I Now Use Era Instead Of The Cheapest Detergent Possible
by Lori Beth
Lori Beth shared this review of Era detergent on Stain Removal 101's Facebook wall, and then graciously allowed me to share it with everyone here on the site.
Lori Beth says:
Laundry detergent is something I used to always try and get the cheapest way possible. But I got tired of pretreating and also stains not coming out.
I have been using Era Original for a couple months now and I no longer have to
pre-treat, and also everything comes out of the wash looking brand new.
It is totally worth the 8 bucks a jug to me because I was having to throw out laundry from too many stains with every cheap thing I tried.
Oh, and I am in no way affiliated with Era. Just a housewife who enjoys someone telling me about awesome products, so when I find one I tell everyone I know :)
Era Laundry Detergent {Referral Links}
Taylor says:
Thanks Lori Beth for sharing your review.
The discussion we were having on the Facebook wall which spurred this discussion was based on this opinion from a reader which I had published, where she explained why she believes
people need more low cost laundry detergent options.
Do you think Era is a good deal for the money paid? I'd love for you to
share your opinion here, or even share a review of this brand if you've used it.
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Era Liquid Laundry Detergent Review - Fights Stains Well But Hate The Scent
by Drew
(Davenport, IA)
Drew has shared his Era liquid laundry detergent review.
Drew says:
I work for a major retail company. I am around liquid laundry detergent all of the time.
Additionally, due to my specific duties, my clothes become quite soiled and dirty.
I find it interesting and fun to experiment with different laundry detergents. I have the opportunity to be one of the first to smell the scent of new laundry detergents as they arrive.
This review is about Era liquid laundry detergent, the base kind, called "Active Stainfighter" formula. Where Era excels, without a doubt, is stain removal, in my opinion.
My clothes tend to be soiled by a wide variety of messes. Anything from typical
grease and grime to my lunch, which often includes
spaghetti sauce. Era did not let me down while fighting and combating these stains.
These stains are also often set in by as much as 7 days. This is due to only doing laundry once a week.
Era does disappoint in the nose department, however. While it does not leave any odor behind in the clothes, it does not smell appealing to begin with. I liken the scent of Era to aged garbage honestly. It's not enjoyable like many of the others.
On the other hand it's not overly scented with fufu stuff. So it can technically be a positive.
Taylor says:
Thanks Drew for sharing your review. I guess you are a braver soul then I, because if I thought something smelled like garbage I don't believe I would have washed my clothing in it. I guess the bright side is that you say it does not leave an odor behind in the clothing after they are washed.
If you read the other reviews that have already been submitted, you will notice that others say this too, about a mild or light scent after the clothing is washed (not about the garbage smell). Some people like to have a lingering scent, while others don't, which is I guess one of the many reasons there are so many formulations of detergent out there.
If anyone else has used this detergent you can
share your own Era laundry detergent review here, or read additional information about it.
You can also
share your laundry detergent review here, for any brand, telling me how it has worked for you.
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It's The Best & Doesn't Get The Recognition It Deserves
by Sharon Archard
(North Carolina, USA)
I would like to give a shout out to ERA laundry detergent. It is the best product I have ever used.
I have been using it for over 20 years and it has not failed me yet.
I first tried to remove blood stains and have been using it every since.
It is an unsung product that has worked effectively without having to be changed. I would use this instead of all the new products that they improve on today.
It takes out berry stains, blood and ring around the collar.
I had a suit that I pulled out my closet which I had not worn in over 8 years. I noticed it had a stain on it. Since I had not worn it for so long I thought that I could not get the stain out, I thought the stain was set and unremovable.
I rubbed some ERA on it and washed it and the stain came out.
ERA is a detergent that gets no recognition and I think it should.
My main problem with ERA is that I am finding it hard to buy. I think the company that produces this product should make it known to the public of its unique qualities and make it more available.
I went to three stores today and was unable to purchase any. Help me out please.
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Era Detergent Reviews - Pros And Cons
by Kathryn Hillman
Kathryn says:
In the past I used liquid Era quite often.
The best thing about it is that it’s very reasonably priced, and that really helps out when you’re strapped for cash and have lots of laundry to do because of kids.
I used it when I lived in an apartment and had to go to the laundry room and pay for washing and drying. It really helps to have that extra few quarters.
However, I’ve found Era doesn’t really have a long lasting fresh scent after the clothes have been washed.
Having fresh smelling clothes, towels, and linens is important to me; I hate that musty smell, especially working in fast food, with lots of grease and food odors.
Era’s stain-fighting power also left something to be desired.
Since then I have found that it is worth it to spend the extra few dollars and get extra concentrated detergent with baking soda.
Taylor says:
Kathryn, thanks for your Era detergent review.
Has anyone else used Era for washing their clothes? If so, you can
share your Era laundry detergent review here, or read others that have already been submitted.
In addition, you can
share your laundry detergent reviews here for any brand, telling me what you like or don't about it, and why.
Era Laundry Detergent {Referral Links}
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CAUTION: This website is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided as is, without warranties or guarantees. Some stains and messes just won't come out, and are permanent. Further, some cleaning methods can harm your item, so if what you want to clean or launder is sentimental or expensive call a professional. See disclaimer of liability for more information.