes in the dark blue TIDE are far too strong. I'm not sure what people are trying to remove or cover up on their fabrics that would need something so potent and long-lasting. I would choose mild allergen-free detergent whenever possible.

Had to get a steroid shot!!
by: Anonymous

Used Tide with oxi clean, started itching, I thought I got bit by mosquitoes. Next night woke up with eyes swollen and lips swollen. I wanted to rip my skin off. I had broke out in bad hives. I had to get a steroid shot at urgent care, it helped. Now 3rd day broke out in hives on legs, chest and arms. Using hydrocortisone cream and calamine lotion. I took back the Tide to Costco and got All free and sensitive skin. Praying this goes away, this is soo awful. These posts helped a lot!!

Febreze in laundry detergent
by: Anonymous

I have broken out twice with fungal type rashes around my bra and around my panties and back when I use laundry detergents with febreeze in them, when I’m more prone to sweating for days. And I have noticed my font load wash machine grows something smelly whenever I use these, as well as my clothes when wet. My regular detergent is ALL, no issues. Working in the chemical industry, I know that febreeze contains a polymer. Polymers are long carbon chains that are bacteria and fungus foods when they start decaying. Why on earth wood they use these in laundry detergent? When febreeze aerosol spray is used it just surrounds the stink particle and lets it fall onto a surface, where it starts decaying and growing bacteria. Why would you want this all over your carpet and unwashable fabrics?

Such a shame. It cleans so well.
by: Anonymous

My Grandmother told me she broke out after using Tide and her Dr told her it was too strong to use on her personal items. So for years I just used something else. Then one time, I decided to buy it because I had a coupon. It cleaned really well, and I thought I would probably switch brands. Then I, my husband and daughter, all started itching severely in our private areas. Although I like the product, I switched back to my usual brand and the itching stopped. Such a shame. It cleans so well.

Hives around my waist with yellow bottle
by: Henry Vescovi

My wife switched from the regular orange bottle to the new yellow bottle. I have never in 40 years had a hive until she switched bottles. I’m on 3 antihistamines and a h2 blocker to stop all this. It’s driving me crazy. She’s ok me not. I’m not even allergic to poison ivy but this product is rough on me. Switching to new product after I’ve tried everything.

Horrible hives
by: Whitni

I had little bubbles pop up all over my skin from this product, it’s the only Tide product I’ve ever had a reaction to. Horrible experience! Had to rewash everything in my wardrobe and all bedding, sucked!

Me too!!
by: Anonymous

This Tide gave me a bad skin reaction. After just a few minutes of wearing laundered clothing my skin was very itchy with small raised bumps and red blotches. The scent is also too much also...very strong of perfumes.

Rashes abound
by: Vicki C

I just used Tide for the very first time. My head is itching so bad and my back has hives all over it. And also itches really bad. Nothing has changed in my daily routine except the use of Tide so it has to be that.

HELP!!!!!!! I can't stop the itching, HELP!!!!

Any suggestion besides give it back! In the mean time any suggestions for the terrible itching and scratching??

needs to be some kind of warning on these bottles
by: Dawn P

My name is Dawn and I have been allergic to Tide since I had a massive set of breakouts when I was 8 years old. Now I am 47 and am on vacation with my boyfriend, helping settle his mom into her home in Florida. We were here 3 days when we decided we needed to wash some cloths. Now mind you, I’ve told my boyfriend a number of times I am allergic to Tide. Well I guess he wanted to see if I was lying. He added a small cup to the load and went on his merry way. That evening I took a shower with freshly washed towels and dressed in my night cloths that were also freshly washed. At about 12:30am I woke up very itchy and had hives everywhere you can think of. I had been dealing with it for 3 days before I finally decided to go to the ER for some help. This feels like fire ants all over me and I can’t stop it. The doctor noticed the rash right away and quickly administered steroid meds, and antihistamine, pain meds, and Benadryl. This is no joke. Not sure how something made to be gentle for babies can cause so much pain. My boyfriend has since rewashed all my laundry and bedding in detergent we use back home. There needs to be some kind of warning on these bottles.

me too
by: Lauren

I also had an allergy to Tide Free and Gentle. I was so disappointed because I love the scent.

