Sad About The Suds: Original Gain Scent No Longer The Same
by Pat Koelln
Taylor's Introduction:
I think the most often sent in Gain laundry detergent review I receive here at Stain Removal 101 is complaints about the new, and "improved" scent of Original Gain, which is often referred to as "Freshlock."
People are VERY loyal to their original Gain scent, it seems, and since Procter & Gamble messed with it many people have revolted, lamented, complained, and even switched to a different detergent.
I used to have these reviews spread throughout the rest of the reviews, but they became so common I decided to group them together to let everyone commiserate in the same place at the same time.
If you're sad about the new scent, read on to find people who feel just the same, and be sure to
add your two cents and opinions by clicking here! Now, here's the first review.
Pat says:
I have been using Gain powder and liquid soap for years. I do not like the new scent that they have changed of the Original Gain powder and liquid.
Whatever formula they have started using has totally destroyed the distinctive scent of the original Gain. Why would you want your product to smell like every other product on the market and worse, it reminds me of those cherry scented free standing bathroom air fresheners.
If they wanted to change the formula why didn't they create another scent instead of tampering with the original scent, which was sublimely subtle?
I have stopped purchasing the product which makes me very sad. There was nothing else that was better than the original Gain on the market.
I would think they would have the same reaction to this new scent as what happened with Coca Cola when they changed their original formula-They did bring back their original.
Taylor says:
Thanks Pat for sharing your opinions. You are definitely not the first person to share that the new formula's scent has changed from the way it used to smell.
I am curious, for those who have used both the old and new versions of Gain, what do more of you think of the scent now? Some people continue to like it without complaint, but for others, like Pat, the change in scents is a deal breaker. You can
share your own reviews and thoughts here, or read even more reviews already submitted.
Gain Laundry Detergent {Referral Links}
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Gain Liquid Original Scent Review - Don't Like Smell Left On Clothing
by Jenee
(Topeka, KS)
Jenee has provided her Gain liquid original scent review.
Jenee says:
I used the Original Gain liquid formula a few months ago. It was reasonably priced and that was attractive for me to try it.
While the detergent does
remove stains, and get your clothes clean it leaves behind a very strange odor.
While in the bottle the detergent has a lovely "spring" scent. However, after the clothes have been washed and dried that "spring" scent more closely resembles urine.
I spent a couple of hours trying to figure out what in the world the offensive odor was before finally realizing that it was the clothing that I had just washed.
I could not get the smell to go away and finally ended up having to rewash everything in a different laundry detergent. If you can get past the odor the laundry detergent did leave the clothing soft, which is a plus.
But because of the strange odor problem I will definitely not be buying the Gain laundry detergent again.
Taylor says:
Jenee, thanks for your review.
I definitely wouldn't like the smell of a detergent either if, to me, it smelled liked urine. Yuck.
It is interesting that you don't like the scent, because I have received so many reviews from people who really love it.
Interestingly though, Gain just recently added something called "Freshlock" to its scents. Many people have since
complained that it changed the smell, and they no longer like it anymore.
Has anyone else noticed this issue? If you have used Gain for a long time, and now notice a difference in the scent, good or bad, since they have introduced Freshlock please tell me about it.
You can
share your Gain laundry detergent reviews here, or read others already submitted.
In addition you can
share your laundry detergent review here, for any other brand, telling what you do or don't like about it, and why.
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Gain With Freshlock Stinks
by Lois
Lois says:
I have been a Gain laundry detergent user for upwards of 15 or more years. It has seen us through three children (two of whom were preemies and we used Gain on their very delicate bedding and clothing while they were in the NICU).
I have always loved the way Gain smelled - and back when I first started purchasing Gain, there was only one scent, which I have stuck by since it is my favorite.
Along comes new "Freshlock" to lock in the fresh smell. Well, personally, I find the locked in smell to be of sour grape gum that children love to chew. Ugh.
This has not been an improvement by any means on the wonderful, fresh smell Gain used to have.
And it is not limited to the original scent of Gain. It applies to all the new "flavors" and it is found in both powder and liquid.
I know. I've tried most of them. It is AWFUL.
I have had to go searching store shelves high and low for bottles and boxes without Freshlock.
Suffice to say, I have enough laundry detergent for the next year or so, as I buy the detergent whenever I see it WITHOUT Freshlock.
But I've also been searching high and low for a new laundry soap that will clean as well as Gain and leave a fresh scent. The closest I've come is
Cheer, which isn't quite as nice, but it may have to do once I've used the last of my precious non-Freshlock Gain.
Just my opinion, I'm sure others love the smell, but why do manufacturers have to "improve" what is already working, and working well??
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Gain's Scent Is Not The Same With The Concentrated Formula
by Shawn
(Fruitland Park, Florida)
Shawn sent in this review of Gain laundry detergent.
Shawn says:
I have been using Gain for many many years. Then, all of a sudden, it comes out with this concentrated formula and it smells terrible.
Something they did to formulate this concentrated formula has made it become one of the worst smelling laundry detergents out there. Nothing about it is the same. I have stopped using it. Sad day.........