Tide Plus with Downy
by: Sharyn L

Caused an allergic reaction. Red bumps, itching, swelling, etc. Do not recommend.

Rash from Tide liquid
by: Ryan

Bought some Tide at the store because they were out of my normal Persil, and the first time I used it I got a rash all over when wearing the clothes. I switched back to Persil, and the rash went away. Just to confirm, I used Tide again a few times over the course of a month, and broke out after each time. It's the Tide. How has this not been banned by the FDA yet?

Tide Itchiness
by: Anonymous

I have never used Tide, but one day at my sister's I washed a load in Tide 4-1 with Downey. Loved the smell of the clothes so I decided to by Tide. My skin is SO itchy and I have broken out in tiny pimples on my legs, arms, waste and hips. I recently moved into a new apartment and I thought the worst. Did the apartment have bugs? I used to check my bed almost daily. After reading your comments I am going to try and to use half the amount of Tide and once I have not more will switch back to another brand. Used Purex in the past and will probably go back to it. I remember a few years ago a co-worker mentioned that she could not use Tide as her son would break out. Never thought about it until I started to break out and the common denominator is TIDE.

Headaches and angry
by: Paul

My reaction to Tide and oxi products has always been more like just heat everywhere and head pressure and anger. I can't believe people use this poison and don't believe it when you tell them it is poison. Did I mention it is poison? I have never had an issue at a hotel. They know something we don't. Arm and Hammer scent and dye free is great. An at an AirBnB now that used Tide in the sheets. I just want to breathe. Fresh air please!

The Same Thing
by: Anonymous

That is weird. I had a reverse experience. My sister in law used Dreft and I broke out when I used the machine after her, but no issue with Tide Free Clear THEN I found out they are in fact actually the same!

Had to go to ED
by: Chelsea Leitcher

I usually use a different brand of free and clear. I recently bought yours because I happed to be at Walmart. This morning I had an anaphylactic reaction and had to go to the ED. I’ve never had this issue before with other brands so I’m wondering if it’s actually free and clear.

Tide Free & Gentle - will not use this again!
by: Anonymous

I have had a severe break out on the chest area. We use Tide Free and Gentle because my other soap wasn't there. It trigged my other skin problem as well, psoriasis. Went to dermatologist and she said it did look like an allergic reaction. She gave me a cream. It has been awful. Red, itchy and some areas looked like hives. Really sore around the neck. I can't wea shirts until this clears. We won't use this again!

Rash from Tide
by: Eric

My sister used Tide when I saw her one time I washed my clothes with Tide detergent, and it gave me a painful irritation under my armpits. Had underarm rash. Can’t use that detergent. I use Arm & Hammer instead with Oxiclean, no rashes at all.

Has Tide changed its formula?
by: Carolyn Long

Tide has always been a favorite in my house but something changed recently. I have been to 4 doctors this week, 1 at the emergency room Sunday, Eye doctor Monday, my regular doctor and a dermatologist Tuesday.

The Dermo took a biopsy and said I have a contact rash. The only thing new last week was Tide with a new perfume and 3 bushes planted. It isn't the bushes causing this problem because it is getting worse.

Spreading more, itching, burning, awful painful rash, and ugly. What did you do to my favorite detergent? It is wherever there is a rub or tightness of my clothing. Never have I had anything like this before.

A Tide user for many, many years.

by: Carol

I used Tide Original because I love the scent. After a few months I noticed a red rash that itched on my ankle area. After a few days of wearing the socks washed in Tide the rash got worse. I stopped using Tide and the rash went away. I wanted to use the rest of the box of Tide however but every time I used it the rash came back. I still have not found a detergent that I enjoy the scent of since I had to quit using Tide.