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your Gain laundry detergent review Shawn, but I'm sorry you've been disappointed.
It can happen when there are formula changes that the scent will also change. I am assuming when you discuss the more concentrated version you mean the powdered version, but if you don't, please clarify if you have time.
Many people have not been happy with the recent changes to Gain powder.
Has anyone else noticed a change in Gain's scent along with any new formulations?
share your own reviews and experiences with this detergent here.
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New Gain Original with FreshLock STINKS!!!!
by SR101 Reader
An SR101 reader has shared their opinion of the new Gain with Freshlock.
SR101 Reader says:
I've used Gain Original laundry detergent for many years because of the WONDERFUL SMELL it leaves in my clothes. Now they've added something they say is to extend the scent in your laundry, & it has entirely CHANGED THE SMELL TO SOMETHING AWFUL!!!
I might note that I recently took my cotton turtlenecks out of the drawer where they've been stored since last winter. They had been washed with the old Gain original and they still had that wonderful smell.
It seems that Gain has fixed something that wasn't broken. What a disappointment. The new product's smell was so offensive that I threw it out & am in the process of trying other detergents. None have come close to the wonderful scent of the Original Gain before they "improved" it.
Taylor says:
You aren't the first person to complain about this problem, unfortunately.
Has anyone else noticed a different, good or bad, with the new scent? You can
share your own review or opinions here.
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My Two Cents Worth On New Gain With Freshlock
by SR101 Reader
SR101 Reader says:
Here is my two cents worth on Gain. They are catering to a concept that their "freshlock" scent will remain on your clothing for weeks. Folks, that is not normal!
I firmly believe that whatever they have put in their detergent to remain on your clothing for weeks shouldn't be touching your skin, much less you inhaling it!
I love the "old school" scent, but not the freshlock.
I've switched to
Tide, but I'm not thrilled with their product either. The original Tide's formula has changed as well as the
April Fresh Downy (now that stinks too--like bug spray!).
Marketing is tricky! They are like everyone else trying to make more for their money; therefore, interfering with a good product.
They are adding cheaper ingredients, downsizing it and making it look like it is Ultra when fillers are added (passing on the cost to us). Very disheartening!
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That Wonderful Smell From Original Gain Is GONE
by Doris Leonard
(Monson, Ma Hampden)
Doris shared her opinion with me about the new scent of Gain's "Original" scent laundry detergent.
Doris says:
Please, PLEASE, PLEASE take out whatever changed that wonderful smell Gain used to have.
I've been seriously thinking of changing my detergent. If it stays like it is I WILL change. I am looking at other detergents now.
Taylor says:
Doris, you are definitely not the only person who has noticed this change in their formula, but it has been so long now since Gain changed I doubt they will be changing back.
In addition, Doris, please note that I am an independent website not affiliated with this detergent brand, so although I've published your opinion on the web it hasn't gone as a customer complaint directly to Gain. Just wanted to make sure you understood that. :)
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I Cannot Tolerate The New Original Gain
by LeeAnne
I used Gain for 20+ years and always loved it.
My son would visit from college and be so happy that his clothes smelled nice after being laundered at home (and it was the Gain).
I have tried the new Original Scent and absolutely cannot tolerate the smell. I have had to re-wash clothes in an unscented detergent to try and was the stink of the new Gain out of my blouses.
It is so strong and so unpleasant!
Why oh why do companies discontinue popular products?
I now use Amway detergent but would swap back to the old Gain in a heartbeat if it were available.
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Terrible Change To Gain Original Scent Liquid HE
by Pete
I picked up a new bottle in December of the Original Scent Liquid HE.
I just used it the other day and I was shocked by the change to this time tested fresh scent. It now smells like a cheap fruity air freshener as compared to it's old beautful scent I've used for 10 years or more.
I have enough left of an older bottle to compare and there is no contest. I notice the older bottle says "Original Fresh" the new one just says "Original".
It may clean just as well but the scent even on clean clothes just doesn't work for me. It's like I'm wearing somene else's clothes!!
I also notice the new one has a milky color to the green, the old one was just pure green transparent. I wonder what is in that milky soup?
Anyway GAIN, I liked you for so long. Now to find a new friend, not owned by P & G who obviously don't care about their customers.
Taylor says:
Hi Pete, thanks so much for sharing your Gain laundry detergent review, and how the scent has changed.
You're definitely not the first person to complain to me about the scent. I'm not sure whey Gain changed, but many people don't like the new version. Sometimes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?
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The Fresh Scent Of Gain Needs To Be Changed Back
by WendyJRL
I wondered if maybe I had lost my sense of smell (not
I have used Gain for 20+ years and I knew that something was different and less appealing about my Gain detergent lately (I use the powder-more for your money in my opinion).
I would get many compliments on the fresh "clean" scent at work and when even simply walking thru the store.
CHANGE IT BACK!!!...why "fix" something that wasn't broken to begin with??
I miss the clean scent and am venturing out to find a new "fresh & clean" detergent.