Hives! Hives! Hives!
by: Judy

I recently bought this Tide HE Turbo detergent one week ago. The following day after I used it I wore an outfit I had washed and I broke out in tiny blisters and hives all over the areas on my body where the clothing had touched my skin. It took me a full week to realize after my visit from the doctor what had happened. This detergent is not for gentle washes or simple loads. I had to throw it away and rewash all of my clothing in a free and gentle sensitive skin formula. I've been on antihistamine medication until my next doctor's appointment. I never knew that I could experience this type of allergy. It is just terrible. You itch so much that you can't even concentrate. I had washed a dress and a pair of stockings with this detergent also. By the end of the day wearing this I was a mess! I kept thinking it was something I ate or touched. I never imagined that I could break out from wearing clean clothing!!! They should really take this off the market. I think it's dangerous. If you do decide to use it, use it in small amounts with equal amounts or more water. I will never be able to use it again.

by: Frances

My skin was fine before I started using Tide pods. Now, I look like I have Vitiligo. I am an African American. My skin tone was like medium. Now, my skin is white on various parts of my body. It's been months since the rash, or whatever you want to call it and it hasn't gone away nor have my skin darkened. I'm going to a Dermatologist to make sure there's nothing more serious than an allergic reaction. Hopefully they can give me some type of treatment to return my skin back to its original coloring.

Hives on my 2yr old daughter
by: Vanessa Luna

So we bought Tide detergent and my 2 yr old daughter got hives so bad I've taken her to the ER. Several times her hives have been super bad. I won't be using Tide anymore at all.

Tide Oxi caused allergic reaction
by: Nicole

I broke out in hives and severe swelling from head to toe from this product. Had to go to the ER 3 times in the past 2 months to be put on an IV and prescribed many steroids. Severe pain and itching. Took some time to figure out this detergent was the cause of all this. Really took a toll on my life for a little while. I had to call out of work and cancel plans more than multiple times. Do not buy detergent with Oxi!

Allergic to new formula!
by: Maddie

I have used Tide for 40 years!!! Late last year I noticed that the scent of Tide with Downy and Tide Original had changed -- it was much stronger and lasted longer in clothes. I didn't really think anything of it until I broke out in a rash diagnosed as contact dermatitis. I kept saying nothing had changed -- I was using nothing new!! And then when I did a little investigation, it turns out the Tide formula had changed WITHOUT ANY INDICATION ON THE BOTTLE! This is unacceptable. You're going to change the product -- so be it. But you need to tell consumers, for multiple reasons that should be obvious.

I can't tell you how much Tide I've used over the years! And now I'm going to have to find a different product. Why mess with tried and true?????

Been allergic to this detergent since the 1940's
by: Anonymous

I have been allergic to Tide detergent since the 1940’s, and hoped that whatever was the trigger for my hives was no longer part of Tide by this time, or at least, not part of free and clear Tide. My friend used the pods regular version of Tide on sheets that were carefully stored, to no avail. Hives appeared anywhere my skin came in contact with the sheets, especially my face arms and feet and legs. The familiar rash also appeared with the free and clear version of Tide. Wish I knew what ingredient caused this familiar Tide allergy reaction. I will continue to avoid Tide for now.

Severe allergy skin reaction
by: Shannon

First off, I’ve lived alone most of my recent life and have severe food, outdoor and indoor allergies that I have to take prescription antihistamines for. In the past year I’ve been living with someone else who has been using this product in their wash. I obviously use the same machine after/before them and have had hives and seen several doctors regarding this "new severe dermatological condition." I’ve always had to use vegan products meaning they are safe to eat.(Anything else causes hives.) This person just gave me a shirt that smelled kinda off (perfume like, which I’m severely allergic to). I broke out in hives despite just taking my 2 antihistamine prescriptions and using my steroid cream! They told me "oh I’ve been using Tide." Thank gosh I can cancel the skin biopsy next week! I was having such a bad reaction daily I can’t even breathe this stuff without wheezing. I took the borrowed clothes off, showered and my skin is calm. :)

I’m exceptional in my sensitivities. For example, I can’t go into a home with a cat or dog. If you have any skin sensitivity please avoid this product.

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