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The Original Smell Of Gain Liquid Is Gone
by SR101 Reader
I've been using liquid Gain for years because it smelled so good--------but not anymore. Where did the smell go?
I sure am very disappointed. I just switched to another brand, but if you bring that great smell back, I will switch right back. PLEASE bring it back!!!!!!
Gain is a great product and I really would rather use it than any other brand.
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The New Formula Stinks
by Leona
(Montreal, QC)
I used to love Gain. This new formula stinks.
The clothes smell moldy.
Right now I am wearing a top that I had washed last week with this detergent and I am gagging.
I don't know whether I'd be able to make it to the end of the day. Usually, a fragrance only lasts for 1 to 2 hours but this seems to last forever.
I called P&G to complain and I was told that it might be batch that got exposed during shipment.
From the online reviews I've read so far, I seriously doubt this as being the case.
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Yuk - Now The Smell Gives Me A Headache
by Barby
I have always liked the scent of Original Gain because it didn't have the sweet children's candy smell of most detergents and fabric softeners.
It used to smell like had a very pleasant woodsy smell.
The new scent gives me a headache.
If it works....dont' fix it!
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I Want The Original Original Gain Back!!!
by Cheryl
(Springfield, Ohio)
I was a loyal user of Gain before they changed the scent.
I loved the smell and it lasted forever.
I would wash my clothes at the end of the season, pack them in a tote, and when I opened the tote up again the great smell would hit me and it was as if I just took them out of the dryer, mmmmmmm good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I no longer use this brand because it just does not smell good.
Please bring back the original original scent as a option and I will return as a loyal user again.
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"New" Original Scent .... NOT
by Kate
I kept buying what was referred to as "original scent" because I always loved it.
Each time I did I was disappointed and thought they must have labeled it wrong.
I will NOT be using it again.
This new, supposedly original, scent is revolting to me.
It smells like old flowers.
The OLD smell was fresh and clean.
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Disappointed With The "New" Original Scent
by Kay
(Louisville, KY)
I loved, loved, loved Gain laundry detergent and was a loyal customer for years.
I wouldn't even think of buying another brand.
I would find myself at work just sniffing my shirt because I loved the scent so much.
I loved doing laundry just because of that wonderful scent. It was like nothing else on the market - not flowery, not fruity, just indescribably fresh.
But when Gain changed their "Original" scent, they lost me as a customer.
This is not the original scent!
And whatever it is, I do not like it.
I will not purchase it again unless they come to their senses and bring back the true "Original" scent that so many of us loved and dearly miss.
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I've Switched Now Since It Stinks!
by SR101 Reader
I too have switched after the scent of "original" Gain changed.
I did write to them but they didn't offer any explanation, only a coupon.
How can they change something and call it original?
The same thing has happened with Wisk, which I absolutely can't stand anymore.
My husband is allergic to Tide, so I'm looking for a new favorite....
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The Odor Is So Strong I Can Almost Taste It!
by Kaye
(Victoria BC Canada)
This detergent is horrible. The odor of it is so strong that it literally made me feel ill the day I used it for my laundry and spending $3.50 per load, I just decided to put up with the smell.
I will be giving the huge container of the liquid Gain away just to get rid of it.
Must be really awful for those who are allergic to artificial scents. I am sitting here typing and my nose is still picking up the smell of Gain on my clothes. Yuk!
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Gain Original Scent Liquid: Now It Smells Like Cherry Pez!
by Sue
(Woodstock, VT)
Sue says:
I have been using Gain liquid original scent for many, many years and have never so much as considered using a different laundry detergent...until recently.
You have changed something in the formula and the wonderful, clean scent is gone!
My clean laundry is now left with a strong lingering, sweet smell of cherry Pez! WHY did you change the scent?
I have one giant container to use and I'm afraid that I'll be searching for a different laundry detergent for the first time in 30 years! Please bring back the original scent!
Taylor says:
Thanks for sharing your experience with the most recent formulation of Gain Sue.
As you may be aware I am not in any way affiliated with this detergent brand, and therefore I cannot personally do anything to change this reformulation.
You aren't the first, however, to make this complaint to me. There are MANY people not happy with the new scent. I believe Gain themselves had had lots of complaints about it too. So many, in fact, that I noted recently on their FAQ page on the website the following question and answer:
Q: The scent in this product has changed and I don't like it.
A: We want your nose to be happy. Take a sniff of one of our other 11 great scents and let your nose decide if a different scent is right for you.
Based on this answer I am guessing they are not going to be changing the scent back anytime soon. Instead, they're just hoping you'll try another scent.
Gain Powder Detergent {Referral Links}
If you're interested in a whole new brand, make sure to check out the
laundry detergent reviews section of this website, where I've provided information and reviews of the top brands, that can help you choose the best detergent for you.

Good luck, and hope you find a new scented detergent that you enjoy!
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Laundry Washing Detergent Guide: Facts & Essential InformationGo From Gain Laundry Detergent Reviews: #1 Complaint Is The New Original Scent Stinks To Home Page
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